This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1936 The Only Owner of the Frozen Throne

Obviously there was no RNG match today, Abin was dragged out for no reason and tortured, Huang Za couldn't sit still and began to assemble and prepare to charge.

At this time, Wanwan thought she was safe in the commentary booth, and analyzed the ecology of the road with Zeyuan with a relaxed expression.

In fact, the reason why this MSI version has evolved into the duo of Shang Shangewen and captain is also very intuitive.

The big core in the bottom lane was cut a round before the start of the game, and the mid laner was a wandering and rhythmic character like Fox Card, which led to the need to use the big core in the top lane to supplement the output in many cases.

As it happens, the strong version of Gwen and Captain fits this kind of role perfectly.

League of Legends is such a game that requires trade-offs. The casting of a position is often closely related to other positions. Some people are red flowers and others are green leaves.

As the time approached five o'clock in the afternoon, the broadcast screen cut to the scene.

Entering the semi-finals, there is already a formal appearance ceremony.

The Roaring Emperor caster slowly walked out from the passage behind the stage.

"Welcome to Busan!"

"After fierce competition, only four of the 11 teams from all over the world in this year's MSI have a chance to win the championship."

The continuous casting machine has a strong ability to mobilize the atmosphere, and the full-fledged opening made the audience restless.

After introducing the rules of the competition system, the players from both sides will appear on the stage.

"First of all, let's introduce the young LCS king, EG who made it to the MSI knockout for the first time."

"Top! The oldest player in this year's MSI, the top laner is a living fossil-level veteran Impact!"

Damu walked out of the passage quickly, his braids flicked behind him, and he looked a little nervous with his hands clasped in front of his stomach.

Part of the audience applauded.

Although most of them are KT fans here, everyone still has no stingy kindness towards this SKT top laner. After all, Ohki debuted earlier than Faker and Deft, and the ten-year veteran is still worthy of respect.

Although he dominates in a competition area like the LCS, compared to other champions who went to North America to retire and perform poorly, Oki's professionalism is already very prominent.

Except for Oki, there is no other champion player including Bang who went to North America without being quickly assimilated.

After Oki, EG's jungler and mid laner appeared in turn.

Then there is AD player Danny.

Danny shrugged his shoulders and walked inexplicably shy.

The bullet screen is very messy.

"The shock wave is coming! "

"North American Shockwave! "

"The walking posture is so uncomfortable, will you be beaten and cried by Brother Cheng later?" "

"Brother Orange Beats Shockwave"

CCM is very dedicated and has no bias. After introducing the EG players, the audience gave EG applause for his heart-piercing driving rhythm again.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere is very flat.

Except for the slightly higher voice of Damu at the beginning, the rest of the EG players only received sporadic applause.

"Next, let us welcome the representative team of LCK, the well-deserved king of the world in the past two years, the champion of the two-time global finals, and the defending champion of MSI, KT~~~~Rolster!!!"

The audience cheered enthusiastically at last, and the blue and white fluorescent sticks were waved all over the venue.

"TOP! The FMVP of three consecutive international competitions."

"The most dominant player of all time."

"A dazzling existence sitting on the frosty sky!"

"The sole owner of the Frozen Throne!"

"King in the hearts of KT fans!"


Of course, the Frozen Throne in the mouth of the continuous casting machine has nothing to do with Warcraft, but has something to do with Lin Cheng's champion skin.

Whether it was his black silk knife girl from last year or this year's white silk knife girl skin, the white jade seat rendered in light blue appeared in the special effects of returning to the city.

The color tone of KT is blue and white, and the Riot designer also specifically explained that the god seat in Lin Cheng's skin should actually be a throne made of black ice, which just fits the main color of KT.

Thus, Lin Cheng became the master of the Frozen Throne.

Although the line description of the continuous casting machine is a bit secondary, KT fans think it is very appropriate
"Fuck!This line is too explosive! "

"The Sole Master of the Frozen Throne, the Dazzling Being Sitting Frost Sky, 23333"

"Frosty sky is blue and white, which happens to be the theme color of KT, this description is perfect! "

"Bad review!It should be the eternal existence sitting in the frosty sky! "

"There is no such thing as eternity, Faker's yellow sand throne is decayed, and the Frozen Throne will melt sometimes"

"Brother Cheng Zi rushed to the duck, let the ants see eternity!" "

At the moment Lin Cheng's ID was read out, the crowd burst into cheers.

Thunderous applause and heart-piercing shouts mixed together and rushed straight into the air, as if they were about to topple the roof.

Before, I only watched KT games in LOL PARK, but this time I experienced it in front of thousands of people, and Hyomin was amazed.

She remembered the concerts held in China before, and their fans seemed to be so fanatical in their support.

It was really beautiful back then.

Following the host's introduction, Lin Cheng's tall figure walked out slowly from the passage.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the fans at the scene, he smiled and waved.


There are two huge screens on both sides of the live stage, the camera chases behind Lin Cheng, and as he stands in front of the stage, the camera slowly sweeps across the auditorium from behind him.

The blue and white tones of aids were danced crazily, and many spectators stood up, shouting Lin Cheng's ID with excited expressions and even grim faces.

In the near part of the picture is Lin Cheng's tall back and the ID behind him, and in front of him are fans with fanatical expressions. This picture is full of impact.

"Wow! Kind of handsome!"

Xiao Min smiled and waved the light stick in her hand, "Come on Lin Cheng!"

Chi Shengxi hurriedly followed up to help, to avoid being liquidated by Lin Cheng, that stingy guy.

But for some reason, looking at the high-spirited shot of Lin Cheng with his back to the screen, Chi Shengxi inexplicably remembered the way that guy squatted in front of him and grabbed the soles of his feet.

Isn't such a stinky guy being stepped on by his sister?

Someone's mind wandering.

After greeting the audience, Lin Cheng walked around the stage and sat on the competition seat.

His teammates also played in turn.

It's a pity that compared with Lin Cheng's treatment of his teammates, it is worse.

Except for Rookie and Mr. Dai who had a little more adjectives in the host's mouth, Nosuke was directly taken away.

"Jungler Cuzz."

The grapefruit thief felt a little annoyed, so it's better to let Lin Cheng introduce him.

Although Lin Cheng mostly opened his mouth with adjectives such as 'Contra AB male gun' and 'flyback jumper bear', it still left an impressive impression.

But when it was Beryl's turn to play at the end, the four KT brothers who had already taken their seats at the competition stand all stretched their necks.

While Chi Shengxi in the audience took out his mobile phone under Xiaomin's puzzled gaze, turned on the camera mode and aimed at the stage.

"Auxiliary player Beryl."

Beryl shyly walked out of the aisle, and when he circled the stage, he suddenly put his hands on the ground and did a death roll.

Compared with Faker's coherent forward roll at the beginning, Beryl deformed halfway through the roll with a big belly, fell to the ground sprawled, and quickly turned over and got up.

"? ? ?What is this doing? 23333》

"Salute to Brother Li, right?But this action is too abstract (cover face)》

"Brother Yuanshen, is there no one you care about in this world anymore? "

"Everyone he cares about is in Two-dimensional (dog head)" (end of this chapter)

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