This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 197 The scavenger jungler

Chapter 197 The scavenger jungler

Seeing the selection of the opponent's lineup, KT made up for Tam in the last support position.

The suppression ability of Poke flow Verus alone is enough, what the bottom lane support needs is protection ability, otherwise it is too easy for spiders to cooperate with Titan's GANK.

Both teams are selected.

Blue Square APK:

Top Road: Ikssu (Blaze of the Mountain Hidden, Ornn)

Jungle: Flawless (Spider Queen, Elise)
Mid laner: Cover (Blade Dancer, Irelia)

Bot Lane: Hybrid (Bounty Hunter, Miss Fortune)

Support: Secret (Deep Titan, Nautilus)

Red square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Angel of Justice, Kyle)

Jungler: Bono (King of Trolls, Trundle)

Mid lane: Kuro (Desert Emperor, Azir)
Bot Lane: Aiming (Arrow of Retribution, Varus)
Support: Tusin (River King, Tahm)

Zeyuan: "Come on! This year's LCK is the first game in which Angel will appear. Whether this hero can adapt to this fast-paced version is still a question mark.

Although in the later version of the World Championship, he was cut off in exchange for a certain amount of early-stage ability, but compared with the strength of the top lane mainstream fighters, it is still much worse. "

Cat: "From the perspective of the lineup, I still have to be optimistic about APK. KT's lineup feels a bit too late. Although there is Verus, Angel and Czar seem to have little combat effectiveness in the early stage."

Zeyuan: "Indeed, since you have chosen two middle and upper double Cs at such a late stage, then don't choose trolls. How can you fight against your opponent with the strength of your upper middle and field? In addition to fighting against the opponent in this round, the trolls can't fight against the jungler. It seems like nothing can be done.”

Cat: "And there is another problem with KT's lineup. Verus takes Comet to Poke flow, without a stable AD output, and the benefit of stacking magic resistance is too high when Ornn is developed."

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's angel chose the main series of Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, and Fatal Blow, and the secondary series of Enlightenment: Biscuit Delivery, Magical Shoes.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng extracted it out very confidently.

Against Ornn, it's not a big problem.

Considering the lineup, Lin Cheng plans to play AD in this game.

After all, Aiming's Liu Verus chose Poke for the strength of the early stage. Once the skill is empty and the continuous output is too touching, it is the best choice for the troll to make up for the AD damage by the angel.

In terms of damage alone, AD angels are higher than AP angels, but the fault tolerance rate is much lower. The auxiliary effect of the output environment and skills is definitely better than AP angels.

But when the hero in the middle lane showed up, Lin Cheng knew that he had miscalculated.

The opponent shamelessly chose to change lanes, Daomei switched to the top lane, and Aoun switched to the middle lane.

Zeyuan: "APK chose to change lanes in the middle and upper lanes when he came up, let Daomei fight Angel, and Aoun went to the middle lane to face the Czar."

Cat: "There is nothing wrong with this choice. It is not easy for Daomei to fight against the Tsar in the middle lane in the early stage, and Aoun can't take advantage of it in the top lane. It can be beaten, but the sword girl and the spider can easily arrange angels."

Zeyuan: "It's up to you, my husband! The stage is set for you, this brother Chengzi will start his anti-stress training."

On the first level, it is relatively peaceful for both sides to go on the road.

In fact, the first-level angel is very strong, and Lin Cheng can quickly and passively find trouble with Daomei. At this time, Daomei can't be passive at all, and can only be chased away by the angel.

But it's really not necessary.

The opponent is not a fool who will fight him to the end. It is very unwise to take the initiative to flirt when the opponent's jungler is a spider.

Once you choose to stack up passively, it means that the angel must push the line when it comes up, and it will be you who will feel uncomfortable later.

The thread is really pushed over, facing the sword girl and the spider, the angel basically writes the word dead on his forehead.

Lin Cheng tried his best to pay attention to the position of Daomei, and did not give the opponent the opportunity to directly Q the residual blood minion to get close. After seeing Daomei stacked two passive layers, he directly retreated and used Q to replenish soldiers, allowing Daomei to push the line.

Finding that Daomei had consciously slowed down the advance of the second wave of pawns, Lin Cheng knew that the opponent might overthink him.

Lin Cheng: "Jin Jifan, take a good look at me later, the other party will definitely fuck me."

Bono: "Don't worry, I'm here."

In this round, all the trolls can do in the early stage is to counter-squat besides clearing the jungle. Bono consciously opened the jungle from the bottom half to protect the angel on the road.

Lin Cheng looked for an opportunity to go to the river and put down the ornamental eyes against the wall of the Dalongkeng.

Two minutes and 40 seconds later, Lin Cheng noticed the movement of the spider leaning towards the triangular grass through the jewelry eyes placed on the river.

Lin Cheng: "The line of soldiers is about to enter the tower, come and protect me."

Bono: "Red will be finished soon, don't panic."

Seeing that Daomei was about to push the pawn line into the red side and go up the road to a tower, Xiaofu's spider started scanning when it was close to the triangle grass.

Zeyuan: "As expected of your husband! This scan was done very cleverly, and it happened that Brother Chengzi's vision of the river was not captured."

Cat: "Just now the angel walked towards the triangle grass in front of Daomei. Maybe the blue side thought he was focusing on the triangle grass."

Since the entire lower half area was cleared first, Bono's troll just killed the red BUFF at this time, touched the upper route from the wild area, and squatted at the intersection.

Xiaofu's spider drove the scan from the triangular grass all the way to the stone man grass, just in time for the soldiers to enter the tower.

Just when the spider came out of the stone man's grass and was about to make a move, he saw a troll squatting beside him.

At this time, there are so many enemy minions under the tower, it is impossible for Bono to fight the opponent here. After moving to avoid the spider's cocoon, he leaned against the angel under the tower against the spider's damage, covering Lin Cheng to clear the line.

However, Lin Cheng doubted that Bono's actions were just for gaining experience.

You've already tricked out the spider's set of skills, just stay far away, why come here to eat my experience?
It didn't take long for Bono to reveal his true purpose.

After wandering around Lin Cheng, the troll took the opportunity to kill a melee soldier with AQ after driving away Daomei.

Lin Cheng: "Brother, don't eat my soldiers."

Bono: "You will definitely not be able to repair this tower knife. I made a calculation error when I wanted to replace the sword for you."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Lin Cheng was so angry that he couldn't speak.

I still have so much mana, why do you think I can't replenish it?
Besides, is there anyone with a knife like you?

Bono helped Lin Cheng push the line out, just as the fourth wave of soldiers from the blue side came and stuck the line a little outside the tower.

The troll opened the scan and approached the wall below. After scanning the figure of the spider, it immediately pulled it up, and went around the intersection in front of the second tower and found that the opponent was moving the stone man.

Bono tried to snatch the big stone man but failed. He erected a pillar to trap the spider, but the troll dared not go up.

Daomei is pressing the line next to her, and KT is definitely not an opponent in a 2V2 fight above.

Bono measured it, and began to beat the little stone man left by the spider very interestingly.

While eating the little stone man, a saying that Lin Cheng had inadvertently joked suddenly popped up in Bono's mind:

Scavenging jungler.

Isn't this the portrayal of him at the moment?
(End of this chapter)

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