This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1954 Cheng Miscellaneous: The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did His Majesty

(Two chapters are gone yesterday, post them!)
After visiting the hotel room, Lin Cheng went out for lunch with his sisters.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, a group of people appeared at the Busan International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Enjing made an appointment with Ji Shengxi, and was going to watch the semifinals between RNG and G2 for a while.

This is called spying on the enemy.

In fact, Lin Cheng also called his teammates, but unfortunately those guys would rather watch the game in the hotel than come to the scene.

"Wow! It's so lively here."

Before Chi Shengxi arrived, Lin Cheng and his sisters were admiring various cosplayers in the square at the entrance of the convention center.

Xin Zhao with a spear.

Holding a special weapon, a bunch of cumbersome men and horses are dragged behind.

The czar who looks like Faker.

The audience staying in the square gathered around the Cosers, but no one paid attention to the few people wearing masks.

The sisters were all dazzled, and took pictures with their mobile phones, ready to share it on INS.

Lin Cheng did not forget his original intention, and only cared about the young lady.

"This big element makes Lux really good, and the knee socks are amazing."

"Tsk tsk! The wind girl is so big! 998 is definitely worth the money... No! That's the price of ten years ago."

Although I didn't know what Lin Cheng was muttering in Chinese, but the excited look of this guy made the sisters a little nervous.

Zhiyan secretly whispered something to her sisters, which caused a lot of playfulness.

At this time, Lin Cheng excitedly leaned against Brother Jing and pointed to Riven Coser on the right.

"Hey! Look over there."

"what happened?"

The sisters didn't respond.

"Riwen! Riven! En Jingnu, Riven must be prettier than her in cosplay!"

Lin Cheng slapped fists and palms together, his eyebrows danced brightly, "Enjing Nuna's short white hair before is just like Riwen's live-action version, I don't know how many e-sports otaku's hearts have been captured, it's so handsome!"

En Jing smiled, "It's not as exaggerated as you said."

Ji Yeon asked back: "The stinky brother was also captured by Eun Jung, right?"

Lin Cheng calmed down and glanced at Brother Jing.

"So-so! So-so, I'm not really interested in Two-dimensional things."

This guy was obviously very excited just now, but the sudden change of face made the sisters a little nervous.

Zhiyan narrowed her eyes, "If my brother likes it, can I let Eunjing Ouni cosplay it for you?"


Lin Cheng's eyes were really bright, and his real appearance made the sisters laugh out loud, but it made En Jing feel embarrassed.

"Mo? You two are not allowed to make fun of my sister anymore, it's really..."

Ignoring Enjing's complaints, Zhiyan whispered into Lin Cheng's ear: "Smelly brother! The sisters were talking about this just now, which one do you like? When you win the final, will the sisters cosplay for you? "

Lin Cheng's eyes widened.

Just now the sisters were fighting because of this?

That would be great!
Zhiyan's naive voice was a bit loud, and these words happened to be heard by the sisters.

Before Lin Cheng could express her expectation, En Jing had an opinion, "Ah! You have to dress up to show him what you want, but don't bring your sisters with you."

Ju Li: "Exactly! Who wants to wear such a strange thing?"

Xiao Min said generously: "Actually, I don't care. Will Lin Cheng be the sister's photographer? I want to try that."

She pointed at Riven, the bunny girl.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Brother Jing began to criticize Xiaomin, while Lin Cheng and Zhiyan, who were younger, had a cheeky discussion.

"Eunjing O'Neill is Riven, what about Hyomin O'Neill? Lin Cheng, what do you think is a better cosplay for her?"

"Katerina... Actually, the red-haired Katern is also very suitable for Jingnu, how about making Xiaomin angry with the cosplayer Nidalee?"

"The words of Juli Nuna..."

Lin Cheng turned his head to look at his aunt.

The two looked at each other, and Ju Li subconsciously turned her head away.

"Sona! Juli Nuna's figure can cosplay Sona, and Janna can also play tricks."

"Woo~~~ I also want to cosplay Sona."

"Don't think about it! Conditions do not allow."

"Smelly brother! My sister is ignoring you."

Listening to the play of the two, Ju Li silently took out her mobile phone and searched for Sona's original painting.

Then, she secretly raised the corner of her mouth.

Inexplicably, I feel very good.

Everyone stayed in the square for a while, and Chi Shengxi also arrived.

Today, Chi Shengxi has exquisite makeup, a black and white ink-wash style knee-length skirt, the calf under the skirt is wrapped in black stockings, and a pair of black shiny high-heeled shoes.

Lin Cheng looked at her again and again.

"Are you here to compare your beauty today? Why are you all dressed so beautifully?"

Chi Shengxi squinted his eyes and smiled, exchanged a few words of humility with his sisters and entered the venue together.

Their seats are in the middle of the first row, and the seats here will be given priority to the inviters of the organizer. When Lin Cheng sat down, he found a somewhat familiar face next to him.

Caps' Daddy Michael!
Lin Cheng has a high level of English, and the two greeted each other warmly.

After saying hello, the first thing Papa Caps did was to take a photo with Lin Cheng, and then tweet.

"I took a photo with God!" "

The headline of Papa Hat's Twitter is very naughty, and Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing.

"Are you supporting RNG today?"

The old hat looked at the board in Lin Cheng's hand, and joked: "Then we are enemies today, let's see whose team we support can win?"

Those who came to watch the natural map of the game was an atmosphere. Lin Cheng deliberately drew the RNG team logo on the blank support board and chose to support RNG.

After all, he has a good relationship with the RNG players. Not to mention the dinner appointment in Iceland last year, he might still have his own teammates in this year's Asian Games.

Although the supporting teams are different, the two still enthusiastically discussed the content of the game.

The Caps family is Danish. Old Hat's English pronunciation has an obvious Danga accent, but it is actually easier to understand than authentic British English.

A young man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and an old man with an old face, the two of them are wearing masks and chatting together with their heads together, the style of painting is a bit strange.

The sisters on the other side were very surprised.

He was already prepared to be harassed by Lin Cheng while watching the game, but he was more interested in a gray-haired old man.

The Chinese stream is live, and the screen has been cut to the scene.

Every time Papa Caps arrives at the scene, the director will never forget to show the camera, and this time is no exception.

Then everyone saw Lin Cheng next to him.

The old hat wore a G2 uniform with his name on it, and waved an inflatable stick to cheer his son on.

Lin Cheng was holding a support board for RNG at the side.

The team logo of RNG is painted on it, and the slogan is a bit messy:

I haven't had dinner yet!

The barrage exploded.

"grass!Brother Orange supports RNG on site? "

"This is unexpected! "

"unbelievable!Lin Xiaocheng is the emperor? "

"Good guy!He said he was a fan of Qijiang, but he actually joined the imperial army long ago? "

"Huang Za fought with Cheng Za in advance, but Brother Cheng turned his back in Busan? "

"As an orange, I feel stabbed in the back! (distressed)

"The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did your majesty surrender first?" (Dog Head)" (end of this chapter)

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