This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 209 Are you going to see the cherry blossoms together?

Chapter 209 Do you want to see the cherry blossoms together?

weekend morning.

Lin Cheng woke up early in the apartment, lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling in a daze.

He often wakes up very early but wakes up very late, even if he is curled up in bed and has nothing to do, he is unwilling to get up early.

Is a weekend without a good bed still worth it?

He didn't play with his phone either, just stared at the ceiling in a daze.

After a while, I felt a little tired in a daze, so I closed my eyes and rested for a while.

Then, continue to open your eyes and look at the ceiling in a daze.

I don't know how long it took to let go of my thoughts, and the phone rang a message.

Han Shuyan was urging him to have breakfast.

"Oh~~ I really don't want to move, that's all! Give Sister Shuyan a face."

Lin Cheng muttered, and then lazily climbed out of bed and moved to the bathroom.

He leaned in front of the mirror and rubbed his eyes.

Looking at that handsome but listless face, Lin Cheng sighed:
"Another day full of energy."

After washing, Lin Cheng touched the next door, where Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan were having breakfast in the living room.

"Lin Cheng, hurry up, the food will be cold if you dawdle any longer."

Bowls, large and small, have already been placed on the small table.

Stewed mackerel, grilled hairtail and some refreshing side dishes, the staple food is rice.

Very Korean breakfast, not much different from Chinese dinner.

"Wow~~~ Today's breakfast is very rich."

"Okay! Stop sycophanting."

Han Shuyan looked up at him amusedly, "I know you like to eat light food in the morning, but today Xiaotong didn't cook porridge because he wanted to eat rice, so you can make it."

Lin Cheng was serious: "Actually, I like them all. It's not bad to eat like this, and it can fight hunger."

Xiao Tong curled her lips, "Come on! If Sister Shuyan is not here, you can't lift the table on the spot?"

"How can I be as picky as you say?"

Lin Cheng leaned against Han Shuyan and sat cross-legged on the floor, picked up chopsticks and tasted the grilled hairtail.

"Not bad, right? The mackerel made by Sister Shuyan is also delicious, try it."

Xiao Tong couldn't wait to recommend the mackerel, and took a piece of fish from her own sauce plate and put it in Lin Cheng's bowl.

"I'll try..."

Lin Cheng picked up the fish and put it to his mouth, but suddenly stopped.

Something is not right!

Why doesn't she give me fish from the soup bowl?Instead, it was clipped from the plate in front of her.

Xiao Tong is used to dipping mackerel in sauce, but she always dislikes Lin Cheng using her sauce plate.

"what happened?"

Lin Cheng squinted his eyes and looked at the fish on the chopsticks.

Then he looked at Xiao Tong who was facing him suspiciously, with one eyebrow raised high, and his expression was a little funny.

"Tell me! Why did you take the fish out of your plate and give it to me? Did you spit on it?"

"Hey! How can I be as disgusting as you say?"

Xiao Tong was dissatisfied, and while wiping the oil stains on his lips with a tissue, he explained: "I'll give you the last piece of fish in the plate when I'm full."


Seeing that Lin Cheng was still worried, Han Shuyan offered her job.

"Okay, if Ah Cheng doesn't want to eat, give it to me."

Hearing this, Lin Cheng quickly stuffed the fish into his mouth, and said vaguely: "Sister Shuyan's cooking, let alone drool, I have to eat even if it is poisoned."

Lin Cheng exaggerated, Han Shuyan couldn't help pursing her lips.

Xiao Tong curled his lips and cursed Lin Cheng for his lack of morals.

"How is it? I kid you not? This mackerel tastes good."

Lin Cheng smacked his lips, "It's really delicious. It's the first time I've eaten such tender mackerel meat. Sister Shuyan is really good at cooking."

"I really envy sister Shuyan's craftsmanship."

Xiao Tong sighed: "No wonder there are so few breakfast shops in Seoul. Korean men eat breakfast made by their wives at home every day. If anyone marries Sister Shuyan in the future, he will die of happiness."

Han Shuyan just laughed.

Lin Cheng: ???_???! ! !
Xiao Tong: "Why are you looking at me like that? Have you taken gunpowder?"

Since he was facing Lin Cheng, Xiao Tong immediately saw a change in Lin Cheng's expression.

"No, I think you are really beautiful today." Lin Cheng buried his head in his meal.

"Really? You finally speak human."

Xiao Tong twisted her waist happily, and her loose sleeves almost hit Lin Cheng.

Today, her long hair was tied up, and she was wearing a simple color-block sweater with a slightly loose upper body, a pair of denim shorts on her lower body, and black stockings wrapped her slender and shapely legs.

Lin Cheng has always thought that girls' denim shorts and stockings are a very strange combination, but the fact is that this thing depends on the face and figure, at least Xiao Tong doesn't feel unsuitable at all when wearing it.

If it is a person with uneven legs wearing shorts and stockings, it is really ridiculous, let alone aesthetics.

Inexplicably, Lin Cheng suddenly thought of Zheng Shiyan again.

Zheng Shiyan always wears business attire, her body proportions are too good to speak of, and her legs are also slender and straight.

Different from Xiao Tong's style, Zheng Shiyan has the ability and intellectuality of a professional woman, while Xiao Tong is more lively and beautiful.

But if we really want to talk about it, Sister Shuyan's figure...
Paralyzed, what am I thinking?

Lin Cheng suddenly felt that something was wrong, it seemed that it was not good for him to compare friends like this, so he quickly ate a meal to suppress his shock.

Xiao Tong looked at the time, "I've already eaten, and I'm going to prepare for online classes."

Lin Cheng was taken aback, "You still have online classes on weekends?"

In April, Korean colleges and universities have also joined the army of online courses, but according to his knowledge, there are usually no class arrangements on weekends.

"After all, the start of school has been postponed for a month, and now the class schedule is tighter."

Lin Cheng understood, reached out and patted Xiao Tong's shoulder, "Comrade Xiao, study hard, and remember to say hello to Brother Cheng if you fail the subject."

Xiao Tong was curious: "What's wrong? You still know people in Yanda? Can you even help me fail a course?"

"That's not it."

Lin Cheng shook his head, "Remember to let me know if you fail the exam, so I'll be happy to let Brother Cheng know the news."

Xiao Tong choked, knowing that this guy had no good intentions.

"Screw you!"

After glaring at Lin Cheng, Xiao Tong got up to prepare for the online class.

But as soon as he took a step, seeing Lin Cheng chatting with Han Shuyan with a smile on his face, Xiao Tong couldn't help kicking Lin Cheng lightly.


Lin Cheng looked up suspiciously.

Xiao Tong was confident and confident: "You blame me for blocking the way?"


Lin Cheng lowered his head and looked, not knowing which way he was blocking.

"I have no eyesight."

Xiao Tong stepped into the bedroom, and couldn't help revealing a hint of secret joy at the corner of her mouth.

While the enemy was not paying attention, he made a flat A.

Lin Cheng didn't care about Xiao Tong's small thoughts, and watched Han Shuyan's elegant sip of her meal.

"Sister Shuyan."


"Well, the cherry blossoms are about to bloom in the middle of this month."

Han Shuyan stopped and looked at Lin Cheng suspiciously.

"Want to go see the cherry blossoms together?"

(End of this chapter)

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