This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1865 Offline called Brother Cheng, online

Chapter 1865 Offline called Brother Cheng, online...
Because of Heipiboy's betrayal, Lin Cheng's escape plan failed.

He could only wave his hand awkwardly and politely.

But the expression looked a little sad.

The audience roared with excitement, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

"Cheng!here here! "

"I am Iron Blood Orange Miscellaneous!"look at me look at me! "

"He is a mess, look at me! "

"Our KT is invincible! "

"Hi!The one who got green twice! "

Lin Cheng's expression became even stiffer.

During the previous intense singing and dancing, there was no chance to pay close attention to the auditorium. Only then did the people on the stage realize that Lin Cheng and Kuro were sitting at the very front of the side of the stage, which can be said to be the closest position to them.

"Although fans who have watched the previous variety show should know what I mean by being green twice, but since some friends may not have watched the show, I have to explain."

Song Yuqi walked to the side of the stage with a grin, and sat down boldly. Her long pink hair was a little flamboyant, and her long legs under hot pants were dangling from the edge of the stage.

She leaned forward and tried her best to pat Lin Cheng's shoulder.

"It's just a misunderstanding! This brother didn't really get green twice, after all, he's so handsome."

Lin Cheng turned away in disgust and gave up her hand.

The fans at the scene laughed together.

Before the release of the official album, there were too many linkages between the girl and Lin Cheng. Basically, everyone has watched related variety shows, and even if they haven't watched them, they can still watch the variety show clips about Lin Cheng.

The popularity of being green twice is really a bit high.

Seeing Lin Cheng's disgust, Song Yuqi laughed wildly, "I've already explained it to you, so you shouldn't be so stingy and hold grudges, right?"

After finishing speaking, she handed the microphone to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng didn't intend to show his magnanimity, so he glanced at her expressionlessly.

"I heard that Cube is very incompetent from operational planning to the legal department... remember to find a good lawyer for the court session!"

"Ha ha!"

Song Yuqi laughed and almost rolled off the stage.

The four girls behind were also laughing like crazy.

The audience burst into high spirits suddenly.

This is the first time a guest has joined Cube at a concert, it's so cool!

This company has hardly left a good impression on the fan groups of its own artists. It's not a day or two to be complained about.

Kuro signaled Lin Cheng not to talk nonsense, but Lin Cheng looked indifferent.

He even hates the top management of his own club, and it's too normal to joke about Cube.

If you don't accept it, come and sue him!

Obviously, it is impossible for Cube to sue him for this kind of thing. Anyway, he is used to being teased. Even Song Yuqi often publicly complains about his company. Lin Cheng's jokes are not even drizzle.

On the contrary, it is estimated that the other party will also thank Lin Cheng.

For a small-scale concert, there will be a few more trending searches because of Lin Cheng, which is simply too worthwhile.

Make money, don't get mixed up.

In the entertainment industry, what you want is popularity.

As long as they don't point their noses and scold them, they may even wish that Lin Cheng would make fun of himself every day like this, and it would be cool to be on the hot search every day.

The interactive session is actually to buy time for the members to rest, otherwise a concert that lasts for several hours would not be able to withstand the singing and dancing gods.

Soon, the show continued.

Girls performing different styles of songs will retreat to the backstage to change their clothes. Lin Cheng admires their speed of changing clothes.

Presumably women can only change clothes so quickly when they are performing on stage.

To Lin Cheng's surprise, they also brought a KDA song later.


There is no doubt about the level of Fist's music. The rhythm of this song is bright and clear, and there is no lack of passion. Lin Cheng also likes it.

The performance of the members is quite high. After all, Tian Xiaojuan and Zhao Meiyan are the sound sources of Akali and Ahri in KDA, and the performance of other members is also very good.

Tian Xiaojuan's opening is full of power, and Akali is the RAP in KDA.

To be honest, Lin Cheng was more or less prejudiced against RAP before, because many RAP songs are really abstract from lyrics to tunes.

But Tian Xiaojuan's RAP interpretation is really handsome.

And Zhao Meiyan, as the only KDA sound source in the team, also changed the previous strokes.

Ahri's part of the dance didn't require too much explosiveness. Zhao Meiyan changed into a white tube top with an exposed navel, paired with a short skirt and white stockings. The graceful and soft dance is very eye-catching.

Lin Cheng was thinking: Is this the reason why Brother Cheng's hands shook last time, and he flashed to pick up Charm?

Ahri's charm can be avoided, but it is not necessary.

The entire concert lasted for two and a half hours. After the end, Lin Cheng and Kuro left the venue.

"Aren't we going to stay for a photo or something?"

"Forget it! After the concert is over, there are probably some interviews and the like, let's talk about it next time."

"Do you want to drink?"

"No! I'm going home to accompany my wife."

"Ha ha!"

"Li Shiheng, are you jealous? You have no match!"


"Pay attention to your attitude! I have a lot of fans."


The two went home in different directions. After saying goodbye, Kuro took the lead to leave by car.

Before Lin Cheng got a taxi outside the square, he was recognized by an audience leaving the venue.

"Cheng? Brother Cheng! I'm your fan, can I take a photo with you?"


Lin Cheng agreed.

"I like you so much!"

"Thank you!"

This male fan with a vicissitudes of life was very enthusiastic, and Lin Cheng also chatted with him in a friendly manner.

Finally, the two bid farewell.

Lin Cheng took a taxi back.

As soon as he got in the car, he received a call from Tian Xiaojuan.

It was very lively over there, and it seemed that several members had gathered together.

"Mo? You have already left?"

Lin Cheng asked back, "Ang! Do you still want to invite me to dinner?"

Song Yuqi's voice came out, "Yes! We are preparing to eat Malatang backstage, come back!"

"Do you eat Malatang after the concert?"

"How is it? Are you coming or not?"

"Forget it! I'm afraid you'll be drugged. Men have to protect themselves outside."

"Ha ha!"

Song Yuqi's signature laugh is so cheerful.

Tian Xiaojuan: "Anyway, thank you for your support today."

"You are being polite to me... Actually, I am also very grateful for your support."

Lin Cheng said very seriously, "I will always cheer for you in the future, and Xiaojuan is really handsome today!"

Tian Xiaojuan's typhoon is very rusty, but in fact her personality is relatively shy, which makes her smile a little embarrassed next to her teammates.

Song Yuqi: "Brother! What about me?"

"Oh! Cauldron! Don't call me brother!"

Song Yuqi was really familiar, and kept calling Lin Cheng's brother, subconsciously making him speak Sichuan dialect.

Later, I switched back to Korean, "Song Yuqi, you are only a few days older than me, we are relatives of the same age! Understand?"

There was a lot of laughter, and Zhao Meiyan's voice came again, "I am me! I am two years older than you, call me sister!"

"Ha ha!"

"I'll treat you to fried rice cakes next time."

"Then we'll talk about it next time."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Sitting in the car for a while, Lin Cheng received a message from Kuro.

He sent a screenshot of the forum post to Lin Cheng.

Above is a group photo.

It was the photo of Lin Cheng with fans outside the concert venue.

But the title of the post is explosive.

"Catch the guy who got green twice!" "

Lin Cheng was a little confused.

Never thought that this kind of thing would happen to me.

Just now, that guy took a bite of Brother Cheng, but in the title of the group photo on the forum, he became "the guy who got green twice"?

Question the coffee brother, understand the coffee brother, become the coffee brother.

He had reason to suspect that the guy pretending to be his fan was actually a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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