This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1840 2:0!Korean Internet is messed up

Chapter 1840 2:0!Korean Internet is messed up
Ji Sung Hee's joke made the KT lounge cheerful.

But in fact, everyone knows that not everyone among them has a chance to be selected for the Asian Games list.

In the middle, even though Rookie is in great form this year, his competitor is Faker.

No matter who chooses the Korean representative team, it is estimated that they will not have the guts to leave Faker behind.

Aren't you afraid of being bullied by the Internet?
Cuzz's competitors include Oner for a while, as well as Canyon and Peanut, who are very popular, but they are actually very hanging.

Beryl is going to compete with the assistant Keria of the 'Calendar Monster', and his operational disadvantages are obvious to the naked eye.

Mr. Dai is currently the most hopeful.

After all, he won all the championships with KT last year, and he has maintained a good state this year.

Currently there are only two players who can pose a threat to Deft: Ruler and Gumayusi.

But limited by the team's performance, Ruler has little hope.

Little Lu Bu's voice was quite loud.

Because his style looks very fierce, without a champion, he has already been praised as the world's number one ADC.

The most coquettish thing is that little Lu Bu himself thinks so.

Since his debut, he has been live broadcasting the selection of skins. Last year, Mr. Dai chose the champion skin and chose a policewoman. As a result, Xiao Lu Bu said in an interview: Although the owner of Caitlyn’s skin is not me, I think I am the number one Caitlyn in the world.

Look like?
Does it look like Uzi fans covet Vayne's skin?
But at least Uzi would not come out and say such things himself. Little Lu Bu's operation caused extreme dissatisfaction among Mr. Dai's fans.

But Mr. Dai is humble and doesn't care about such things.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng often stood up to speak for Lao Dai.

Without reminding the audience a few words, they really thought that Mr. Dai's championship was a mess.

In fact, Lin Cheng really didn't think there was anything that little Lu Bu could do better than Mr. Dai besides the sense of oppression on the lane.

In Lin Cheng's opinion, little Lu Bu's skills are too crooked.

On the laning advantage, he looks like a god of war, but when he can't play the advantage or needs him to resist pressure, Xiao Lu Bu often performs unsatisfactory.

Especially his ability to find output in team battles is not very strong.

This year's Spring Split T1 record is 17-1, Lu Bu's KDA is luxurious, and his economic ratio ranks second among the ten teams. As a result, the damage conversion rate and damage ratio are all bottom-to-bottom.

Although this has something to do with other T1 players' strong ability to deal damage, it can't be said that it has nothing to do with him.

Of course, Lu Bu himself is also a top AD, but he doesn't match the powerful team fighting style of the traditional Korean AD.

If the line can be penetrated, the threat of little Lu Bu will be great.

But once the bot lane has no advantage, players like Mr. Dai and Ruler will benefit the team even more.

Soon, the second game began.

T1 changes to the blue side, BAN first and choose first.

The BP pressure of the blue team will be a little less, and the first three BANs of T1 lost Daomei + Qinggangying + Karma.

The red side is to press the blind monk + Ryze + Zeli.

Both the card and the policewoman were released, and the T1 blue team grabbed the policewoman.

KT gets the card.

Zeyuan: "T1 chose to exchange cards for the policewoman, so they still have to open a gap in the bottom lane! But this round without Karma, KT's bottom lane is really not easy to carry the line."

Wanwan: "But Faker must find a way to limit the cards, otherwise the female policeman will not be able to put pressure on the bottom lane. The middle lane is very important in this game."

The BP of the follow-up party unfolds separately.

Seeing that the fourth floor of the red square chose Kenan for Lin Cheng, T1 came up with a mid laner Silas.

Remember: "Copy it on the spot, right? In the last game, Orange Gothelas switched to the middle lane and put a lot of pressure on the card. Faker also has to copy a hand."

Zeyuan: "This Silas's big move that can be stolen is really good. The big move to steal cards in the early stage is for support, and the big move to steal Kenan when you are in a team."

Wan Wan: "But Silas's card game is not as easy to play in the early stage as expected. We have seen this matchup a lot. Generally speaking, the card advantage is still in the early stage. Brother Chengzi can play in the middle lane in the last game. Dodge because his skills are accurate."

Regarding Faker's selection of Silas, there has been a huge discussion on the Internet.

But as the game progressed, the scene that T1 expected to allow Silas to restrict card roaming did not happen.

In the early stage, the card player is long, and people who learn E point at the first level have an advantage in pushing the line. Unless Silas can find a chance to exchange blood at close range, otherwise the middle lane card can push the line.

Of course, Faker handled it well in front.

Before the sixth level, the cards are not very good at roaming. Silas is in a good state, and the last knife is not suppressed at all.

It's a pity that Cuzz has studied his former teammates too thoroughly. He came to kill Faker's Silas in 5 minutes and broke the balance in the middle.

Rookie's first big move was to support the bottom lane, and he cooperated with his teammates to kill the T1 duo that was too deep on the line.

Faker Silas was long overdue.

There was no way, in the second round, Faker used the stolen card ult to forcefully catch him, but was successfully pulled away by Lin Cheng with a flash.

And the second big move of the Rookie card cooperated with his teammates in the field to successfully complete the four-over two.

T1 bot lane cracked again.

Without giving the opponent a chance, KT's stable operation gradually expanded its advantage, relying on Lin Cheng's fatal blow after the dragon soul team battle to make another victory.

2: 0!

When commenting on the Korean language stream, he attributed the reason for the unsmooth rhythm in the early stage of this round of T1 to the middle lane.

"Rookie's Drizzt completely destroyed the bottom lane ecology! Who said Rookie is not good at Drizzt?"

CCM bluntly said: "Although Cheng switched to the middle lane in the last round and used Silas to limit Drizzt, it is a pity that Silas in T1 did not complete the task very well in this round."

CT: "Users! Users are key!"

Continuous Caster: "Yes! LOL users have always been the most critical link."

Because of the speeches of these two people, Hanwenyu was very dissatisfied.

Kohei had an orgasm.

There are also a lot of strings with yin and yang in it.

"are you crazy?Roaring Emperor has made enough money, right?Don't want to do commentary? "

"Looks like they both want to retire"

"Who Knows Roaring Brother's Address?Does anyone know the address of Roaring Brother?Does anyone know the address of Roaring Brother? "

"CT Do you have many limbs? "

Those who behaved very angry could no longer tell the difference.

The following is a complete Kehei and Chuanzi.

"Take a rest, miscellaneous!This is the middle gap"

"One thing to say, Faker Silas and Cheng are really not at the same level, there is a Chovy in the middle"

"Bastard Fist!Why nerf Sylas after only half an hour?Silas was obviously the OP hero half an hour ago"

"Cheng takes Seras like a god of war against Zeus, Faker has no effect on Seras"

"This is a scene played by Cheng and Zeus to hack Faker. In fact, both of them are Rookie fans"

"What dissatisfaction does Zeus have with his teammates, please explain clearly, why did he join forces with outsiders to play Faker?" "

"It's messed up!Even so, it is impossible for Rookie to go to the Asian Games"

"Fraud on the list! Faker is obviously the victim"

"The last few minutes in line with Cheng, he may really think that Silas is easy to beat Drizzt"

"Rookie is the biggest hacker!When playing against Chovy, his performance was mediocre, but against Faker, he showed the strength of Shiyizhong"

"Case Solved! Rookie is a Chovy fan »

(End of this chapter)

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