Chapter 189 Terrifying KT
Zeyuan: "The rhythm of KT is so suffocating! Just now the troll made a promise on the top, and the duo of DRX obviously didn't expect the other party to make a move below. The prince was overtaken as soon as he left."

Remember: "Galio cleared the line faster than Ike in the early stage. Although Kuro was crushed by Chovy again, he ran down after pushing the line and Ike couldn't do anything at this time.

Moreover, the few steps that Galio leaned down happened to be stuck on the edge of Chovy's field of vision, and DRX might have thought that Galio had returned. "

Zeyuan: "Facts have proved that KT allows Lin Cheng to play tools and find the rhythm of the game. It's not like many people think that as long as KT is crushed to death on the top lane, he can't win the game. The rhythm of KT in the past few minutes is even worse than the first game. close."

Remember: "Indeed! They are not the only ones who can go to C in the top and bottom lanes. Bono's jungle rhythm has completely blown Pyosik in this round. Kuro also played very smartly. This KT team is a bit scary to be honest."

Zeyuan joked with a smile: "I'll be honest, this KT team seems to have a better rhythm than T1 this season at least. Although T1 has won more games, the rhythm is really not good."

Bono had a huge advantage in the bottom lane, and Bono's troll ran to the lower half of the jungle to drive away the prince, and turned around to control the first dragon before 8 minutes.

Nuo handed over the TP directly, wanting to take advantage of Ornn and Galio's lack of big moves to take on this wave of dragon team battles.

Lin Cheng immediately handed over his TP and landed on the grass in the middle road.

The average LCK team may let it go this time if they don't have a key big move, because the advantages accumulated in the early stage are likely to be ruined by this kind of irrational engagement.

But this wave of KT did not hesitate to fight back.

Obviously, the advantage in the second half is so great, why should Aoun and TP give up?
After Lin Cheng TP landed, the troll and the titan had let go of Xiaolong and pulled up the position, and the prince flashed EQ to provoke them.

The prince kept the man, and Nuoshou rushed over under the acceleration of the cat.

Bono set up a pillar with his backhand to block Nuoshou's position, and Dolan directly pulled the two of them over with his E skill, and swung the ax out of position.

However, Lin Cheng's Aoun had already joined the battlefield, and he used the troll's pillar to hit his head with the hammer, and his hands flew up, and began to breathe fire.

The troll's blood volume is not very healthy due to the dragon fight. In Dolan's imagination, it is time for Nuo Shou's guillotine harvesting if he scratches two on the outer circle and then hits two casually to stack blood anger.

However, imagination can only be imagination, especially now that Nuo Shou, who only has one three-speed shoe, has little effect on team battles.

As soon as Nuo hand landed and lifted the axe, Aoun knocked it out of the fragile hand. Kuro's Galio flashed and punched, and a righteous wind that could match the damage of EZ directly dropped Nuo's hand.

Nuoshou broke out the cat, and both of them died in the river along with the prince.

Although Ike's backhand's time staggered beautifully stunned three people, but before Chovy cut the troll to death, he was quickly disabled by several people, and Ike could only retreat with a big move.

Ike retreated, and Mr. Dai's Verus did not dare to approach even if he shot an arrow far away.

Zeyuan: "DRX is blown up! The whole line is blown up! DRX's wave of small dragon team battles completely broke up the situation. In just over 8 minutes, KT made a gold difference of [-]. This is a very exaggerated statistic. "

Remember: "DRX is in a hurry! They may think that the advantage of KT's bot lane is too great, and they called Nuo to take advantage of the time when Galio and Aoun have no big moves to force back the disadvantage.

But you blow up the dragon in the bot lane and it's only natural for KT to get it. Why do you force it to fight?

And who is going to output this wave of DRX?The prince flashed to keep people, in fact, only Nuo Shou kept up a little bit, Verus's position was still late, and when Ike entered the field, Nuo Shou, who was the most combative, was dead and could not fight at all. "

Zeyuan: "The key is still crispness. Dolan is a promising player with only three-speed shoes. It's a bit too much to go to someone's face when the opponent has all the skills."

With a huge advantage in hand, KT steadily began to use the bot lane advantage step by step to snowball.

KT's tactical focus is on the lower half, and Lin Cheng is on top to resist the pressure honestly. As long as he doesn't go out and give Nuo a chance to stack Blood Rage, it is impossible for the opponent to touch Aoun.

In the middle lane, Galio and the troll deliberately radiated to the lower half of the area, making the gap for DRX's bottom lane bigger and bigger. In less than 10 minutes, EZ directly took down the first blood tower.

After taking down the first tower from the bottom lane, the duo switched to the top lane, and Lin Cheng went down to continue to resist the pressure. His teammates didn't even want to give him any tapi money.

Anyway, Brother Cheng's hand is the one that was abandoned. He just lay down and waited for his teammates to lead him to fly.

In a word, no package wins.

The huge lead of the duo allowed Aiming to eat up all the Tapi on the road before 13 minutes. KT really made four guarantees and one raised a fat EZ.

In fact, not only EZ is fat, KT has the lead in all matchups, and the subsequent waves of resource competition all ended in KT's victory.

At this time, Lin Cheng's old problem in the training match was committed.

At 20 minutes, Aoun was inexplicably lost in the red square wild area and was surrounded by opportunities caught by the opponent.

But if you lose the fight, it is called a disease, and if you win, it is called the seduction of the physical body.

Lin Cheng's Aoun was too fleshy, he was stunned until Galio made a big move to support, and then his teammates rushed to help and wiped out the opponent in a wave.

In 23 minutes, with a huge economic gap of up to 3, KT successfully flattened the opponent's base and won the BO[-] victory.

Zeyuan: "Win again! Eight consecutive victories! Is this the KT team that lost five consecutive games at the beginning? It's really terrifying!"

Remember: "In this round, Aiming took off after Bono caught the wave at the beginning. McGeor's lineup idea is also very good. However, it turns out that just relying on a cat can make up for Nuo's clumsy hands and short legs in team battles. The flaws are unrealistic.

In several waves of team battles, Dolan entered the field and became residual blood. Even if he caught the opponent's skills and entered the field again, he was still easy to be walked. After all, it is like this without sprinting hands. "

Zeyuan: "Now I'm more curious about who can end KT's winning streak? You must know that in this eight-game winning streak, KT has not lost a single game in the seven BO3s after Lin Cheng played, which is too scary. gone."

"Eight kill super god, congratulations."

"KT Duck! Brother Cheng is the best top laner in the LCK."

"There are only barbecue stalls left! I will support KT from now on."

"Brother Chengzi is so aggrieved at this game, he has been playing single player alone, haha."

"Are you sure he's aggrieved? Isn't it uncomfortable to lie down?"

"Guapi once said: It's really happy to lie down and win."

"Aoun's ult is very good in team battles. I thought Brother Chengzi wouldn't know this kind of hero."

"Don't be embarrassing, brother Chengzi, is there any hero he can't use? Doesn't this hero just need hands?"

(End of this chapter)

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