This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1892 Enjing: At least I didn't think about someone committing suicide

Lin Cheng tweeted that the big one was coming, but of course he didn't mean that KT was ready to play tricks when he came up.

He wanted to give a blow to the fun people who were expecting KT's opener to overturn, and tortured the sunspots who opened the champagne in advance.

It's a pity that the sunspots seem to have misunderstood it.

The front row sells melon seeds beer mineral water.

Get ready, the big ones are coming!
Before four o'clock in the afternoon, the entire KT team had arrived at the Busan E-sports Stadium.

All the games of this group stage will be held in the Busan E-Sports Stadium. This is a small indoor venue similar to LOL PARK. Tournament.

With more than an hour before the start of the game, the KT players waited patiently in the waiting room.

Everyone chatted and relaxed, exchanging ranking experience.

Mr. Kang's test result has not turned negative today, and he is locked up alone in the hotel. He is video chatting with Acorn and constantly giving his own tactical instructions.

"I watched a lot of games in the Vietnam Division. Their style is extremely aggressive. You must tell the players not to be distracted later."

"Everyone in BP is discussing it, but don't let Lin Cheng mess around."

Mr. Kang was eloquent, but Brother A hesitated to speak.

You didn't stop Lin Cheng from messing around when you came to the BP, didn't you?

You leave this job to me, can I do it?

Of course, Mr. Kang didn't care about the assistant's entanglement, just kept going.

Although no one was on the scene, Mr. Kang felt that he was an indispensable part of the team, and he insisted on commanding the team remotely.

Brother A looks serious, but his eyes are wandering.

He almost wrote the word perfunctory on his face.

Lin Cheng joined in the fun and wanted to tell Mr. Kang:

Coach, please go to sleep at ease. Do you point out that directing is actually not that important to us...maybe, maybe, maybe?
But considering the mental state of the coach, Lin Cheng was very sensible and didn't add fuel to the flames because he was afraid of making Mr. Kang angry again.


Just as Xiao Tong picked up the two little girls from school, Enxi knelt down in front of the TV anxiously.

"Sister Tong, Enxi wants to see uncle."


Xiao Tong found the live broadcast of the Korean Stream game, but the screen hadn't been connected yet, and it was the KT team's fixed-makeup posters.

Enxi can be fascinated by this picture alone.

"It's uncle."

Just right, a slightly sad melody sounded.

I stared blankly for a long time

You just leave me and go, I don't know what to do
Looking at your back, I couldn't help crying
"Cut! This guy."

Xiao Tong pouted.

She recognized that it was the song of Lin Cheng's good sisters.

As an official partner of Riot Games, Spotify will still have a battle song for the teams competing in this year's World Championship. This time Lin Cheng directly decided to set KT's battle song as "Falling U" by his sisters.

Anyway, the styles of the sisters' music library are varied, ranging from disco to lyrical. Lin Cheng couldn't use them all until he retired.

Although the song was nice, Xiao Tong couldn't help feeling a little sour.

That guy just misses his good sisters.

Out of sight, out of mind, Miss Xiao decisively changed the channel.

"Sister Hitomi."

Enxi looked at her eagerly, her big eyes filled with grievances, "Why don't you let Enxi see uncle?"

"There is still an hour before the game starts. Can I show you cartoons? Xiaoying wants to watch cartoons, right?"

Enxi looked at her little friend, said with a puckered mouth, "Okay then, I'll call you back when the time comes."


At this time, Ji Yeon and Eun Jeong Juri happened to be free and got together to watch the opening match.

"It's our song! My brother is awesome."

Hanhan doesn't hide his liking for Lin Cheng at all, which makes the two sisters helpless and funny.

En Jing: "Speaking of which, it's also thanks to Lin Cheng's promotion. Recently, the audience keeps asking me to sing old songs during the occasional live broadcast."

Ju Li was a little distressed: "Me too, but I have forgotten a lot."

"What? Ernie can't remember the song again? Sure enough, it's the old man's memory, hahahaha!

Zhiyan clapped her hands heartlessly and laughed heartlessly, causing Ju Li to be dissatisfied.

En Jing also added a knife: "The last time I recorded a program, the music played for a long time before I realized that it was our song. Julioni really has a bad memory."

"Ah! You two, do you have to make my sister unhappy?"

The three of them laughed non-stop.


Enjing looked at the Spotify logo on the TV screen and suddenly remembered something, "Do you pay attention to the number of plays of our new album on Spotify?"

"Spotify? No, I don't use this to listen to music."

The new album released by the sisters at the end of last year was produced at their own expense, and the copyright of the song was completely bought out from the creator, which means that they will receive complete copyright benefits.

Every time a work is played on Spotify, the copyright owner can get a benefit of US$0.00318-0.006, which fluctuates according to the proportion of paying users.

In other words, there is a profit of 1000 to 3 US dollars for [-] million views.

Thanks to Lin Cheng's persistent publicity, although the sisters' "Re:T-ARA" album has only two songs, the combined playback volume of the two songs has exceeded 5000 million.

After all, these days, even if fans buy albums, they basically don't listen to CDs, and listening to songs on software is more common.

Moreover, Lin Cheng's fans are mainly in Europe, America, including South Korea, where the payment rate is concentrated. India's prostitution land has no fans at all.

The estimated income of the two songs on Spotify alone has completely exceeded the album production costs of the sisters.

The reason why Lin Cheng did not choose the two songs from the new album of the sisters for this MSI battle song is also because this is an official promotion channel, and the revenue of the song has been cut.

"Really? Will there be so much money?"

Seeing the playback volume displayed on Eunjung's phone, Jiyeon and Juri were taken aback.

They didn't know which channels had money to get them before.

Ju Li even thought that the albums sold and the performance fees were all her income, and it should not be possible to generate copyright income in other aspects.

After all, it is old people's paste.

"Then this money will be used as the start-up fund for our next comeback, and it will be enough to produce two new songs."

"Agreed! Tara will continue to pursue her dreams!"

Leaving aside Hyomin's happy agreement, Jiyeon waved her fists with a smile: "Brother is awesome! Most of the credit is his, no problem? The comment section seems to be full of his fans."

The two sisters rolled their eyes tacitly.

"Okay! You don't have to talk about it all the time knowing that he has done a lot."

En Jing thought for a while, "Lin Cheng, the finale of my drama performance, also praised him. I will thank him next time."

"Don't be so polite."

Zhiyan chuckled, "Anyway, O'Neill has already thanked you with a warm kiss, and your dear brother knows."

Enjing blushed all of a sudden, last time she was attacked and kissed by Lin Cheng when she was drinking in the car, and occasionally she was taken out to make fun of her.

Zhiyan is not angry at all when she finds out, on the contrary, he likes to make fun of her sister the most.

"Ah! That was just an accident..."

Jiyeon smiled wickedly.

Seeing Ju Li sniggering beside her, Eun Jing became anxious.

"Ah! What are you laughing at? At least I didn't think about someone committing suicide!"

Ju Li: "???" (End of this chapter)

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