This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1834 Childish Ghost

Chapter 1834 Childish Ghost

Regarding the selection of the Asian Games, in fact, Chinese stream audiences have no objection to Lin Cheng's selection.

Based on his performance in the past two years, as long as Lin Cheng does not refuse to be recruited, there is no possibility of losing the national team.

It can even be said that even if the candidates for other positions are not confirmed, most people think that Lin Cheng is already a certainty.

The only surprise is that he plays in the LCK and has a problem with domestic players.

On the contrary, today's final will have a great influence on the selection of the South Korean Asian Games team.

Anyway, except for Beryl, the 9 starting Koreans are all first- and second-team players in the spring split, and they all have the hope of competing for the Asian Games spot.

Even Brother Yuanshen has an excellent game reading ability, which doesn't mean that he must not be selected.

The barrage is endlessly debated.

"So whoever wins today will go to the Asian Games, right? "

"Rookie should have no chance, Faker will definitely go, and Chaowei's voice is also very high"

"It depends on whether Mr. Dai can squeeze out little Lu Bu"

"What if KT wins today and Mr. Dai goes to MSI to commit crimes like crazy? "

"impossible! Deft is very stable now, not very good at committing crimes"

"Little Lu Bu will commit a crime at first glance, MSI limited version is coming"

Finally, the camera cut to the scene again.

After the arrangement, two rows of parallel and opposite competition seats appeared on the open stage, and the contestants of both sides have finished debugging their equipment.

The game officially begins.

Although Mr. Kang Dongxun was a bit weak, he never seemed to lose a coin toss, and KT won the right to pick the side in the first round.

In the first game, KT was the first to BAN and choose first on the blue side.

As soon as he came up, KT first pressed the blind monk.

The red square T1 backhand disables Daomei.

Although he was mentally prepared, Lin Cheng still felt a little uncomfortable.

Sister Shuyan was at the scene, so he just wanted to use his champion skin, is there a problem?

Stretching his neck to take a look, the players of T1 seemed to be still laughing.

Lin Cheng withdrew his gaze, his expressionless face was caught by the director.

"Ha ha!Brother Cheng's resentful eyes"

"Death Stare"

"Brother Chengzi: Are you the only ones who dare to ban my Daomei?"wait! "

"One thing to say, Brother Chengzi looks handsome with an ID printed on his face"

"This is posted by Mrs. Cheng herself, invincible BUFF"

The biggest advantage of the blue team's first round of BP is that it can target the player's hero pool, while the red team should consider more powerful heroes of the version.

After KT, he disabled the enchantress + Xin Zhao with both hands.

After T1 pressed Zeli, he hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to ban Qinggangying.

Zeyuan: "Oh! The BP pressure is too great, so the cards are released! T1 will ban all the cards on the red side this season, but there is really no BAN slot against KT."

Wan Wan: "But to be honest, KT is not easy to grab cards on the blue side, because T1 likes to use the policewoman + Karma to destroy the opponent's bottom lane combination on the red side."

"Once KT grabs the card first, it is very likely that the bottom lane will not be able to get neither the policewoman system nor the Karma system. No matter how you choose, you will not be able to play the policewoman + Karma."

Obviously KT also thought that this card is not easy to get, and the blue side snatched Karma on the first floor.

In fact, Yuanshen brother's Karma skills are not very good, but the current version of this hero is full of numerical charm, and his ability to fight in the bottom lane in the early stage is strong, and there is no limit to the follow-up choice of AD.

Unlike Lux, who can only be used as a policewoman, Karma can not only protect the development of big-core AD, but also form a strong laning combination with tool people like Jhin.

The red side directly locks the policewoman + card without saying anything.

Although Gumayusi's 100% winning rate was broken by Lin Cheng last time when he switched to the bottom lane, but after all, this time it is Mr. Dai who is facing off, and Xiao Lu Bu is still very confident.

KT backhanded the second floor and locked EZ first.

Remember: "Karma EZ again! Deft really likes to use this combination to beat the policewoman Lacus."

Wanwan: "Actually, Karma + EZ can only develop on the same level as the female policeman Lacus, but EZ is an advantage as long as the hero is not overwhelmed during the laning phase, and vice versa is a disadvantage if the female policeman can't be suppressed in the laning phase."

Zeyuan smiled: "No problem! According to the canyon theory of relativity, if the female policeman can't suppress EZ, it means that the bottom road has collapsed, right?"

Wanwan chuckled, "That makes sense, you can't beat T1 in the top lane anyway, and another collapse in the bottom lane is equal to the explosion of the base... You've already won!"

"Laugh!The night begins again"

"Already won, 233333"

"She's so cute! "

"You're still laughing late at night, did you see the ID on Brother Chengzi's face?"Printed by Your Enemy in Love"

"Wanwan is not even a rival in love, Mrs. Cheng doesn't care about her (crying)"

After EZ, the blue side took the prince in the third hand.

The red square is to confirm Lacus.

The second round of BAN people.

KT presses down Fiego + Centaur.

Since the opponent didn't take the jungler in the first round, then target the jungler to the end.

T1 is very targeted to ban Jess + aircraft.

"Generally speaking, it's Jess who banned Zeus in the first round, but Zeus still doesn't have much confidence in facing Brother Orange."

"And Rookie Jess also played well, KT likes this kind of character that can be swayed very much."

Start picking.

On the fourth floor of the red square T1, directly lock Ornn.

Zeyuan: "Aoun! T1 is determined to hit the bottom half. Aoun's selection means that the cards will not fly up."

"The female police system has card support, and the balance of the bot lane can easily be broken. Let's see if KT should protect the bot lane? Or just give up the bot lane and attack the upper half where Brother Cheng is located?"

Soon, KT's last two choices gave the answer.

Galio + Silas.

Rookie chose Galio to fly against the cards, and made it clear that he was unwilling to give up his bottom lane, otherwise he could choose a big core in the middle lane to farm with peace of mind.

On the top lane, Lin Cheng also has a natural advantage in laning. As early as the season when he first entered the professional arena, he liked to use Silas to Counter Aoun.

The red side sacrificed the nightmare with the last hand.

Zeyuan: "Follow it to the end! T1 came up today to pierce the bottom lane! Cards + nightmares take care of the bottom lane in turn. KT's Galio can't survive."

Remember: "Knowing that Brother Chengzi is not easy to mess with on the top lane, T1's tactical thinking in the first game today is very clear. It is to protect Xiao Lu Bu's policewoman to tear open the bottom lane."

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Liberator, Sylas)
Jungle: Cuzz (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Mid lane: Rookie (Colossus of Justice, Galio)
Bot Lane: Deft (Explorer, Ezreal)
Support: Beryl (Apocalypse, Karma)
Red square T1.

Top lane: Zeus (Blaze of the Mountain Hidden, Ornn)

Jungle: Oner (Eternal Nightmare, Nocturne)

Mid lane: Faker (Cardmaster, Drizzt)
Bot Lane: Gumayusi (Piltown Cop, Caitlyn)
Support: Keria (Glory Girl, Lux)
Remember: "Obviously both sides seem to be fighting around the bottom lane, T1 will focus on the bottom lane, and KT will have to find a way to keep the bottom lane from being breached."

Zeyuan: "I think there is no problem with the way of thinking. It has been proved countless times that it is too difficult to break through the top lane where Brother Cheng is. It depends on how T1 plays the rhythm of the bottom lane today."

"But the question is, can Zeus Aoun alone really be able to resist Brother Chengzi? I'm afraid that T1 will not get a result in the bottom lane, and he will be cleared by Brother Chengzi first on the top road."

The live broadcast shot was given to Lin Cheng.

He is carefully deploying runes, and the ID on his cheek is particularly conspicuous.

The audience cheered enthusiastically.

Lin Cheng seemed to have just come back to his senses, and smiled at the camera.

Then he stretched out his left hand, stretched out his thumb, curled up his four fingers, and put it on his cheek in a half-hearted gesture.

Now the online audience knew that he was interacting with his girlfriend, and the bullet screens were all about eating lemons.

KT fans imitated Lin Cheng and interacted with each other.

"Tch! Childish ghost."

Han Shuyan was disgusted, but she still secretly stretched out her right hand to make the same gesture as Lin Cheng, and put it on her cheek.

Her eyes are very gentle.

On the right cheek, Lin Cheng's ID was surrounded by half-hearted gestures.

(End of this chapter)

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