This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1901 Zhiyan's Welfare

Chapter 1901 Zhiyan's Welfare

"Why don't you talk? Am I wrong?"

Lin Cheng broke the silence.

The three sisters didn't hold back for a moment, they all laughed out loud.

Enjing: "Do you want to listen to what I just said?"

Ju Li: "It's a good thing that there are many people who are devoted to each other."

Zhiyan: "Haha! Bro, are you telling a joke? My sister doesn't want to laugh."

Lin Cheng stopped talking.

Is this funny?
He felt hurt.

The sisters laughed for a while, and finally found that Lin Cheng seemed to be sulking.

Jiyan: "Hey! Why don't you talk?"

Lin Cheng: "..."

Jiyeon: "Angry? Don't be so mean."

Lin Cheng: "My heart has been hurt, tell me, how can I make it up?"

Zhiyan smiled and said: "You say, my sister can agree."

Lin Cheng: "Then I want to watch the dance."

Zhiyan immediately agreed: "Okay! What do you want to see?"

Lin Cheng: "Many... I want to see all of your dances, why don't you have a hot show of "One Minute One Second" first?"

"Woo!!! Smelly brother likes to watch this, just wait for me, sister is going to change clothes and get ready."

After speaking, Zhiyan dropped the phone and ran into the bedroom quickly.

Looking at the young lady's cheerful back, Eun Jing was puzzled: "What are you going to do for a dance? This outfit is pretty good."

"Why else? Because of someone, I guess he wants to see Ji-yeon dressed more sexy."

Ju Li sneered, she knew what tune Lin Cheng liked.

Last time the guy let himself put on...

En Jing also understood: "Tch! These two brothers and sisters don't have to worry about it, that's enough."

Lin Cheng: "Hey! Can you keep your voice down when you say bad things about me? I'm still listening... By the way, how do you compensate me?"

Enjing: "Mo? Why should we compensate you?"

Ju Li: "Exactly! Zhiyan has promised to dance for you."

Lin Cheng: "That doesn't count, you guys hurt me just about giving me a kiss from each of you sisters?"

"Go to hell! Hang up first, and Zhiyan will send you a video of her dancing later."

Enjing quickly hung up the phone, still muttering dissatisfiedly: "This guy is really strange, how could he talk to my sister like this?"

Ju Li couldn't help joking: "Anyway, you kissed him last time, so it's okay to do it again."

Brother Jing blushed all of a sudden, "Don't mention what happened last time, that guy drank too much."

"Haha! Are you shy?"

Enjing was anxious, "Ah! At least I didn't think about someone committing suicide... eh!!!!"

Before she finished speaking, Ju Li had already rushed forward and covered her mouth fiercely.

"Damn! My sister will teach you a lesson."

"Just you? I'm a black belt in Taekwondo."

The two started to fight, and the living room was full of laughter.

After a while, Zhiyan changed clothes and came out.

"Wow! Do you have to dress like this?"

"That's right, it's not about going on the formal stage."

Ignoring the little opinions of the two older sisters, Zhiyan turned around with a smile, "Isn't it pretty? My brother will definitely like it."

Enjing nodded, "It's really pretty and sexy."

On the other hand, Ju Li looked up and down the maknae, and curled her lips slightly.

Zhiyan changed into a black one-piece short skirt with hip wrapping. The slim skirt set off her beautiful figure, and her long legs under the skirt were wrapped in black transparent stockings.

The skirt is very short, revealing a small section of fair thigh skin, and the lace-patterned garter belt on it.

She was wearing suspenders.

And no matter how you look at it, Ju Li feels that the maknae's breasts are abnormal.

"How much did you pay?"

"Not at all."

"Don't deny it, it must be a pity."

"No no."

Faced with her sister's doubts, Zhiyan refused to admit it, turned around and began to prepare the song.

"Enjing O'Neil, please help me take a video and send it to my brother later."


After listening to his sisters singing over the phone just now, Lin Cheng couldn't help but ran to find the original version of "Falling U".

While listening to the song, Enjing sent a video to the group.

Jiyeon: Smelly brother!Promise your dance (asking for compliments)
Lin Cheng clicked on the video and was almost shocked.

Jiyeon stood with her back to the camera under the bright lights of the living room.

The feet wrapped in black silk stepped on the floor, the slim skirt covered the hips, and the sexy black suspenders showed absolute territory, forming an extreme contrast with Hanhan's usual carefree appearance.

She was dressed in a charming black, facing the white wall, just the back view made Lin Cheng reluctant to look away.

As the music played, Jiyeon danced intently.

The dance is graceful, sexy and charming.

She is an extremely charming and elegant dancer.

Because she was wearing a hip-wrapping skirt, Lin Cheng was always unconsciously attracted by her fair thighs as she raised her legs and squatted down.

That sexy garter belt, that hazy black...

Hey Hey hey!It's a foul.

In one of the clips, Jiyan slowly twists her hips with her back against the wall.

Suddenly, her eyes seemed to meet Lin Cheng through the camera.

Hazy, charming.

This foolish person is serious, he is really addicted to death.

Lin Cheng couldn't stand it anymore.

Oh shit!Just watching his wife dance makes him restless, and Lin Cheng feels that he is worthless.

After watching the video, Lin Cheng posted several nosebleed emojis.

Jiyeon: (hee hee) Little brother, how is sister dancing?
Lin Cheng: My Zhiyan wife is the best!Long live! ! ! ! ! ! !
Originally, she was panting after dancing for a while, but Zhiyan was sitting and resting. Seeing the series of exaggerated exclamation points behind Lin Cheng's message, this naive couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth happily.

"Hey!!! Jiyeon's wife... this guy is so disgusting."

Enjing turned her head and saw the satisfied smile on Jiyan's face.

"No promise!"

She tapped her maknae's head with a pillow, "He just compliments you, don't laugh like an idiot."

Ju Li chimed in, "That's right, stupid."

"Don't laugh at me."

Zhiyan turned her head and threw herself into Ju Li's arms, acting coquettishly.

After fighting for a while, while the two older sisters turned their heads to watch TV, Ji-yeon moved her phone to her lap and took a photo.

Click on Lin Cheng's profile picture and secretly send it to him.

Seeing the black silk photos sent by Hanhan, Lin Cheng couldn't help being happy.

I have to say that suspenders have a different kind of sex appeal.

He sent an emoji with hooked fingers.

Lin Cheng: Looks good!I still want to watch!

With the affirmation of her sweetheart, Zhiyan bit her lip and peeked at the two older sisters next to her.

Finding that they were not paying attention to her, she quietly pointed the phone at the bottom of her skirt.

Double check.

no!It was dark and the lighting was poor.

She secretly chatted about the hem of the skirt and took a new photo.

The moment he saw the photo, Lin Cheng who was drinking water almost spit it out.

God is sorry, he just let Zhiyan's wife continue to have black hair.

Who would have thought that she would lift up her skirt.

But I have to say, this benefit is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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