This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1845 Grapefruit thief: 3 years in Hedong, 3 years in Hexi

Chapter 1845 Grapefruit thief: 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi
In this round, Cuzz Leopard Girl was originally planning to go red and go up, and did not intend to invade before her teammates established an advantage in the line of troops.

It just so happened that when Leopard Girl hit the stone man, the horse showed its head on the road.

At that time, Cuzz thought Lin Cheng was cool.

As a result, no one expected to be beaten away by Daomei after a long delay.

"Literary praise! Come up to mess with Hecarim, and he still wants to fuck me?"

Lin Cheng held grudges very much, and he didn't forget to mark the opponent's jungler while boasting in his voice.

If it wasn't for Brother Cheng's operation, it would be hard to say that this wave was really caught.

It's hard to play Daomei once, sister Shuyan is still below, isn't the routine on the opposite side deliberately trying to embarrass me?
After reacting, Lin Cheng was very upset.

"Catch Hecarim for me! Fuck him hard!"

The team bully spoke, and Cuzz immediately changed his original wild strategy.

After brushing her own F6, Leopard Girl immediately circled from the middle to the upper half.

Wanwan: "Cuzz invaded! Oner went back just to prepare for F6, and the wild area has already reached level 3 and level 2."

Remember: "I'm more curious about how the centaurs would come back and brush F6 first? According to the route, it seems more reasonable to go back and fight the stone man, then play F6 and then go to the jungle area."

Zeyuan: "There is only one explanation for this brushing: He wants to finish F6 before hitting the stone man, and then he will go around and plan to use the knife girl!"

"Oner may feel that Leopard Girl has gone against his own bottom jungle area, and he can't get anything if he goes down, so it's better to continue to attack the top lane."

"Because the design of the first wave failed, he must bite the bullet and go on the road to make another wave."

"But he didn't expect that Cuzz didn't go against the bottom half at all, but ran up to find him."

Jess pushed the line in the middle, but the red square pawn line did not see the leopard girl coming up from behind.

Also because of the power in the middle, Rookie took the time between the first wave of pawns and the second wave of pawns to look at the red square F6.

The movement of Oner coming back to play F6 is clearly seen by the eye position.

Then, Centaur F6 hit halfway and was hit by Leopard Girl.

Seeing the leopard girl rushing forward, Oner hurriedly punished the big bird to spit blood and run up.

Originally, it was impossible for the people and horses to beat Leopard Girl in 1v1 in the wild area, and the card in the middle was pushed again, and Oner could only run.

"He went to hit the stone man! Don't feed him, I can push the line to support."

Lin Cheng continued to instigate his teammates to put pressure on the field.

Cuzz slowly took away the bloody big bird and all the little birds, and then ran to the stone man pit above.

One mark in blind vision, just hit the stone man activated by the centaur.

The centaurs were caught again.

At this time, Lin Cheng's knife girl pressed the line into the tower to support her, and the wine barrel was still eating the tower and went offline.

The people and horses could only let go of the stone man, and were driven to the autistic grass in front of the second tower of their own house and returned to the city.

"Oh! Is this the consequence of failing to target Brother Cheng Zi? What a shame!"

Zeyuan clicked his tongue and said, "Even if Oner helped Daomei lose a lot of HP just now, the comet wine barrel TP who learned E at the first level was still under pressure when he came back, and Brother Chengzi took the medicine and the Q soldier's HP also came back up. As a result, this wave of knife girls can still push the line to put pressure on."

"Oner can't even eat a stone man, and the jungler costs 4 knives and 20 knives! How do you play this?"

While talking, Lin Cheng's Daomei walked up to the second pagoda on the upper road in the red square and showed a liking to her.

The horses were hiding in the bushes and were about to finish reading and go back to the city. Lin Cheng suddenly released W Distance Breaking Dance in seconds to interrupt the horses' return to the city.

Oner's eyes went dark.

It's been 3 and a half minutes, and he only took one red buff.

There is no way but to retreat to the back of the second tower and return to the city.

Beryl: "The wild area below can also be reversed. Our blood volume is maintained well. Do you want to try it?"

Lin Cheng: "Go, go! Fuck him to death! Let him be caught in the second class!"

Cuzz: "OK! The river crab is for you to eat."

Cuzz returned to the city after brushing the stone man, bought the shoes and the killing ring, went out and went straight to the lower half.

Jumping over the wall and jumping off the dragon pit, punishing and breaking the shield, the leopard girl fell off the river crab in seconds with a set of skills.

Send out a signal, and the target line points directly to the red square blue BUFF.

Zeyuan: "Invasion! Cuzz, don't you have your own wild zone? KT's blue zone has not been cleared!"

Remember: "He knew that the troops could only go to the lower half at this time, so he forced them to fight against each other! The junglers on both sides were forced to play head-to-head."

At this time, Oner is playing blue.

Halfway through the fight, a javelin flew out of the darkness and hit Blue BUFF on the forehead.

The leopard girl rushed forward, and the frightened people rushed to escape.

Level 2 hits level 4, and you can't even take a look.

Zeyuan: "It's too uncomfortable! Oner is too uncomfortable, the wild area can't eat anything at all."

"Grapefruit thief, quickly tell me who instigated this? Why are people targeted like this only on the second-level catch wave?"

Wanwan's words became a prophecy, no one would have thought that Cuzz's aggressive invasion was really instigated by his teammates.

This is the fate of daring to target KT Eukaryote!
This wave of leopard women's invasion of the second half of the zone has been communicated with teammates in advance.

Originally, the duo of T1 wanted to take advantage of pushing the line to cover the troops, but after all, the line of soldiers did not have a push tower.

The two KT brothers saw each other's movements, and immediately let the line decisively lean towards the river.

In this way, T1 will not dare to fight in the wild.

Not to mention that the jungler matchup is two levels behind, and Jess in the middle can also rely first.

Even though the red team's T1 duo arrives faster, Lulu + Zeli don't have the ability to keep people stable, and it is impossible to pose a real threat to Leopard Girl before the blue team's support arrives.

After a few seconds of delay, it was difficult for anyone in the T1 duo including KT to escape.

In terms of laning alone, Titan + Ice cannot push the long-handed Zeli + Lulu, but in small-scale team battles, the two brothers in KT's bot lane cooperate with Leopard Girl and they don't know how to lose.

Both the control and the explosion completely exploded on the opposite side, and it would not be so easy for Lin Cheng's wives to overturn the car.

Giving up the blue BUFF, Oner didn't dare to look at the toad next to him, and chose to fight his own three wolves.

However, there is a stingy guy remote control teammate in the top lane.

Lin Cheng: "He's going to eat Sanlang, don't let him eat it! Go get him! Kill him!"

Han Bing's E Eagle Strikes the Sky to capture the position of the centaur, and the KT duo helped Leopard get the blue buff quickly, regardless of the toad next to him, and went directly to the centaur.

Wan Wan: "Wow!!! Toad will seize the position of the horse without even thinking about it, isn't it too much?"

Remember: "Did Oner dig Cuzz's ancestral grave? Not so much?"

Zeyuan: "I don't really believe that this style of play has no personal grievances."

The T1 duo has no eyes for the time being and can put it in the wild to help detect information. Oner didn't know that the opponent was looking for him.

And Zeli had to go back to eat the lane, because the pawn line pushed forward but failed to enter the tower, and it would be Zeli who would be more disadvantaged if it took a little longer.

The centaur fights against the three wolves alone.

He seemed very careful and pulled the three wolves to the middle.

Finally, the centaur used punishment to successfully eat the second group of wild monsters in this game.

However, the leopard girl jumped over and just found that the two little wolves were killed by the centaur at the intersection at the last Q turn.

Beryl flashed decisively and hooked the horse accurately.

The centaur started the sprint that had already finished CD and wanted to slip away.

But Han Bing slowed down.

Leopard Girl took the kill.

Although Faker was on the side and rushed to help quickly, the damage of the card in the early stage was too low, and it was impossible to replace the head.

It's been 5 minutes, and there are still only two levels of deaths in this wave of soldiers and horses, and the number of last hits is 8.

It collapsed very thoroughly.

The camera is on Cuzz.

The grapefruit thief smiled charmingly with his mouth crooked.

Just you call it T1?
30 years in Hedong! 30 years in Hexi.

Last year I said that I can't command Gongdou you guys, but this year I want to let you know what cruelty is.

(End of this chapter)

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