This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1930 is also very good

Chapter 1930 is also very good

After discovering that Sister Sheng Xi had changed her attire, Lin Cheng immediately shamelessly figured out the reason related to him.

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes at him, "Stop being sentimental, my sister only wears silk stockings when she goes to the beach to avoid the wind blowing too cold."


"of course."

Her face was still a little red, almost all the bottle of wine just now went into her stomach.

Seeing her answer so simply, Lin Cheng was a little unhappy.

"Even if it's true, why don't you pretend to coax me."

Chi Shengxi couldn't help smiling, and took two steps back to avoid the waves.

The sea breeze was blowing head-on, blowing her skirt, and the knee-length skirt fit tightly to outline Chi Shengxi's attractive front curve, and the skirt kept blowing behind her with the wind.

Chi Shengxi's figure is very good, and Lin Cheng has known it for a long time. Last time, Lin Cheng's brain almost crashed due to the gesture of the glasses lady in the comic shop.

The contrast between the upturned buttocks and the slender waist is simply not too strong.

But at this time, the knee-length skirt was driven by the sea breeze to outline her frontal line, and Lin Cheng realized that Sister Sheng Xi's breasts were actually not small.

Twigs bear fruit?
Does it count?

It doesn't seem too big, but it's definitely not small either.

Lin Cheng leaned over, took a handful of water and sprinkled it towards Chi Shengxi before the waves receded.


Chi Shengxi avoided sideways, "Do you want to be beaten?"

"It's all wet anyway, come and walk together."

Lin Cheng smiled and waved his hands, "It's not that cold, come over here, Sister Sheng Xi."

With his back to the sea, his appearance was not clear in the light of night, and Chi Shengxi still felt that his smile was a little bright after a few steps away.

Seeing that Chi Shengxi was still hesitating, Lin Cheng kicked the waves and jumped over a few steps, tugging at Chi Shengxi's arm.

"Let's walk around and see the lighthouse ahead."

Chi Shengxi hesitated for a while, then lowered his head and took off his shoes.

The feet in flesh-colored stockings stepped on the beach. Compared with the hazy skin color on her calves, the stockings from her ankles were soaked in sea water and the color was obviously darker, and the color from the soles of the feet to the toes was restored again. shallow.

Because she retreated quickly, her shoes were not completely soaked in water.

Holding the shoes in his hands, Chi Shengxi looked down at his feet.

Lin Cheng was also staring straight at him.

The soles of the feet wrapped in flesh-colored stockings are slender and slender, and the delicate toes tighten the stockings, and the fine gravel surrounds and kisses the jade feet, and quietly sticks to the wet parts of the stockings.

Even though the light was so dim, Lin Cheng still felt that this scene had a very unique beauty.

He inexplicably remembered the last time in the comic shop, sister Sheng Xi stepped on him angrily.

Not knowing that Lin Cheng and the others were busy running the train again, Chi Shengxi took two tentative steps forward and stepped onto the beach soaked in sea water.

The waves hit, and the waves just covered her feet.

"It's so cold!"

Chi Shengxi subconsciously took two steps back.

The stockings on her feet were completely soaked, and the originally hazy flesh-colored stockings became darker and transparent.

The deep white instep and slender toes are clearly visible, and the flesh-colored stockings seem to have become a layer of transparent gauze covering the beautiful feet, which is extra alluring.

Bits of gravel that were also soaked restlessly stuck to her feet, and Lin Cheng suddenly wanted to help Sister Sheng Xi clean the sand.

"How can it be so cold? It's very interesting, don't you think?"

Lin Cheng smiled and grabbed Chi Shengxi's hand, and pulled her along the coast.

Chi Shengxi pulled his arm away, and Lin Cheng wanted to hold his hand again.

"My sister will go by herself."

"Just let me hold you, it's only romantic."

Chi Shengxi slapped his paw away angrily, "You are so romantic! You have girlfriends, and there are more than one."

Lin Cheng pretended to be innocent, "What are you talking about? I'm afraid of getting angry and falling... Do you want to be my girlfriend too? Then I have to think about it seriously."

Chi Shengxi raised his chin and shook his fist at Lin Cheng, "Are you looking for a beating again?"

Her face was still red, and she didn't know if it was anger or shyness, or just the effect of alcohol.

Lin Cheng immediately apologized, "Okay, I was wrong! It was just a joke."

Chi Shengxi curled his lips, too lazy to argue with him.

Holding the shoes in one hand, she stepped on the shallow waves, her head lowered so that she couldn't see clearly.

Lin Cheng turned his head and seemed to see Sister Sheng Xi puffing her cheeks quietly.

Very childish gesture.

The two of them walked along the edge of the waves, stepped on the beach soaked by sea water, and there were continuous waves coming from their feet, which slid over their feet with obvious impact, reaching their ankles, and then retreated quickly.

Without speaking, they just walked away for 2 minutes.

Chi Shengxi finally couldn't help turning his head to look at Lin Cheng's profile.



Lin Cheng turned his head, and the two met their gazes.

Chi Shengxi lowered his eyes, "You are not allowed to do this again in the future."


"It's just... Anyway, don't say any more impolite words. My sister forgives you this time, but there will be no next time."


Lin Cheng didn't talk back, but responded.

But it seems that there is no sincerity.

After all, the same words would make cocoons in his ears.

Seeing this guy's appearance like a hob, Chi Shengxi sighed silently.

She thinks, it's actually quite good as it is!

If she really went further with Lin Cheng, she didn't know how to face her own job, and how to face Lin Cheng's wives.

After all, Chi Shengxi had met Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan, and they had a very good impression on her.

At the end of May, the seaside in Busan was a bit cold. After walking for a while, the two finally decided to return.

Stepping on the beach, Chi Shengxi looked down at his wet feet, and then at Lin Cheng.

"Take off your slippers."


"Let's change clothes."

Chi Shengxi threw the sneakers in his hand to Lin Cheng.

He looked confused, "No! I can't even get in your shoes."

Chi Shengxi took it for granted, "Why don't you push in? The sand rubs your feet, let my sister wear your slippers to go back."

"That's fine! For the sake of Nuna's treat for supper today."

Lin Cheng muttered while giving up his slippers.

Chi Shengxi put on Lin Cheng's slippers and tried walking for two steps, and found that the stockings did not slip even after they got wet, and became more secure.

Lin Cheng, on the other hand, stepped on sneakers that couldn't fit in, his heels were exposed, and his awkward steps were like crabs.

Chi Shengxi almost died laughing.

It happened that Lin Cheng was stepping on the lower sandy ground nearby, so she wrapped her arms around Lin Cheng's neck.

"Hurry up! Don't dawdle."

"Don't press me, I can't stand still."

Lin Cheng shook his body and resisted a little at first, but he rubbed his head against Sister Sheng Xi's chest, and he found it felt pretty good.

"Don't move!"


"Keep your head still."

"Sister Shengxi, is there something stuffed in your clothes? Why does it feel bigger than it looks?"

"Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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