Chapter 199 Two Head Chefs

Seeing the little soldiers being beaten to death one by one, and eating a layer of tapestry on the other side, Lin Cheng, who was huddled in the autistic grass, only had a cordial greeting:
Is it your father on the road?

The pawns didn't arrive on the line until one and a half minutes into the game, and the spider stayed on the top lane from 40 minutes 4 seconds to [-] minutes, and didn't leave until Lin Cheng was killed.

After the angel's resurrection, the return line developed, and he came back in a minute and a half. It's no wonder that Lin Cheng wanted to scold his mother.

The spider on the opposite side is disgusting if it doesn't brush its own wild area. Lin Cheng wonders if he has offended Xiaofu in RANK sometime.

The angel shut himself up for half a minute, and Bono successfully took down the first dragon.

Only when Kuro knocked down the divination flower in the middle and confirmed the location of the spider did Lin Cheng dare to defend the line with confidence. After reaching level six, he finally felt a little safe.

Xiaofu has been disgusting Lin Cheng on the top, and the life of APK is also difficult.

Without the threat of spiders, Verus can press the line unscrupulously in the bottom lane, especially after going home for the first time to make up the sawtooth dagger, Verus puts great pressure on the opposing duo.

At 7 and a half minutes, Kuro took advantage of pushing the line just now to see the grass of the blue square F6 and found that the spider brushed to the upper half, and Bono's troll immediately leaned down.

Scanning and removing the vision of the blue square triangle grass, Bono found that the opponent's duo still wanted to defend the tower, so Bono immediately decided to jump the tower.

The troll's gank ability is not strong, but once the duo can push the line, it is very simple to cooperate with Tahm's tower jump.

Zeyuan: "Xiaofu's position has been discovered, and I want to go down the road! But Aoun has a TP female gun and healers, so it's not easy to get better?"

Cat: "KT knows that Aoun has TP, so they should force TP to leave. Anyway, it's not too risky to have Tamm."

The line of soldiers entered the tower, just as Verus shot down the Titan's blood volume to a little over one-third, and the troll came out of the Golem grass to block the position.

Bono: "You can jump, you can jump, don't rush to consume more blood, the opponent can't clear the line."

Tusin: "Ornn has TP, pay attention."

Kuro: "I'm looking for Ornn's position, don't worry about jumping the tower, I won't let him down."

Seeing that Aiming hit the two of them again with a rain of evil spirit arrows, Bono's troll rushed under the blue square tower like a mad dog.

The moment the troll bit down to attract the hatred of the defense tower, TP lit up on the defense tower.

Kuro: "I found Ornn's position, you continue to climb the tower."

Bono waved his hammer recklessly, and the duo kept up with the output.

Titan and Female Gun fought against the troll facing the face and prepared to cooperate with Ornn to fight back, but suddenly found that the TP supported by them was interrupted.

Titan's blood volume is too low, even if the level A triggers the aftershock and the female gun's treatment can't make Titan last two seconds longer, and he is quickly killed under the tower.

Just when the third attack of the defense tower was about to come down, Tusin's Tamm swallowed the troll in one gulp, turned back and licked the female gun with his tongue, and ignited it at the same time and hung it up.

The troll was spat out by Tahm and output again, while Tusin went to the back of the defense tower to take damage.

Under the pressure of Verus, the blood volume of the female gun is not very healthy, and the blood volume drops rapidly.

Hybrid inexplicably handed a flash to Verus's face when he was still alive, and Aiming went down with an arrow to get a double kill.

Zeyuan: "KT initiated the tower jump and forced Aoun's TP... to be interrupted! Then the blood volume of the APK duo is in danger, and both of them will die."

Cat: "Hey! What does the female gun's flash mean? I gave you the flash in person, and told the other side to come back later, right?"

Zeyuan: "This operation is a bit like me in the rankings. I am very nervous when I have residual health, and I always trigger death flashes inexplicably when I click randomly."

Cat explained solemnly: "Players are human too, right? It's normal to make some mistakes. Hybrid handed in flashes to tell my husband: If you don't flash in the bottom lane, you should take care of it and don't keep going to the top lane."

Zeyuan couldn't help laughing: "It's okay, I chose a titan in the bottom lane and came out without even looking at the spider. It's a bit too much. The APK duo uses their own life and flashes to call the jungler dad to love me again."

"Fuck! This can also be washed, the angle is tricky."

"It's started, the daily yin and yang are weird."

"Just wash it hard! The King of Cats now likes to whitewash the players' meal-serving operations. If you clean them up, you won't be thinking about my three consecutive games of the King of Cats."

"One thing to say, the opposite bottom lane has been pressing the line, and the spider doesn't even look at it. It's really outrageous."

"My husband, the emperor, said that this round of military training is on the road, and he will never take a step down."

"KT's anti-tower is really good. Both Tahm and Troll have reached the limit."

After the two commentators made fun of it, they suddenly discovered that the Tsar in the middle was also killed.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Kuro died too? How did he die? I didn't find out just now?"

Cat: "Little husband is not in the middle, this is a solo kill! The Czar was solo killed by Ornn, what's going on?"

Regarding the matter of Kuro's death in battle, Lin Cheng, who was growing up on the screen, saw it clearly when he cut the screen.

At that time, Ornn shrank to TP behind the tower, Kuro's Tsar drifted directly into the tower, a big move interrupted Ornn's TP, then turned around and ran back.

In fact, after Tsar Aoun pushed away, his position was closer to the intersection of the upper half of the blue side, but Kuro, the spider who was in the upper half of the wild, chose to go back.

Aoun landed and started calling sheep, and a section of sheep ran over the czar.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Kuro quickly dodged and ran back.

As a result, Kuro didn't know if he was too nervous, and when Aoun had already knocked out the second-tier sheep, he actually flashed or appeared in the impact path of the sheep's head, and was knocked into the air on the spot.

After performing a wave of flashy eye-catching operations, the czar naturally had no chance of surviving.

The third attack from the defense tower chased him out, and Kuro died suddenly on the spot.

At this time, the director also gave a playback shot, so that the audience who missed this scene just now can enjoy it again.

"Ah, this? Blink and catch sheep! I never imagined that two chefs could compete in the same arena half a canyon away, one in the bottom lane performing a flash of confusion, and the other performing a flash in the middle lane to catch sheep."

Zeyuan changed the subject: "Cat Emperor, what do you think of Kuro's flash?"

"What do I think... this really can't be washed!"

Cat: "It can only be said that Kuro and Hybrid feel that they have a heart-to-heart connection. Seeing the flash of the female gun, I am not far behind. But I can see that Kuro's pinball game is good, and I want to pick it up when I see the ball trajectory."

"These two teams are eating with each other here? It's almost enough to feed me."

"One thing to say, Kuro plays hot eyes but the effect is not bad. This wave of one for two is not a loss."

"The competition between the two head chefs made me laugh to death!"

"Your mother is outrageous among these two people, why not talk about cross talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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