This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1957 A Man's Romance

The next day, Lin Cheng was woken up early in the morning by Zhiyan's phone call.

"Already awake... Aww! Today you obediently go out to play with your sisters."

"I don't have time to accompany you, I have to shoot a promotional video later."

"I can concentrate on accompanying you after the finals tomorrow."

"Got it! Hang up!"

After getting out of bed slowly, Lin Cheng sent a message that Sister Sheng Xi hadn't woken up yet, so Lin Cheng simply went out to prepare breakfast for the whole team, and was once again praised by his teammates.

Lin Cheng automatically replaced their compliments in his mind.

I sincerely thank Lin Cheng for not caring, but it would be very cool if the words of his teammates were replaced with "Dad".

In the afternoon, the entire KT team and the RNG players filmed the promotional video for the finals.

Except for Abin, the other RNG players got to know Lin Cheng very well last year. Overall, Lin Cheng has a good impression of RNG players.

They are all playful ages, this group of guys played vaulting during the breaks on the set, Yuanshen brother's clumsy figure and terrifying figure once scared Xiao Ming who was a horse.

I was afraid that my career would be ruined because of Beryl's leap.

After filming the promotional video, the two teams had another dinner together.

And Xiao Ming still doesn't give up on a certain topic.

"Another year has passed, Lin Cheng, do you know Lin Yun'er? Help me get an autographed photo."

Lin Cheng was helpless: "Where can I meet Lin Yun'er? Although we both have the surname Lin, we are not related."

"Really? But you and Pu Zhiyan are friends."

Xiao Ming shamelessly leaned against Lin Cheng and acted like a baby, "Please take a photo for me, I really like Lin Yuner."

"Okay! I'll help you ask... Don't do this, I'm afraid!"

Lin Cheng had goosebumps all over his body, and he didn't know why the RNG guys were so gay.

If it's Xiao Ming from the Crown family, he welcomes acting like a baby.

Xiao Ming who switched to RNG...Sorry! He almost couldn't hold back his punch.

A man can't stand being coquettish.

Of course, many players in the e-sports circle are like this.

Teenagers with Internet addiction have not been in contact with a large circle since they were young, and some of them who are more restrained will get used to relying on the people around them.

The same is true for Keria, thieves like to stick to Mr. Dai.

Even Mr. Dai used to like to cling to the big brothers in the team, such as Smeb. It wasn't until Mr. Dai became the big brother himself that he found no one to rely on, and then gradually became others' support.

This is how the e-sports succubus is trained.

None of the members of the DRX in 20 years didn't like to cling to Mr. Dai, and Mr. Dai was really kind to his younger brothers. Even if Dolan was so badass, he never disliked him, and he was very close to his younger brothers.

This guy's network is all over the LCK, and Lin Cheng thinks that it will be very easy for Lao Dai to find a job on the coaching staff after serving in the military.

Although many young players admire Faker because of his fame, young players are generally more willing to work with Mr. Dai after real contact.

Long story short... Regarding Xiao Ming's request, Lin Cheng is naturally not perfunctory.

Ask Zhiyan when you have time, anyway, the sisters must know Lin Yuner, and the idols who debuted in that era are not bad.

When Lin Cheng secretly bullied his sister-in-law last night, he also found her chatting with someone from Girls' Generation.

After the dinner, the team members went back to their hotel rooms.

Lin Cheng dragged Chi Shengxi to go shopping together.

The birthday present for Xiao Min has not been prepared yet, tomorrow is the final, Lin Cheng plans to use this tonight to ask Sister Sheng Xi to help with reference.

"What do you want to give Xiao Minxi?"

"I haven't thought about it either, what does Sister Sheng Xi think?"

"If you don't plan to send some special gifts... just cosmetics, you can't go wrong anyway."

So, the two went to the New World Department Store not far from the hotel.

The shopping mall is huge, so I thought it would be better to go to the cosmetics counter first, but Lin Cheng was attracted by the Gunpla showcase as soon as he passed the lobby on the first floor.

The whole shop is full of gunpla, so cool!

Especially in the center of the open space of the showcase, the nearly two-meter-high Unicorn No. [-] machine is not too dazzling.

"Hurry up! There are usually a lot of people in the cosmetics showcase, so don't dawdle."

Being dragged forward by Chi Shengxi, Lin Cheng still reluctantly turned his head to look back, "Sister Shengxi, how about I give that oversized gunpla to Xiao Minnu as a birthday present?"

"That's a man's romance! I give her all the romance."

Chi Shengxi was speechless and didn't even want to talk to him.

"I dare say, unless you stuff yourself into that model as a gift, Xiao Minxi probably won't like it."


Lin Cheng thought of Xiao Min's bad taste again.

If the model of Gunpla can really stuff itself in, it must not leave a hole in the back of the butt!
Soon, the two came to the cosmetics section.

Chatting between women cannot avoid makeup. Chi Shengxi has roughly figured out Xiaomin's preference, and led Lin Cheng to carefully choose among the counters of various brands.

Chi Shengxi selected them very carefully. There were big brands like Dior and Chanel, and there were relatively less high-end brands that were outstanding in specific items.

Lin Cheng followed behind like a curious baby.

Chi Shengxi obviously planned to make a mix-and-match gift box, and chose Givenchy's liquid foundation, matching Dior's lipstick, and Estee Lauder's essence... There are so many things, but one specialty is highlighted.

Lin Cheng casually picked up a transparent bottle with Japanese written all over it. Lin Cheng saw the word 'lubrication' at a glance, but he didn't know much about the others.

The guy suddenly thought of something, and his expression became a little strange.

"Why is this thing here?"

Chi Shengxi looked up, "Why not here? This is plant essential oil. This brand of essential oil is very effective in maintaining the skin of legs and feet."

"Essential oil? It's really for skin care."

Lin Cheng's tone was a little disappointed, Chi Shengxi looked at him inexplicably.

Lin Cheng, who thought he was wrong, felt a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject, "But sister Sheng Xi, do you still need to take care of the skin on your legs and feet?"

"Of course! Proper maintenance can not only relieve the fatigue of the leg muscles, but also make the skin more delicate, and the same is true on the feet."

Hearing this, Lin Cheng suddenly became energetic, "Just this, buy a few more bottles! Buy five... no! Ten bottles! Legs need to be well maintained."

Chi Shengxi confused Lin Cheng's reaction.

I saw Lin Cheng staring at the black silk legs under his skirt treacherously.

"Sister Shengxi, can I paint it for you when you get back?"

Chi Shengxi: "..."

Not to mention, Lin Cheng suddenly reacted while running the train with his mouth full.

If Sister Sheng Xi's black silk legs were lubricated... the essential oil would be very tempting, right?

Lin Cheng recalled the last time in the bathroom, the scene of the girl with meat glasses getting wet in her stockings.

It's really astringent! (end of this chapter)

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