Chapter 1863
Lin Cheng's classic speech at the Korean Stream commentary was quickly carried back to the domestic forum by netizens, and it was another bloodbath.

"White Crescent! Remember to watch the video when you come down."

"You know, 369 is my friend, and I've wanted to say this to you for a long time."

The colonel posted a snippet of the Bible in the Taobao lounge on Weibo, and accompanied it with this passage of Lin Cheng's original words.

369 Weibo forwarded and commented: You know, Brother Chengzi is my friend... (狗头)
"Too much! Nine Treasures' rebellious period hasn't passed yet, has it? "

"369 Kneeling and Opening Champagne on the Slide Rail of Jingdong Base"

"White Crescent Moon, do you still have today?" "

"369: Praise Brother Orange! "

The controversies caused by Lin Cheng are not limited to these.

After losing the game, Ah Shui was kicked in a frenzy again. Taking advantage of Lin Cheng's live broadcast, the water ghosts took the opportunity to start a counterattack.

The left hand is too cowardly to start a group.

The top order will only be highlighted.

Play wild depression kid.

Auxiliary... In view of the fact that Zhuo Ge and the prophet Zhuyu are in front, I will not spray Mark for the time being.

They selectively ignored that Lin Cheng also pointed out the problem of Brother Shuizi's face-off in the live broadcast, and grabbed his teammates to output.

Anyway, someone always wants to take over.

Leaving the facts aside, who makes Shuizi's teammates less fans?
This team has always been in a vicious circle of public opinion. Shui Gui will slander his teammates as soon as he loses a game, while Shui Hei will take the rhythm to black Ah Shui no matter what the situation.

Except for the sweet period during the Northern Expedition, the rhythm of the Topball team never stopped.

Of course, e-sports is all about performance.

If KT's record also exploded, perhaps Cheng Za would have already started blackmailing his teammates.

Some people say that now KT is the number one fandom team in e-sports.

Because there is a superstar Lin Cheng here.

Lin Cheng is one of the few players who is well-known inside and outside the circle, and his fans cover the eastern and western hemispheres as well as the northern and southern hemispheres.

Not to mention Europe and the United States, Brazil and other South American regions have his fans.

As long as LOL is popular, as long as the game can be watched, there will be people attracted by Lin Cheng's performance,

His style of play is the only way to attract fans.

If one day KT scores exploded, no one would dare to imagine the scene of fans from all over the world chasing Lin Cheng's teammates together.

It is estimated that when that time comes, the internal conflicts may not be as lively as KT.

It's just that so far, everyone still doesn't know how ruthless the orange miscellaneous people are when they drive their teammates after they are blackened.

Just waiting for a chance!
Saturday, October 4.

Legs are so numb!
Out of breath!

"Who wants to harm me...Damn it! Park Rong Hyuk, get out of here! I almost crushed you to death."

Lin Cheng opened his eyes, and struggled to push away the fat man leaning on him.

He sat up and looked around.

There are three old teammates next to him.

Tusin and Kuro were also lying on the ground, and Aiming was sleeping on the sofa alone.

Tables and floors were strewn with empty beer bottles and late-night snack wrappers.

They all slept in Kuro's living room last night.

Following Lin Cheng's movement, the three fools around him also woke up one after another.


The unlucky Aiming rolled off the sofa as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Ouch! My waist!"

Aiming clutched his waist and yelled continuously.

Kuro was holding his ass, "Why is my ass so painful? What did you do to me?"

"Fuck! Stay away from me, I'm not interested in your ass."

Lin Cheng stretched out his foot to kick Kuro away, took out his mobile phone and took an ugly photo of his old teammate with his chicken nest head on his head, and posted it on his INS with the caption: A happy day has begun.

"Can you still feel happy? "

"The sadness of your teammates is your happiness, right? "

"Teammate's black fan boss is really hammered"

"Kuro with this hairstyle, was he shot in the head by Cheng while he was asleep? "

Yesterday the four of them got together for a late night snack and then stayed up all night waiting to watch the LEC finals.

Because there is old teammate Malrang in this final.

After his career as a substitute in DK last year, Malrang performed well in the meat pigeon this year. He won the title of the first team jungler in the LEC Spring Split and led REG all the way from the winners group to the finals.

The old teammates in Seoul agreed in advance to watch the game together to cheer for Malrang.

Kuro live-streamed the collective viewing of the game, and Lin Cheng had all kinds of poisonous milk before the game.

"RGE is No. 5 in the LEC regular season. They haven't lost a single BO2 in the playoffs. It shouldn't be a problem to beat G[-]."

"Little Yang is old, and will be beaten by Jin Gencheng today."

"I am optimistic about 3:0, and RGE will not lose."

"I want to educate Kim Geun Sung in Busan."

As a result, Rouge was swept by G0 3:2 and lost the chance to participate in MSI.

Maybe Malrang was frightened by Lin Cheng's words, so he decided not to come to MSI temporarily to get angry, and the whole BO5 was beaten by Xiao Yang.

Tusin fumbled to put on his glasses, "I feel a little hungry, who wants breakfast?"

Lin Cheng: "Eat Mao's breakfast at 12 o'clock? Just eat lunch."

Aiming: "I want to eat soup and rice, but I don't have much appetite."

Lin Cheng: "Li Shiheng treats you!"

Kuro: "Please just please! Choke to death and forget it."

Aiming: "It's better to go to a luxury hotel. If Lin Cheng chokes to death, we can ask for more compensation."

Lin Cheng: "It's better to expect Tusin to die from high blood pressure than to expect me to choke to death."

Tusin: "Did I mess with you?"

Lin Cheng: "No! It's just to remind you to lose weight..."

Before he finished speaking, Kuro covered Lin Cheng's head with a pillow.

Aiming understood in seconds, and pushed Lin Cheng down.

"Park Yong Hyuk! Crushed him to death."

Tusin turned over and pressed up directly.

With a scream, male on male.

"Ah Xiba! You bastards are waiting to die! I want my fans to rape you online."

"Continue! Press them all up!"

"Damn! I'm going to spit out dinner... I was wrong, I was wrong! Brothers, I was wrong!"

The laughter continued.

The screams continued.

Two years have passed, and the relationship between everyone is still so good.

KT1.0's career has an indelible mark on everyone's mind.

Lin Cheng is a fledgling, and he received a lot of care from his old teammates in KT. For him, this is the most important season of his entire career.

From a rookie to a team leader, he learned a lot from his old teammates.

Even the core style of play that KT is most proud of today still has the shadow of KT1.0.

Kuro and Tusin finally realized their dreams before retiring, and those years are also clear.

Aiming also fully played out his worth and cheated his uncle into a one-year high-paying contract.

Of course, everyone's situation is different today.

After returning to the LCK, Aiming followed DRX and barely squeezed into the playoffs, but was eliminated in the six-to-four competition. His performance can be said to reflect the duality of gods and ghosts to the extreme.

C He can C, but it is unambiguous when he is cheated.

Kuro is still playing his spare time on the analysis table. Although he occasionally blacks Lin Cheng on the stage, he is still the backbone of Lin Cheng's support team in general.

Tusin was originally working as an anchor at home and was preparing to lose weight for military service, but after a year and a half, he didn't lose his weight.

He failed the physical examination and was rejected by the army, so he continued to come back as an anchor.

Bono is still in the United States for retirement, and he will not be back this offseason.

There are dreams in life, each wonderful.

After tidying up for a while, a few fools went out to have lunch, and then parted ways.

Lin Cheng and Kuro are going to see Nvwa's concert today, while Aiming and Tusin are not interested in the concert.

In fact, Lin Cheng wasn't interested either.

But after all, Tian Xiaojuan had agreed to it a long time ago, and the girl had also supported him many times, and her behavior of releasing pigeons was no different from that of a scumbag who had always abandoned him.

(End of this chapter)

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