This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 204 Why is this little brat Lin Cheng so irritating?

Chapter 204 Why is this little brat Lin Cheng so irritating?

Zeyuan: "Beautiful! Brother Cheng caught Daomei's position and played out the opponent's ult and flash. Brother Chengzi directly TP'd to the back! I didn't look at the profile picture, I thought it was Daomei. "

Cat: "Verus' R dodges the group's mistakes, and the angel will come down immediately! Can you keep people by the side and see how many you can keep?"

At this time, Lin Cheng, who rushed to the red BUFF pit, had several thoughts in his mind.

Side pulling and waiting for teammates?
The risk is the least, but the return is the lowest. Maybe no one can stay.

The big move enters the field to keep people physically?

Although the risks are high, the returns are also high.

And handsome.

"Park Rong Hyuk, I'm coming in, hurry up and protect me."

It is said that it is the moment when Lin Cheng starts his big move, the Holy Judgment.

The golden blade enveloped the angel, blessing the angel to rush forward to the battlefield.

Just as the four of them on the blue side retreated hand in hand, they suddenly saw a golden figure rushing out from the shadow under the red BUFF wall.

The moment his opponent spotted him, Lin Cheng flashed into the crowd.

The blade exploded, and the effect was extraordinary.

But at the same time, the angel lost the blessing of the blade.

The Titan anchored the angel with a backhand, and the spider took control.

Lin Cheng was instantly caught off guard.

As imagined, the scene of Tam driving to the side to protect himself did not appear.

It wasn't until Lin Cheng died that Tam's car lit up next to him.

But it's just a mourning car.

Obviously, the time was too short, and Lin Cheng's short sentence did not let Tusin immediately understand what he meant.

By the time Tam drove to the scene, the angel had died violently.

Ze Yuan: "Brother Chengzi teleported down, huh? R flashed into the field! The damage was high! But Brother Chengzi died suddenly!

At this moment, Brother Chengzi may have remembered the scene of watching the World Championships in front of the TV last year. He thought of the famous scene of Brother Sun’s Angel Arrival, and he wanted to reenact it, but this Angel Arrived crashed! "

Cat: "This is really a classic transfer. Brother Orange passed it on! Although the person was retained, the angel with the best equipment was killed. Let's see what KT said?"

Lin Cheng died suddenly, and APK hit Tam who was driving next to him.

At this moment, Kuro's Czar finally entered the scene.

The Tsar brought his sand soldiers into the field from the outside of the F6 pit in a 7-shape drift, and the backhand wall of the Forbidden Army pushed the four back very accurately.

At the same time, Verus shot through the cloud piercing arrow just right, smashing the two crispy skins.

The sand soldiers started poking wildly.

The female gun and spider who fell to the ground died suddenly on the spot.

This narrow terrain was too comfortable for the Tsar, Kuro stood behind his ult and commanded the sand soldiers to poke without thinking and it was over.

Aoun's big move didn't come out until this time.

Tam swallowed the czar in one gulp, avoiding the opponent's counterattack, allowing the czar to adjust his position and continue to output without pressure.

The Titan was quickly poked to death by the sand soldiers, and Ornn, who had his resistance stolen by the troll, didn't last long.

The Tsar got four kills.

Daomei, who went home to make up her condition, was unable to recover from the defeat when she arrived on the scene, so she could only retreat in time and choose to save her own life.

Spring Commander Lin Cheng provided key information: "Sister Dao didn't dodge, Sister Dao did not dodge."

Bono: "Chasing chasing chasing! Penta kill! Take penta kill! My pillar will be ready soon."

Kuro: "Don't chase, don't chase, go to push the tower to get the dragon first, I don't care if it's five kills or not."

Lin Cheng curled his lips: "Are you afraid of taking us to dinner with five kills?"

Kuro: "..."

Lin Cheng: "I guessed right, right? Li Shiheng, you cheapskate."

Kuro retorted: "I'm not Lee Sang Hyuk, I'm not stingy to that extent... No! I'm not stingy at all."

Lin Cheng: "He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry!"

Kuro: "╰_╯!!!"

Why is this brat Lin Cheng so irritating?
Zeyuan: "Kuro! Kuro is not messing around anymore! He stood up! The Tsar's ultimate move is pushed four times, this Terrain Tsar is invincible! The APK exploded!"

Cat: "Tsar's four kills. Although this wave of Chengzi brothers teleported down and died violently, the final result is good. The Tsar took over the battlefield. The front of Chengzi's big move and flash is still very important. Sword sisters like this When TP came over, he didn’t dare to go up.”

Zeyuan teased: "Fortunately, this wave has the czar's bottom line. If Kuro didn't push four and be pulled away by the blue side, the wave of KT would really blow up when Daomei came down. Hmm~~~ Chengzi's operation I can only describe it in five words."

Cat answered subconsciously: "Which five words? A little full?"

Zeyuan laughed out loud: "Hey! Why are you a little full? You have a problem with your thinking! The five words I said are clearly 'a little too much detail'."

Cat suddenly realized: "That's true! In fact, Brother Cheng has already taken these details into consideration. He just knows that the czar of this terrain can kill all people, so he will do it like this. This physical body formation laid the foundation for the czar's four kills." , if the angels dare not go to the opposite side, they will all run away."

Zeyuan dragged his voice out: "Hey~~~ That's right! This wave we look at the problem on the first floor, Brother Chengzi is on the fifth floor, everything is calculated, knowing that teammates can win this wave Angels flashed directly Let the body keep people, brother Cheng Zi, the details."

"Fuck! These two explanations are outrageous for your mother."

"It's starting to be weird again. You don't use Weibo to bully me Cheng Zi, do you?"

"Which of these two people has a high EQ and who has a low EQ, don't I need to say more?"

"Low EQ: eat a little full, high EQ: a little too much detail."

"Hey! I can't tell the identity of these two people for a moment."

"Two old hermaphrodites, it's really messed up."

"One thing to say, I thought Brother Chengzi was going to reenact the famous scene of Teacher Sun, but I didn't expect it to be a dark scene."

Although Lin Cheng gave away in this wave, KT still won a big victory in this wave with the wonderful performance of his teammates.

The troll also has the eyes of the vanguard. After winning the team battle, Bono released the canyon vanguard in the middle, and then KT's troops split into two lanes.

The troll went to fight the dragon alone, and the rest of the group followed the vanguard.

The Tsar and Verus took the vanguard all the way to demolish the two outer towers in the middle of the blue square, and Daomei could only watch helplessly.

Once the opponent's mid-lane outer tower fell, KT's vision became easier to control, and it began to squeeze the opponent's wild area resources, expanding its own advantage little by little.

In 20 minutes, Dalong refreshed.

Although the Tsar and Angel's dragon attack speed is very fast, KT has no idea of ​​​​playing the dragon by itself.

Anyway, with such a big advantage, waiting for the key equipment to come out will only make it easier to fight, and going to fight the big dragon rashly will give the opponent a chance.

Lin Cheng was going down the road to send the pawn line through the blue Fang Yi Tower, when he suddenly saw a spider approaching from the wild area.

Lin Cheng subconsciously wanted to run.

However, he responded immediately.

Aoun showed his head on the top lane, and Female Gun and Titan guarded the line in the middle.

How dare you come to me just like a spider?
 There are book friends who still have different understandings about the outfit, why the second one doesn't come out with a sheep knife.

  Outfitting is a very flexible thing. An angel who can make a two-piece suit in 15 minutes still wonders what your sheep knife is for?
  Aoun in the middle of the opposite side must be the first big abyss, and the sword girl has no resistance equipment. At this time, after the first piece is broken, it is much more violent to stack the critical strike directly after the first piece is broken.

  Moreover, the opposite lineup is very strong in team formation, and there are sword girls rushing into the formation, so the third piece of green cross is a good choice, not only stacking critical strikes, but also enhancing life-saving and pulling capabilities.

  Later, you can choose the outfit according to the situation. In the game, the outfit really changes a lot, and different developments will lead to great changes in the outfit.

  Of course, the author's understanding of the dog may not be correct, so I can only give you a reference.

  Read a book, seek common ground while reserving differences, everyone should not compare too seriously.

  PS: I've really paid attention to details. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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