Chapter 187

Remember: "Wow~~~ What did I see? KT's pentakill is so bloody! For this pentakill, KT almost gave Rek'Sai a pentakill backhand. Fortunately, two of them were tower kills."

Zeyuan: "1000 yuan! Brother Chengzi's head was also terminated by Pyosik, and KT's wave is really on top."

I remember smiling: "This is KT! Although this impulsive decision-making may be criticized by the coach, these players are willing to help their teammates get pentakills in this way. At least they are very cohesive as a group."

Zeyuan: "Anyway, congratulations, Brother Cheng! The first pentakill in his career! This is also the second pentakill in this year's LCK Spring Split. The first pentakill was won by my brother-in-law, and the second pentakill The maker is KT's top laner, Cheng."

Remember: "One is a veteran who returned to the LCK after playing in China, and the other is a Chinese rookie who made his debut in the LCK. In the past, only Korean players won five kills in the LPL. Today, the first Chinese player has won five kills in the LCK. kill.

We look forward to a better career for Brother Chengzi in the future, but today, audience friends, please put your blessings on the public screen. "

"The LCK's Chinese foreign aid has five kills! Damn it!"

"Brother Chengzi is amazing! The pentakill achievement has been unlocked."

"KT's teammates are also awesome, helping Brother Cheng get pentakill like crazy."

"Go ahead, KT! These seniors are so likable."

"Congratulations, Brother Chengzi, five kills are awesome!"

"Congratulations +1"

"Congratulations +10086"

Although this wave of KT flushing the spring water sent a regiment to Rek'sai to make up a lot of money, but Lin Cheng's small cannon won five kills, and it was fattening.

In 20 minutes, the dilapidated, endless, and artillery three-piece cannons point to whoever is pregnant, especially when there is no serious front row on the opposite side.

While others were still struggling for the second big piece, Lin Cheng already had three big pieces in hand, and there was no embarrassment of the small cannon being weak in the middle stage.

After helping Lin Cheng win the pentakill, the KT team also calmed down. Kuro led the line in the bottom lane, and the other players all revolved around Lin Cheng's small cannon to attack the blue side's top lane.

Under the suppression of the super firepower of the small cannon, KT easily pulled out the enemy's second tower on the top lane, and then five people gathered to demolish the crystal in the middle lane.

DRX's lineup is very helpless against KT's style of play. Without a strong team start, they can't control Lin Cheng's small cannons. Even when Lin Cheng's cannons are full of energy, stealing some Rambo is enough One blood volume.

Those who dismantled the crystal KT in the middle lane of the blue side did not retreat. They cleaned up the minions generated on the top lane, stuck in the position of the opponent's defense line, and let their top lane soldiers smoothly advance to the high ground tower of the blue side.

KT's style of play is as if they have the blessing of the dragon BUFF, unscrupulously forcing the opponent into the base, and then using the side lines to put pressure.

DRX also knows that starting a group at this time will undoubtedly lose, but if they don't start a group, they will just wait for death slowly.

Maggie's amazing lineup has the advantage of being able to pull and fight with the opponent, but when he is at a disadvantage, he can't even choose a real core. The only card that can be stably controlled may have to be picked up by the small cannon before he gets a yellow card. die.

There is no way, seeing that the highland tower on the road is almost gone, the blue team made a desperate move and chose to let Rambo start the team with a big move first.

As a result, once Tarik's ultimate move was activated, DRX ushered in a wave of defeat.

The only way for DRX to win the team battle is to kill Lin Cheng's small cannon in seconds, but Rek'sai, who is the only threat to small cannon, can't touch him yet, and when the cosmic light falls, Lin Cheng will directly face him.

The output capabilities of the two sides are very different. Before the Cosmic Glory fell, the DRX could not kill a single person on the opposite side. Lin Cheng's small cannon hit a crispy backhand two or three times. How can this be played?
In this way, Lin Cheng used a triple kill to finish off the DRX group, and KT flattened the opponent's base in a wave.

Zeyuan: "KT played very smartly! Fighting the big dragon may give you a chance. I didn't even fight the big dragon. I just pushed around the small cannon. But DRX had no choice. When the opponent couldn't help but come out and take the initiative A regiment is a wave of crushing team battles."

Remember: "Congratulations to KT, although all the members sent a wave of spring water in the middle, they still won the game very easily. There is really no way to push the opponent around the small cannon. No one can touch the orange at all. elder brother."

Zeyuan smiled and said: "KT can win so easily, and Mai's BP can be said to be indispensable. Unless this lineup has a huge advantage in the early stage, I don't know how to win."

"Murderous! Don't whip Brother Mai again."

"Brother Mai: You know a hammer, my BP can be understood by you mortals?"

"Brother Mai: My BP is fine, it's purely because the players didn't play well, I will copy this lineup and try again."

"Don't tell me, it's really possible that Maggie can do it, 23333."

"This little cannon is so happy to jump around."

After winning the first game, Lin Cheng looked at the five-kill mark on the settlement panel and was still secretly happy.

Five kills!Really five kills.

Seeing Lin Cheng secretly happy, Bono next to Lin Cheng whispered something beside Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng didn't hear clearly, subconsciously took off the earphones and asked, "What?"

Bono clapped his hands and turned his head and said loudly, "Brothers! Lin Cheng said that he invited us to dinner tonight in order to be the first to celebrate Pentakill."

The teammates immediately started booing.

Kuro: "Oh! Lin Cheng, I saw you right. Next time you kill five, I will continue to flush the spring water for you."

Tusin: "I want to eat beef, the kind that keeps you full."

Although it was Bono's joke, Lin Cheng didn't mind, and immediately waved his hand, "Brother Cheng has invited you for dinner today, and we'll eat beef."

Aiming enviously said: "I also want to get penta kills, next time you help me get penta kills, I will treat you to dinner too."

Don't think that getting pentakills in the professional arena is an easy task.

As an AD player, Aiming has not had a penta-kill since his debut for three years. Lin Cheng only got a penta-kill in a few games. It would be a lie to say that he is not envious.

When the teammates heard what Aiming said, they joked that next time they wanted to eat a big meal, they would try their best to stuff the five kills into Aiming's mouth.

Aiming said with a bit of a grudge: "Don't just talk about it, Lin Cheng deliberately snatched my pentakill in the double row last time, don't be so dirty in the game."

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Don't worry, it's just RANK. I never steal the heads of my teammates in the game."

As soon as the voice fell, the teammates all turned their heads and looked over.

Kuro: "Are you sure? I still remember the scene where you flashed a head-grabbing last time."

Tusin: "You are our biggest human head dog in KT."

Bono sneered: "Every time I come to gank, you deliberately keep your skill K head, do you really think I don't know?"

Lin Cheng hesitated: "Really...?"

I think you may have misunderstood me a bit.

But I don't know how to refute.

(End of this chapter)

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