Chapter 1855
Driven away by his concubine's disgust, Lin Cheng reluctantly gave up the right to call and played with his mobile phone next to him.

As expected, the news that KT won the championship immediately appeared on Naver's hot search right after the final.

And there are several other popular search terms.

"romantic!Six thousand cups of coffee

"Why not BAN Irelia? "

"T1 was killed to the point where the director couldn't even get the shots"

The most coquettish thing is that the truck of KT fans also scored twice.

KT fans far away in Seoul rented a truck in advance, and parked it under the T1 building as soon as the game ended.

The car screen repeatedly played the picture of Lin Cheng's sword girl blocking the front of the T1 tower to brighten her skin and the five-kill scene.

Murder and kill!
Due to their impressive record in the regular season, this season has been extremely complicated. They were all prepared to win the championship and put KT on the truck to avenge the KT truck last time.

Well, the result is lost again.

Mind broke!
But the trucks are all rented, so it is a waste to not use them.

Anyway, the coaching staff dared to make outrageous BP like Fang Daomei, so take the blame!
So, as soon as the slogan was changed, the truck that was going to the KT headquarters turned around and headed for its own club building.

The two trucks meet again.

As if in a reincarnation, this scene happened a month ago.

KT fan trucks are purely lip service, while T1 fan trucks demand a change of coaching staff.

The people who eat melons are laughing like crazy.

In addition, the picture of Faker bowing his head and packing up the equipment after the game has also become a classic.

Blue and white fireworks rose from behind, Faker lowered his head and couldn't see his face clearly, but the strong sense of loss almost rushed out of the picture.

The miscellaneous felt distressed, and Ke Hei began to carnival.

"The Era of Faker, Completely Ended"

This battle made this old and four new T1 completely become a shock wave.

Because of KT's dominance in the past two years, LCK has become the first division.

The number one in the first division is the number one in the world.

In the regular season, God of War T1 was blown away before the game. Apart from being on the road, they spread miscellaneous claims about their team's four world No.

Do you understand the gold content of the four first runners-up?
In the past, even the shock wave of the LPL didn't win four first places and then was beaten violently. T1 can be regarded as the first of its kind.

Of course, this time little Lu Bu became the focus of torture by netizens.

Especially in the last one, Xiao Lu Bu's Zeli advantage E wall abruptly sent the game away, causing the inside of the stall to start to split.

Someone is spraying, someone is washing.

"Obviously all the team battles have been won, what does it mean that 5 vs. 1 Zeli E wall triggers isolation and force delivery in the past? "

"I wanted to rush over to get the penta kill, but Irelia reversed the penta kill (laughing and crying)"

"Guma team battle is really a crime!I don’t understand why his public opinion is so good.”

"fart! Guma made only one mistake in the whole game, and the rest of the time it was his teammates who were not guaranteed.》

"Look at the output environment of Deft, the first one is clearly clear, so C team battles do not forget to protect Deft"

"really!Compare Guma to being targeted in team battles every time, I really don’t blame him”

"Cheng's ability to protect people in team battles can survive even if Kennedy comes"

"Unless it's JKL, Cheng can't survive without AD"

Seeing the outrageous comments made by Korean netizens, Lin Cheng almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

He also wanted to know if he could keep Brother Shuizi in a team battle?

Of course, team battles are fine.

Brother Shuizi's biggest problem is not his sudden death in team battles, but his big advantage. He doesn't know why he appears on other people's faces for no apparent reason. He often dies suddenly before the team battle starts.

In this situation, Lin Cheng felt that there was nothing he could do.

Speaking of which, it seems that they really have a chance to be teammates in the Asian Games?
At present, there are not too many domestically produced excellent ADs. If Brother Shuizi performs better in the next playoffs and does not send indiscriminately, he will really have a chance to represent the national team.

Although Brother Taobo didn't even make it to the World Championships last year, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that Gala is the only one who can compete with Brother Shuizi for the position in the national team.

AD is just that in the LPL playoffs.

Huanfeng was already rotten, and it was hard to protect himself under the charge of the zombie sister.

Brother Xiangzi is getting more and more money as FPX sinks.

Light is average.

Hope can only be described as mediocre.

It's hard to imagine that LPL, which used to be rich in AD, has few of them now.

Just when Lin Cheng began to think about the national team for no reason, he received a message from his sister-in-law.

Ju Li: I forgot to say congratulations! (come on)
In the afternoon, the other sisters sent congratulations to Lin Cheng immediately. At that time, Ju Li seemed to be busy, so Lin Cheng didn't care.

Speaking of which, my sister-in-law seemed to be avoiding him a little after being in the car last time.

She was obviously like him, and she was still shy.

They are all in their 30s.

Lin Cheng felt that it was necessary to quickly consolidate the relationship with his sister-in-law, and not give her a chance to regret it.

Lin Cheng: Come back, sister, remember to invite me to dinner to celebrate.

Julie: Don't do it!You have so much money to treat 6000 people to coffee, why do you let me treat you?
Lin Cheng: Is my sister jealous? (laughing)

Auntie didn't reply.

Ignore him.

Lin Cheng: (poke face)

Lin Cheng: Dear sister, please talk to me.

Lin Cheng: Then I'll treat you to dinner when I come back, okay?

Lin Cheng: Wife Ju Li, say something (stare)

Lin Cheng: Ah!Li Juli! (angry)

Finding that Ju Li really ignored him, Lin Cheng felt a little resentful.

He came with a strong medicine.

Lin Cheng: Dear sister, have you thought about me committing suicide lately? (expect)
This time, my sister-in-law didn't pretend to be dead.

Very fast reply.

Julie: Get out! ! ! ! ! ! !

Lin Cheng suppressed a smile.

Juli's shame and anger can be imagined from the series of exclamation marks.

The Water Dragon King is very sensitive, whether it is on the bed or under the bed.

Lin Cheng: Don't be shy, women in their 30s are normal.

I have read it but haven't replied.

Lin Cheng: Good sister, I heard that net socks can be used to play backgammon. Next time we meet, let’s play backgammon, okay? (rubbing hands)
I have read it but haven't replied.

Lin Cheng: I want to draw crosses all over your thigh (insidious) (insidious)
I have read it but haven't replied.

Lin Cheng: Juli Nuna, say something.

Message sending failed.

Lin Cheng:? ? ?
Blacked out.

Do it yourself.

Lin Cheng shrugged helplessly and threw away the phone.

He turned his head and looked at the eldest wife.

Sister Shuyan was sitting on the other side of the sofa and was still chatting with Xiaotong.

I don't know why the two girls have so many topics on the phone.

She leaned against the sofa, her legs stretched out straight, her long legs were still attractive even under the jeans.

After all, it is the prototype of Lin Cheng's black silk long-legged knife girl skin.

She didn't wear socks, and a pair of fair and delicate feet were placed next to Lin Cheng's thighs. The soles of her feet were pink and transparent with a slight tinge of blood, which was incomparably alluring.

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand and quietly grabbed his girlfriend's ankle.

Han Shuyan shrank her feet subconsciously, and shot Lin Cheng a reproachful look.

Lin Cheng blinked at the eldest wife, looking innocent.

But he caught back the beautiful white feet in his hand, and looked down carefully.

Small and delicate ankles, thin and slender arches, white and delicate toes, pink heels and soles... Sister Shuyan's beautiful feet really made Lin Cheng unable to pick out a single flaw.

Even without the package of stockings, it is still full of temptation for him.

Lin Cheng swore that he really didn't pick his wife by looking at his legs and feet.

But the wives just happened to grasp his little hobby.

Lin Cheng's straight gaze made Han Shuyan a little shy, she bit her lip, lowered her eyes and continued to talk to Xiao Tong.

"Don't be sad! It will be the same next time my sister brings you to Ulsan..."

At this time, she was speechless.

There was a strange feeling in my feet.

Warm and gentle.

"Ah! You..."

(End of this chapter)

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