This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1909 Wanwan: I hope teammates will give less

Chapter 1909 Wanwan: I hope teammates will give less
After the two players of KT and G2 appeared on the screen, the rest of the team members also appeared in turn.

Oki stood under a shadow, as if heralding that he would break through the haze of the LCS division this year.

"Streak? Domination? There is no eternity!"

The figure in the RNG team uniform walked forward slowly, and the voice in the corner was a little low.

"Even if you move mountains to fill seas, you must do your best."

The camera switches constantly.

street at night.

Crowded alleys.

Spacious modern lobby.

The players of each team kept flashing in the scenes full of life.

"Six teams, six different dreams."

"Which of these dream chasers will have the last laugh?"

With the narration of Roaring Emperor, the camera switches to the original forest.

Lin Cheng leaned over and picked up the blooming red rose.

The bullet screen is like this.

"Picking Randomly!fine! "

"The flower picker Lin Xiaocheng, have you been caught?"

"Don't pick wild flowers outside!Brother Chengzi, I'm still waiting for you at home every night! "

"One thing to say, this scene of Chengzi brother is so emotional"

"The heart has the Tigers, fine sniffing the rose"

As Lin Cheng plucked the blooming roses, the scene changed again.

The music gets heated.

At the entrance of the convenience store, the tall Jankos pointed to the team logo on his chest.

"Listen up to KT! The winning streak can only be us."

As opponents in the opening game, the players of KT responded.

"Maybe there are LCK teams that fell at the feet of G2, maybe they also have a T in their name."

Brother Cuzz shook his index finger towards the camera, "But that's not us."

"We are KT, the undefeated kings."

Korean stream barrage frying pan.

"? ? ? "

"I didn't expect T1 to be stabbed here, KKKKK"

"Too much!None of us participated in MSI, don't call"

"Spanish Prisoners of War, Out!Taipei prisoners of war, come out! 1557 out! "

"arrive! ! ! "

As the defending champion and the absolute ruler of the past two years, KT is also the target of public criticism in the promotional video.

Streets of Busan at night.

The PSG players all looked up at the night sky, and Kaiwing said: "We want the world to know that even God bleeds."

The screen turns.

Lin Cheng still stared at the red rose in his hand, as if he didn't care about everything.

Mr. Dai looked at the camera, his confidence was beyond words.

Beryl clasped his hands reverently, and slowly turned his head to look over.

He seems to be very deep when he doesn't speak, and the audience is afraid that Brother Yuanshen will have a strong taste of two-thorn newt when he opens his mouth.

Then, RNG players came on the stage.

General Hu folded his hands on his chest, staring with a pair of dead fish eyes full of murderous intent.

"KT! We're back!"

"This time, we want to lose... all! Take it! Take it back! Come!"

"RNG Duck! "

"Take it all back!The champion is ours

"This year is the best all-China class!Much better than last year"

"The sword keeps on pointing to death, come on!" "

"Today I will give Europe and the United States a little bit of LPL shock, and then I will do KT tomorrow"

"Bros!My wife is wearing black silk and trying to disturb me watching the game, I tell her to fuck off!Am I dick or not? "

"You can lie to your brothers, but don't lie to yourself"

The barrage of the Chinese style is directly boiling because of Xiaohu's fighting spirit, but the style of the Korean style is not the same.

Xiaohu's lines are really hot, but he doesn't seem to have a good rest, the already heavy bags under his eyes are more obvious, and he looks very old in the screen.

"RNG?came back?Come back and send! "

"This player looks so old"

"Does this look 30 years old? "

"He is so old, can he keep up with the operation?" "

The camera turns to the forest again.

The rose in Lin Cheng's hand seemed to turn into sand and slowly dissipate.

This scene seems to express something.

Qin lost its deer, and the world pursued it?

“As the saying goes, don’t dream the impossible.”

Lin Cheng calmly watched the roses in his hands scattered in the air, "Please also...don't wishful thinking."

The palms were spread out, and the last embers were gone with the wind.

Lin Cheng's side face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

As if excited by the challenge.

The promotional video came to an abrupt end.

Chinese stream, Wang Duoduo and Wan Wan sit in the commentary seat.

Wanwan's eyebrows are clear and picturesque, and her makeup is extremely delicate.

Her long black hair was tied up, her bangs parted three to seven fit her small forehead perfectly, and the hair hanging down to her ears casually covered her slightly shaking silver earrings.

She wore a white one-shoulder slim dress, revealing her fair and thin fragrant shoulders, and her delicate collarbone seemed to be shining like beautiful jade.

Tonight is full of beauty and charm, so beautiful that it shines, causing wolves to howl in the live broadcast room.

"Woooo!night!Beautiful tonight! "

"Every time there is a Chengzi brother competition, she dresses up very beautifully (eating lemons)"

"Come home with me tonight!"Don't think about Brother Cheng Zi (crying loudly)"

"Wanwan live broadcast said that I have the opportunity to think about the new skin of Baisi, the sword girl of COS Cheng Zige, brothers are blessed"

"I want to see Baisi! "

"Don't even think about it, only wear white silk every night to show brother Chengzi"

"Show Brother Chengzi one-on-one, and live text broadcast for brothers, right?Not even a picture like that"

"I'm heartbroken! "

Wang Duoduo: "Hello, everyone! After a long wait, we finally entered the contest. Wanwan and Wang Duoduo will bring you live commentary on today's opening match."

"Hi everyone, I'm Wan Wan."

Wanwan's tone was a little brisk, "It's the Wanwan who was cut by justice, and I finally have the opportunity to comment on the KT game. I will work hard today!"

Wang Duoduo held back his laughter, and began to routinely broadcast the extra-long commercials according to the rhythm.

"Before the official start, there are still some very important things to remind everyone, thank you Tengjing Sports for the full live broadcast production..."

After introducing today's schedule, the director gave the statistics of all the heroes in the group stage.

In this group stage, there are two heroes whose BP rate reached 100%, namely Lucian and Fox.

Among them, Lucian was selected for three games, and all other games were banned. The winning rate reached an astonishing 100%.

The Foxes' winning percentage is relatively less exaggerated, with 5 wins and 4 losses.

Wang Duoduo: "The combination of Luna is indeed the first bot lane in the current version. The 100% winning rate and 100% BP rate both illustrate the problem."

Wan Wan: "The main Luna group stage is selected by the strong teams. The three appearances were selected by KT, RNG and G2. We don't know how Luna is in other teams."

Wang Duoduo: "As a KT fan, Wanwan thinks that Luna's strength in this version is good news for KT?"

"It's not easy to say."

Wan Wan thought about it: "If KT's bot lane is still in the same state as the first game against SGB, Luna's use of it will be a big weakening of KT."

"Because heroes like Lucian are very powerful, but they often can't stop once they start sending."

Wang Duoduo also joked: "After all, all teams in the match will have to face each other. If Deft plays RNG behind and is sent by Lucian, Wanwan thinks it is good or bad?"

Wan Wan started to play dumb, staring at the camera innocently.

Wang Duoduo: "???"

Wan Wan: "Hey! My microphone seems to be broken. There was no sound just now."


Wang Duoduo changed the question, "I mean, what do you think of today's game?"

Wan Wan chuckled, "I hope that my teammates will send less later, so as to relieve Brother Chengzi's pressure."

Her silver earrings swayed slightly, as if reflecting a little bit of starlight.

The smile is very healing.

"Ha ha!Night is too funny"

"Adaptive microphones, huh? "

"Wanwan will pretend to be stupid now, I'll cry to death!" "

"They were all forced by the emperor!" "

"If it was before, the big devil would start a group violently at night"

"Mature at night! "

"You can get married, come home with me!" "

(End of this chapter)

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