This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1894 This battle, leave a name

Chapter 1894 This battle, leave a name

At the beginning of the promotional film, Lin Cheng's monologue was calm and domineering. Just after he said don't wishful thinking, the camera suddenly turned to someone's first-person mobile phone chat interface.

The messages displayed on the screen are in English.

Yeah! I'm Hyped! MSI 2022 Lets go!

Apparently, the owner of the phone is a contestant expressing his excitement to his friends.

The friend replied that he was already on the bus and agreed to meet him at the intersection.

The owner of the mobile phone quickly taps the screen to continue editing information:
Now is the perfect time, because KT·····
Before the news was edited, the camera cut suddenly.

Half a silver earphone appeared on the screen, and the background seemed to be inside a bus.

However, before the owner of the earphones could reveal the whole picture, the screen changed again.

A burly figure walked down the street.

He turned his back to the camera and looked up at a certain place. Due to the shadow of the building, he couldn't see the style of the team uniform on his body, so he could only see that it was probably black and white.

As he walked forward slowly, the shape of this figure changed slightly, and the team uniform changed from black and white to blue, and the ID on the back could finally be seen clearly.

Inspired, EG played wild.

Taking a complete step, the shape of the figure changes again.

Steal, DFM jungler.

Stepping again, the figure continued to change.

Juhan, PSG jungler.

Aegis, RED's jungler.

In just three or four seconds, the junglers of several teams appeared in the back view one after another.

They have obvious differences in size, but the posture is exactly the same.

All looking up somewhere, walking firmly.

The screen cuts back to the apron on the rooftop.

Lin Cheng crossed his arms and looked into the distance quietly with his back to the camera.

The camera language seemed to be telling the audience that the contestants were all looking up here just now.

The bullet screen is very messy.

"This clip is awesome! "

"I also saw the cub's change of clothes every minute and every second later, right?The method is too similar"

"If these are several cubs in different costumes, Brother Cheng will be ecstatic! (funny)"

"Brother Orange Run!The jungler is coming to GANK! "

"Seven or eight jungler GANKs at once, just ask which top laner can withstand it? "

"There are so many junglers, how many times will the teacher die if he changes the sun? "

"A jungler can catch the dead teacher seven or eight times in one game, so many are afraid to develop i50"

"If Brother Sun developed the i50, his teammates would have been electrified 50 times"

It can be seen that Fist knows who is the father.

It took only a few seconds for many junglers to share a scene, and Lin Cheng spent more time on the rooftop staring at the camera than so many players combined.

He stood quietly with his back to the camera, standing upright like a javelin.

The wind picked up and moved his clothes.

Finally, the camera cuts again.

The identity of the owner of the silver earphones is revealed.

The hat emperor was sitting in the bus, wearing earphones and turning his head to stare out the window.

The bus arrives.

He looked down at the phone, and the moment he looked up, his eyes became extremely sharp.

Standing up, the background music ignited.

At the intersection, Jankos met the cap with a smile on his face.

They high five and hug.

"The last time we were shortlisted for MSI, we were the champions!"

Following this narration, the G2 players appeared one by one.

The BB boy punched the camera wildly.

The newly joined AD player Flakked gestured with a pistol.

Auxiliary Targamas dance.

The rhythm of the music was full of the joy of hip-hop, and players from other teams also showed up.

The SGB players posed in the plaza and made the announcement of the opening game.

"After two and a half years away from the international arena, everyone should be afraid of us because they don't know how strong we are."

"KT is strong! But we have found their weaknesses."


"Good boy!Spotted a weakness?So it was the poison you cast? "

"Case solved, KT mass infection was done by Vietnamese"

"Difficult to Stretch"

"Buffalo: Everyone should be afraid of us, they don't know how good we are"

"Haven't played in the world championship for two and a half years, it would be funny if KT really lost to Vietnam"

"It doesn't have to be KT, someone will be funny anyway"

The promos are still going on.

PSG players play video games in the video game room.

RED players skateboarding on the street.

DFM players eat barbecue at a stall.

The picture is bright and full of life.

Shot changes are very frequent.

"Korean players are full of affection for League of Legends."

Mr. Dai was walking by the sea, with his usual shyness, and a sad voice.

"Unfortunately, here I always miss the championship."


With a soft sigh, he smiled helplessly, "It's such a happy and bitter place."

Following Mr. Dai's confession, the audience reacted.

In the previous two world championships held in South Korea, Deft seemed to have no good results.

During S4, SSB beat SSW violently in the league. As a result, the opponent suddenly evolved in the World Championship, turned over and killed his father.

During S8, KT lost to IG as the top seed of LCK, which ended the consecutive championship of LCK.

"Really lost a lot here... this time, it's time for a change."

"Ask us?"

As soon as Mr. Dai's voice fell, Xiaohu's angry voice suddenly interjected.

The RNG team debuted in a concave shape.

A Bin crossed his arms and looked at people through his nostrils.

Serena shook her index finger, as if denying her opponent's determination.

Gala didn't say a word, showing the killer's ruthlessness.

Xiao Ming hooked his fingers and let the horse come over.

With the appearance of the five RNG players, the screen seemed to be split, and data streams flickered continuously.

"For this MSI, RNG has overcome far more difficulties than you imagined!"

"This time, we came to Busan with determination."

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!"

The Chinese stream barrage exploded.

"No way!Xiaohu, we really can’t do it, it’s just a competition"

"Tears!I really want to win"

"This posture, if you don't win the championship, your RNG team will jump into the sea in Busan, right? "

"Don't jump!The contract has not been fulfilled yet, jumping into the sea RNG also has to get stuck and file a lawsuit first"

"Difficult to stretch! "

The speeches of the RNG players were deafening, and their determination was extremely strong.

They are indeed KT's biggest competitors in this MSI.

The camera switches again.


Lin Cheng finally came to his senses and turned around slowly.

As if finally getting interested, he raised his eyebrows.

"Are you all ready?"

"Then let's go together!"

"This battle, leave a name."

Following Lin Cheng's words, the promotional video came to an abrupt end.

Zeyuan: "Wow!!! This promotional video feels like a lot of gunpowder. The determination of the RNG players to win the championship is fully revealed, including G2's ambitions. Everyone seems to be preparing to overthrow KT."

"As for KT, although only two people participated in the filming of the promotional video, there is nothing to say about Brother Orange's demon-like aura and the oppressive feeling of being challenged by a big boss."

Cheng Feng'er: "As Brother Cheng said in the promotional video, KT faced a lot of difficulties in this MSI, and they didn't even have to play a training match. In fact, it may be very difficult for them to defend their title this time. "

"Many players are just recovering from serious illnesses. In the opening match, they will face the impact of the youngest team in this MSI. Can KT withstand it?"

(End of this chapter)

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