This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1921 Get out of China if you don’t support RNG

It is about RNG's revenge, and the final match of the match has attracted extensive attention from the LPL audience.

Someone has carefully calculated that from MSC in 20 to MSI in 22, KT has won 29 consecutive small games against LPL teams.

29 games!

A total of 29 games, until the last game RNG barely touched KT's front teeth.

In the previous 28 games, no LPL team even broke KT's high ground.

It is true that the shadows have been shot out.

In fact, KT's pressure on LPL has far exceeded that of SKT.

Although there are people who routinely open champagne before every LPL game, let alone how many strings there are, how many dare to really look down on KT?
Especially Lin Cheng, the harm he brought to the LPL audience was extremely huge.

Some extreme LPL fans even hated Lin Cheng because of this, some expelled his nationality, and some refused to watch KT's match against LPL teams.

They have learned the tricks of the piglets, waiting for the results of the game first, so as not to suffer from watching the live broadcast.

That is, when I heard that RNG almost won the last game, many viewers went to watch the replay after the game.

Even if they didn't win, even seeing the LPL team's last KT Highlands was a huge improvement for some viewers.

This time it's the front teeth, next time it's the main castle!

This is a counterattack from LPL.

It is precisely because of the excellent performance of RNG in the last head-to-head confrontation that the final match of the confrontation that has not affected the result has unexpectedly attracted more attention.

Before the game started, the audience in the Chinese streaming studio was already excited.

"Ten Years of Emperor Miscellaneous, Come Uninvited!" ! ! "

"RNG rush for me!Just today"

"Sword Come! "

"Uzi is alive in the sky, bless RNG to charge again! "

"Uzi is not dead, please know"

"Uzi will only pray for the explosion of the RNG base"

"The last time I touched the front teeth, is it okay to touch the main base this time?" "

"I have a showdown, I am Huangza, you can hit me now (dog head)"

"Who do you expect to hit you in this embarrassing nest?"Huangza military base belongs to yes

"Even if I hate Huang Za, I still hope that the LPL team can win against KT once!" "

"Royal Army Come to Me!Fuck KT on behalf of LPL! "

Sitting in the Chinese stream commentary seat today are Ze Yuan and Miller.

Zeyuan: "Come on! Although KT has maintained a complete victory so far, judging from the performance on the field, it is not as suffocating as it was in the international arena in the past two years."

Miller: "Yes! Looking at the games these days, everyone seems to think that this MSI is the best time to end KT's winning streak against LPL."

"This time MSI is honestly not friendly to KT."

"Including the new crown infection, insufficient training matches and other factors have caused great troubles to KT. If we still can't win at this time, we are really a little desperate."

"Is such that!"

Zeyuan took over, "Although some viewers may think it is a bit unfair, there is no absolute fairness in any competitive event."

"Just like in the 06 World Cup, the moment England's golden boy Owen fell down and climbed out of the pitch, he knew his World Cup journey was over."

"No one said that the game was suspended first, and then played after Irving recovered from his injury, and no one said that England's opponents were invincible."

"There are so many helpless and unexpected moments in competitive events, and you don't have to discuss whether it is absolutely fair. For us in the LPL, we really need a victory against KT."

Zeyuan's words resonated with countless audiences, and now many people are pinning their hopes on RNG.

It is not necessary for them to win the championship, at least let the audience see the hope of defeating KT.

Zeyuan: "The last match between the two sides was actually between the two sides. The main reason is that the gap in the top lane is a bit big. If Bingo plays better today, there is still great hope."

Miller: "That's right! Last time Bingonal really played poorly. After summarizing, I believe RNG will make corresponding changes. It depends on how it adjusts today."

"KT's state is really bad, Bingo won the last time if he was a little more normal"

"Trust Abin, the condition is getting better and better these two days"

"Stand up the post as proof, today Bin will kill Brother Chengzi once, and I will guide once!" "

"Don't have illusions!Brother Chengzi will disappoint Huangza (OK)》

"Orange Shut Up!Want to fight against all LPL viewers? "

"Huang Za don't kidnap us, I'm just a neutral audience watching the game"

"Most of the emperors are watching the game now, if RNG really wins, I'm afraid there will be a plague of locusts"

"You guys are rare!almost done"

"China Has R!All those who don't support RNG get out of China"

"Is it possible that last time KT behaved so badly that they wanted to trick you bunch of rogues into killing them? "

There is still a while before the start of the game, and the atmosphere in the KT lounge is very relaxed.

Beryl and Rascal were playing Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and a group of idiots gathered around the table to watch.

Lin Cheng had no interest in Yu-Gi-Oh, so he sat on the sofa and ate chocolate.

Having learned the lesson of eating beef noodles last time, Lin Cheng didn't go out to make carbs before today's game, but just ate a little snack to fill his stomach.

Lin Cheng doesn't like sweets very much, but sweets are the best energy supplements, especially bananas and chocolate.

Chi Shengxi couldn't understand the rules of Yu-Gi-Oh, and felt bored after following the idiots for a while. She sat next to Lin Cheng and prepared to play with her mobile phone.

When he turned his head and saw Lin Cheng's expression as if he was eating, Chi Shengxi wanted to laugh a little.

"Chocolate is not poisonous, why do you eat it so sadly?"

Lin Cheng bared his teeth at her, his mouth was stained black with chocolate.

"I still want fried skewers."

"Then I won the game later, my sister treats you to fried skewers."

Lin Cheng asked back: "Shouldn't you invite me if you lose? Anyway, the result won't matter."

"What will you eat if you lose?"

Chi Shengxi complained: "The last time I played RNG, I almost lost. A large number of T1 fans on the club account are riding on the face. I really dare not think about losing this time."

"Sister Sheng Xi also reads comments and private messages?"

"Look, of course I have to."

"Then I will behave well today, in order to protect Sister Shengxi."

Chi Shengxi couldn't help laughing, "It's agreed, if you lose, you will walk back hungry, and you won't even sit in the car."

"Then you have to be rewarded if you win...except fried skewers."

Lin Cheng looked at his teammates on the other side, and whispered to Sister Sheng Xi's ear, "Show me your cosplay, the black silk principal."

"Think beautifully."

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes and didn't bother to talk to him.

Lin Cheng pursed his lips, secretly staring at her legs under the hem of the skirt.

Chi Shengxi wore a knee-length skirt today. The slender legs under the skirt were not wearing stockings, and they were fair and well-proportioned.

Lin Cheng inexplicably recalled the exciting scene of Sister Sheng Xi poking her buttocks and turning her back to him in the box of the comic shop.

Especially her expression of looking back, the beautiful buttocks in stockings made the glasses girl feel extremely astringent.

And her beautiful legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, the delicate toes stretched from the stockings to the transparent, the hazy and seductive gap between the toes...
This guy looked distracted, and Chi Shengxi couldn't help giving him a brain collapse.

"What are you thinking? Stupid?"

Lin Cheng rubbed his forehead and muttered, "I'm thinking about business."

"What's the matter?"

"I was wondering... When are you free, Sister Sheng Xi?"

Chi Shengxi was a little confused, "What kind of business is this? I'm free right now."

"right now·····"

Lin Cheng showed an embarrassed expression, "It's not very good now, is it? Everyone is here."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Sleep together when you have time."

Chi Shengxi: "???" (End of this chapter)

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