This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 218 It's All About Li Xianghe

Chapter 218 It's All About Li Xianghe

The Nuoshou on the opposite side didn't just ask Seti to practice at a low level even when he won the first blood.

It is easy for Nuo to lose if he goes first against Ser in the early stage. After all, it is better to fight a wave of explosive Seti, and the battery life provided passively is also very good. It is too difficult for Nuo to exchange blood first.

Therefore, the old Nuo players generally like to catch Sett's skills and play them during the empty window period. Sett's skill CD is very long.

In this way, the two sides had only one collision before reaching the third level.

It was Lin Cheng who saw the opportunity to move first when he was promoted to the second level. The E skill dragged Nuo Shou back and made two punches to catch the W deliberate punch. Nuo Shou symbolically returned a Q in the outer circle.

Lin Cheng made a profit in this wave of exchange of blood. He took the opportunity to push the line of soldiers over and then went to the river to lower his vision to prevent Cuzz from coming up to attack.

After Lin Cheng reached the third level, he stepped forward to make up for a long-range soldier with a punch, and Nuoshou, who had also reached the third level, waited for the opportunity to take a step forward and AW to slow down.

Sett quickly punched out with a backhand right fist, and immediately reset the basic attack with his Q skill and punched out a left fist again.

In the case of being slowed down by Seti, Nuoshou's Q skill that has already started hits the outer circle with precision.

Lin Cheng deliberately didn't use the E skill to hide from the outer circle of Nuo's hand, so that his pride value quickly stacked up.

Sett lost more than one-third of his blood, while Nuoshou only lost about one-fifth.

Seti forced a step forward and punched a right fist, and Nuo hit his backhand again, which almost filled Seti's pride value.

Seeing Nuo's hand retreating, Seti set up W's intentional punch.

Lin Cheng's W punch center gave a little prediction, and Nuo Shou was hit by the center of the punch even though he took a step slowly and wanted to turn around.

After receiving real damage that was almost full of pride, Nuo's blood volume dropped to about half.

Lin Cheng who played W has turned around and retreated.

The promised hand flashed directly, and E ruthlessly dragged Seti back with his iron hand to flatten A while playing Bloodfury and stacking the conquerors at the same time.

At this time, the blood volume of the two sides was about the same, but Nuoshou played Blood Rage, and his ability to continue fighting was obviously stronger.

The EA of Nuo Shou also made Seti get close. Lin Cheng backhanded a left fist to hit the conqueror, and pressed his position up while punching the right fist.

Nuo slashed over with an ax in his hand, and pulled the next step by relying on the movement of the aura cloak.

The positions and directions of the two people were just staggered.

Nuo raised his ax again and slashed at Seti who was walking away.

Without the Q skill, Seti's left fist had a 50-yard shorter attack distance than the Nuo hand, and now the white ax hit Sett's aorta.

The Nuo Shou full of blood rage is really terrifying. After eating two blood rage to level A, Seti has less than one bar of health left, and Nuo Shou has less than one-third of the blood volume.

Seeing the chance of lore, Nuoshou didn't choose to pull away and wait for the blood to bleed, but stepped forward to block the attack distance and prepared to launch another general attack.

Lin Cheng finally found the right angle, and the E skill that had been pinched to death took the first step.

The angle of this strong hand splitting the skull is very particular. Lin Cheng released it obliquely to the limit position and dragged the little soldier on it down.

Nuoshou and Xiaobing collided and fell into dizziness.

At this time, Nuo's ax was fainted before he raised his basic attack.

Bang Bang.

Seti raised his hand and punched it down with a set of left and right combined punches, leaving a trace of blood in Nuo's hand.

However, this trace of blood was not dead, and Nuo's backhand smashed Seti to the ground with an axe.

"Fuck! This is not dead?"

Lin Cheng, who was solo-killed in the live broadcast, couldn't bear it anymore. Looking at the blood volume of Nuo's hand, Nuo's hand only had 17 blood points before the triumph took effect.

"Ah~~~ I kept the E on purpose and I guessed that the other side wanted to get in the distance from me. This E is so handsome, but he didn't die!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry Lin Cheng muttered, "It's all because of Lee Sang-hyuk, if Nuo Shou didn't get the first blood economy and didn't have the Dolan sword, he would lose 80 points of blood. I have already soloed this time."

"I'm dying of laughter! Classic himself was single-handedly killing his teammates."

"Hurry up and give Niutou a ping signal, brother Cheng is killed half of him."

"Is self-comfort okay? Already killed alone."

"The blood anger in Nuo's hand is still strong, the blood anger came out and the two axes almost chopped off half of Jinfu's blood."

"If Sett, who just came out, is already dead, he will be cut too badly now."

"The bang fist that is almost full of heroic value is hit, and the E skill is also stunned. This wave is really Nuo's hand leading a Dolan sword, otherwise he would have killed him."

To be honest, the details of this wave of Lin Cheng's confrontation are really full.

Especially in the end, using the passive mechanism to move two punches and then diagonally E to interrupt the deadly flat A after the opponent's pull, and then get stuck in the opponent's dizziness, and then two punches quickly, almost causing a single kill.

It can only be said that the advantage of taking first blood on the opposite side is still there, and the role of having an extra Dolan sword is reflected at the critical moment.

Moreover, Nuo Shou is too fierce after stacking Conqueror and Blood Rage. The next two basic attacks combined with bleeding will almost hit Seti with nearly half of his blood, and Seti's AAEAA damage is almost less than half of that of Nuo Shou. The look of blood.

In fact, Lin Cheng didn't intend to fight to the end at all at first. After the W punch hit, he planned to withdraw, and waited for the next wave of passive recovery of blood to have skills before finding a chance to fight.

But the opponent's promise is also really decisive. When the lead flashes, he directly flashes up and uses the E skill to keep people, so he will definitely have an advantage in the fight.

After being single-killed, Lin Cheng was a little bit timid, and he didn't give the chance easily.

The bottom half of the two sides played very lively.

Seeing Cayon approaching, Brother Li flew up the female gun with two consecutive strikes first, and the rock sparrow directly flashed Yantu and connected to the control to cooperate with Kaisha to drop the female gun in seconds, and the Japanese girl's flash was also forced out by the backhand.

In more than 5 minutes, Chovy's Zoe moved to the bottom lane and hit the Japanese woman with a super long-distance bubble across the corner of the river.

The duo immediately moved forward like mad dogs.

The Japanese woman fell into a dizziness outside the tower.

At the same time as Zoe's long-distance flying star hit, Niu Tau's Q skill beat the flying sun girl, and Kai'sa Icacia rained heavily.

At this time, seeing the remaining blood of Japanese women, Brother Li started to mess up again.

I saw the bull's head ignited and put it on the Japanese girl, and then a W pushed the bloody Japanese girl back under the red square tower, so that Mr. Dai had no chance to replace the Japanese girl.

Effort's Japanese daughter was ignited and scalded to death under the tower, and Li Ge succeeded in K.

Brother Li lit up the expression of naughty Poro sticking out his tongue.

Deft showed Amumu's crying expression.

Even Chovy and Teddy at the scene also praised it.

Lin Cheng witnessed the whole process on the road, and couldn't help but marvel: "Turtle! This bull head is too happy, and the operation of grabbing heads is very skilled."

"Laughing! Hang the ignition first and then W to push away the residual blood. It's absolutely amazing."

"The true color of the melon rind is unmistakable, 23333."

"Guapi likes K-heads every time he assists, Mr. Dai probably scolds his mother."

"It's okay, that is, Mr. Dai is too familiar with it, and most people would not do it like this."

"Double C in Mapo, the enemy of fate."

(End of this chapter)

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