This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1874 Power outage?Power outage! ! !

Chapter 1874 Power outage?Power outage! ! !
Lin Cheng's reply on Twitter was very heart-rending, and Taobo Operations posted a crying emoji.

They are just talking to you to make a show, how can you be so aggressive?

"I heard that you are very good at fighting in foreign wars? You can use it for a fart!"

"Come out to hang out, the most important thing is to come out first."

It is conceivable that Lin Cheng's words will become the bible if Taobao really loses to RNG in the final.

Taobo will be ridiculed for a long time again.

Of course, Sister Shuigui was always very sensitive, and Lin Cheng's words were regarded as provocation.

The struggle between Chengza and Shui Gui continued.

Lin Cheng was surfing intensively with his mobile phone when he suddenly felt someone kick him.

Looking up, Xiao Tong retracted her little feet wrapped in net stockings.

"Where are Enxi and Xiaoying?"


Lin Cheng suddenly realized.

I forgot about the two little girls!

I looked at the time, 10 minutes had passed.

He opened his throat. "Have Enxi and Xiaoying hidden away? Uncle is here to find you!"

no answer.

Lin Cheng ran to the back room to find someone.

In the end, Lin Cheng opened the closet and found someone.

The two girls hugged each other and fell asleep, with their two little heads next to each other, their loving appearance was extremely healing.

Lin Cheng carried the two little girls to the bed and covered them with quilts.

Enxi slept soundly, but Xiaoying rubbed her eyes and woke up in a daze.


"Sleep well, and your mother will pick you up later."


Xiaoying turned over to look at Enxi, and then looked at Lin Cheng eagerly.

"what happened?"

"When will mom be back?"

"Hurry up! Xiaoying sleeps again, and mother will be back when she opens her eyes."


The little girl closed her eyes and continued to sleep with her little friend in her arms.

It was only past seven o'clock, Lin Cheng closed the door and came out to watch TV with his wives.

Sitting on the mat on the floor in the living room, without bothering to play with his mobile phone, Lin Cheng looked at his wives viciously.

Shocking scene!
Today, Sister Shiyan is wearing a light gray professional attire. Her cold face and domineering figure bring an indescribable contrast and temptation. Her beautiful legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings are extremely tempting.

Sister Shuyan is dressed in black professional attire. Although her figure is not as domineering as Sister Shiyan's, her elegant and gentle demeanor pulls Lin Cheng's heartstrings all the time. A pair of long black silk legs are extremely alluring.

Xiao Tong wears a simple T-shirt and hot pants with black net stockings. He is handsome and a little seductive. His long, thin legs also have their own unique charm next to the two older sisters.

The three wives were sitting on the sofa and chatting while watching TV. The three pairs of beautiful legs in stockings made Lin Cheng feel a little distracted.

But at this time, at most, I have passed the eye addiction, and there is no chance to do bad things.

Lin Cheng suggested playing flower cards, and the three girls agreed.

So, the four of them sat around on mats on the floor and started playing flower cards.

As a result, within two laps, the living room suddenly became dark.

"Hey! Power outage? Power outage!!!"

Suddenly from light to darkness, I can't see anything clearly when my eyes are not used to it.

"Is the line burned? Lin Cheng went to see if the power is out next door?"

Lin Cheng didn't bother to go to the next door, he dropped the cards in his hand and fumbled to the balcony to take a look, "The power is out, and there are no lights on outside."

Zheng Shiyan went to the bedroom to make sure that the two little girls were still sleeping soundly by the light of the mobile phone.

Then, the three women started chatting about cosmetics.

Originally, they basically didn't watch TV much just now, they just chatted in a different environment.

Lin Cheng couldn't get in the conversation, so he took out his mobile phone and felt aggrieved, "You all talk about women, why don't you talk to me, I'm so boring."

Xiao Tong said casually, "Go to sleep if you're bored."

"It's only eight o'clock now! I don't mind going to bed so early...but I'm afraid of the dark. Let's sleep together?"

Lin Cheng Lin Cheng's tone was treacherous, Miss Xiao took advantage of the situation and kicked her.

"Go to hell! Color embryo!"

It was pitch black and Lin Cheng couldn't figure it out, and was successfully attacked by his little wife.

He purposely pretended to be in pain, and said through gritted teeth, "Xiao Tong, you're dead! I'm going to take care of you today."

"Hehe! Sister Tong is not a vegetarian either."

In the darkness, Miss Xiao stomped in the direction of Lin Cheng, and the two kept fighting.

"Kick you to death! Kick you to death...! Don't tickle me! Sister Shuyan, help me!"

"Don't make trouble, you two, you won't be able to see it and be careful."

Han Shuyan's reproach made Lin Cheng finally settle down.

However, he was a little dissatisfied.

"Sister Shuyan, you are biased! You don't care if I kicked Xiaotong several times, and you stop me when you just tickle her."

Han Shuyan just pursed her lips and smiled, Xiao Tong was extremely proud, "Sister Shuyan likes me the most! Of course you can want to love me, as for you... I don't know you well!"

While speaking, she turned around and got into Han Shuyan's arms to act like a baby.

"Woo~~~ Sister Shuyan, you are so kind."

Han Shuyan put her arms around Xiao Tong, "Okay! Be quiet too, don't provoke trouble."


Xiao Tong agreed, but suddenly found that Lin Cheng was still holding her ankle.

He really didn't tickle her anymore.

But Lin Cheng is not restless.

His palms slid gently between the palms of his little wife, and then he fiddled with his small and delicate toes in the dark.

This guy!
Xiao Tong shrank her feet slightly, but Lin Cheng didn't let her go.

Listening to the conversation between Sister Shuyan and Sister Shiyan, Xiao Tong was a little nervous.

He looked in Lin Cheng's direction.

Fortunately, the room is too dark.

It's just that it's okay... She was worried that that guy would push his feet.

At this moment, Lin Cheng didn't bother to listen to the women's conversation, and carefully played with his little wife's beautiful feet.

To be fair, the feel of net stockings is much worse than that of silk stockings, but it is indeed another wonderful stimulation.

You can feel the delicateness of the skin through the fine mesh.

Lin Cheng deliberately separated the little wife's toes, and gently teased with his fingertips through the gaps in the fishnet stockings, causing Xiao Tong's toes to keep curling up and dodging.

Although he couldn't see clearly, Lin Cheng felt that the little wife was really cute.

He couldn't help lowering his head.

At this time, the phone message sounded.

Lin Cheng took the phone and looked at it.

Xiao Tong: You are not allowed to play tricks, sisters Shiyan and Shuyan are by your side.

Lin Cheng's mouth slightly raised.

He gently scratched Xiao Tong's soles again, causing her to flinch.

Lin Cheng: Xiaotong promised to bully me, and not being allowed to speak doesn't count.

Seeing this news, Xiao Tong gritted her teeth angrily.


Sister Tong said she would bully you, but you can't bully me in front of Sister Shuyan and Sister Shiyan!
Just when she was angrily about to send another message to reprimand Lin Cheng, there was a sudden burst of scorching heat on the soles of her feet.

So hot!

With a sudden tremor, Xiao Tong subconsciously wanted to retract her legs.

However, Lin Cheng had expected and grabbed her ankle.

The phone vibrates.

Xiao Tong looked at the screen and bit her pink lips lightly.

Lin Cheng: Xiaotong, help me!
(End of this chapter)

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