This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1829 6000 coffees!share the joy

Chapter 1829 6000 coffees!share the joy
On November 4, the weather was fine.

The noon sun was slightly dazzling. Lin Cheng waited in the corner of the square at Ulsan Railway Station, keeping his eyes on the direction of the exit of the train station.

The flow of people at Ulsan Station is not particularly large. Even at the arrival node of the high-speed rail, there is no feeling of crowds swarming out. Lin Cheng easily spotted the tall and slender figure of his girlfriend.

Han Shuyan has long hair tied into a low ponytail today, wearing a simple light-colored T-shirt, blue jeans wrapping her slender and well-proportioned legs, and a pair of white sneakers on her feet.

Clean and bright.

Compared with the elegance and gentleness of wearing professional attire on weekdays, today's Han Shuyan exudes another kind of charm.

"Sister Shuyan."

Lin Cheng quickly greeted him.

"I told you not to come, you should feel at ease and prepare for the game."

Her tone was reproachful, but her crescent-like smiling eyes were extraordinarily gentle.

"It's okay! The game will start in the afternoon."

Lin Cheng grabbed Han Shuyan's hand, "When are we going to see grandma?"

"Wait for you to finish the game first, I told grandma to go back have to work hard! Xiaotong can't come today, but she will watch the game at home."

"No problem! I don't even know how to lose with my wives supervising the battle."

Lin Chengxin patted his chest full of confidence, and Han Shuyan took out her sunglasses from the bag with a smile and put them on Lin Cheng, "Let's go! My great lover."


Back to the city by car, the two found a restaurant to eat at random, and then sat in the cafe for a while before heading to the competition venue.

Dongcheon Gymnasium is located in the south of the National Sports Center, next to the Ulsan Sports Complex, which used to be the home of the K-League giants Ulsan Hyundai, and is now more used to host various sports or entertainment activities.

Walking along the well-proportioned stone road of the sports center, the two saw that the LCK banner had been hung on the road pole next to it.

In addition to the team logo of the two brothers of the news agency, there are busts of Lin Cheng and Faker back to back standing on the side of the road, just like a trump card against the trump card.

Occasionally, passers-by took out their mobile phones and took photos with the signs of the two.

Han Shuyan found it interesting, she stood next to Lin Cheng's sign and asked Lin Cheng to take a picture of her.

This guy Lin Cheng thought someone was too obtrusive, so he deliberately blocked Faker from the camera, and only took a photo of his girlfriend with his sign.

"OK! It's done."

Han Shuyan took the phone, a little dissatisfied, "I should be wearing high heels today, my sister is much shorter than you in the photo."

"How can there be? I am much shorter than this brand, why don't I take another photo behind your back."

While speaking, Lin Cheng turned around and squatted down.

Han Shuyan was silent.

"Oh! Don't be shy."

"It's an old couple!"

"Come up, please! The train is about to start."

"Dididi! The dump truck leading to happiness is about to start."

Lin Cheng turned his head and found his girlfriend standing aside, turning his head away to pretend that he didn't know him.

She was obviously snickering.

The gazes from the couple passing by were a bit strange.

Where did this come from?
That's probably what their line of sight meant.

Lin Cheng confirmed the mask.

Fortunately, just now Brother Cheng carried his back and lowered his head, even if he was ashamed, others should not recognize it.

"How empty are you! Red Bean Private Marseille."

Hearing that Lin Cheng suddenly started to speak Japanese, Han Shuyan was puzzled.

Lin Cheng glanced around secretly, and said in a low voice, "I'm pretending to be Japanese, I can't disgrace the Chinese outside."

Han Shuyan suppressed a smile, "But do you know these two sentences? It doesn't look like it at all."

"Of course I'll have others."

Lin Cheng thought for a while, then took a deep breath: "Ya Butterfly! Yay Butterfly! Yay Butterfly!"

"Ah! Where did you learn it? My sister doesn't know you."

Han Shuyan covered her face and turned around to leave. Lin Cheng laughed and chased after her.

There are still two hours before the start of the game, and the square outside the stadium is already very lively.

You know, the Dongchuan Stadium covers an area of ​​more than 77000 square meters, which is larger than that of Manchester United's home stadium, Old Trafford. The huge square outside the stadium has become the surrounding event venue for this final.

Many large-scale hand-painted paintings about the background of the league attracted the audience to stop. Cosplayers acted as LOL characters and allowed the audience to take pictures around the square. A large number of LOL character models were exhibited, and the support wall was filled with fans' names...

The two were strolling around the square, and Lin Cheng stared and looked at a girl who was obviously Cos' own champion skin.

Han Shuyan looked over.

Lin Cheng said seriously, "Don't get me wrong, I'm just observing my skin."

"You can watch it if you like, can my sister not let you watch it?"

"What are you talking about? Do I still look at other people when the Lord is in front of me? This is the skin I designed based on Sister Shuyan."

Lin Cheng whispered to his girlfriend's ear, "When will Sister Shuyan cosplay for me, please. Sister Shuyan's beautiful legs in black silk, Irelia, must be much prettier than that model."

Han Shuyan turned her head shyly, "Ignore you! Go and meet up with your teammates, don't delay the business."

"It's okay! I've already told them in advance."

While talking, Lin Cheng looked around for something.

Finally, he saw a boxcar at a crowded corner.

"Go! I'll take you to see something good."

Lin Cheng led his girlfriend and leaned over.

At this moment, there is already a long queue beside the car.

Going around to the other side of the car, Han Shuyan was surprised to find that a video recorded by Lin Cheng was playing on the outside screen of the car.

The video was recorded by Lin Cheng yesterday.

On the screen, he looks happy.

"For well-known reasons, I will provide 100 cups of coffee to the audience friends for free."

"But before that, I have a very, very, very happy news to share with you."

"That's... my girlfriend is definitely coming to watch the game tomorrow! She called me just now! Isn't this news great? Hahahahaha!"

An emoji of Pao Pao Bing was cut out in the screen at the right time.

Wearing a green helmet, the kid with a bare upper body and green underpants laughed wildly with his hands on his hips.

"So I decided to provide a free coffee to all the spectators present. I wish everyone a good mood watching the game tomorrow. I love you!"

A simple video was played in a loop, and Lin Cheng's happiness and joy almost overflowed the screen.

The KT fans at the scene responded with enthusiastic cheers.

Some T1 fans were a little upset, but others followed suit.

Although in the video Lin Cheng was a little underwhelmed, but the joy from the heart couldn't fool anyone.

Regardless of his standpoint, Lin Cheng is actually quite likable.

What's more, there is free coffee to drink.

Some people on the scene decided to give Lin Cheng a temporary exemption from black privileges... until the start of the game.

It would be even better for T1 fans if they could drink Lin Cheng's coffee and watch T1 beat KT violently in front of Lin Cheng's girlfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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