This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 22 This girl is not ordinary

Chapter 22 This girl is not ordinary

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main type of precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, and Fatal Strike, and the secondary type of master: Sudden Impact, Greedy Hunter.

On the opposite side, the cornerstone rune of the Sword Princess has an indestructible grip, which enhances the ability to recover from the fight on the line.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng's knife girl went out with the corruption potion, and went straight to the grass on the upper road to stand in sight.

Seeing Jian Ji leaning over from the triangle grass, Lin Cheng retreated without saying a word. There is no way for a first-level sword girl to collide with Jian Ji here, and there is no need to be tough.

However, this also shows the daring of the opponent. When Lin Cheng's teammates did not reveal their vision in the lower half, Jian Ji dared to explore the grass like this, and was not afraid of someone behind Lin Cheng.

Of course, it is also possible that Jian Ji is followed by a vote of people.

After losing the river grass, Lin Cheng stood at the entrance of the upper half of his wild area. Anyway, he just didn't let the opposite side come over easily to get a view, and Galio was also leaning against the upper river station in the middle.

Jian Ji did not choose to lean over, and the two sides finally started peacefully.

Because he was going back to the line from the wild area, when Lin Cheng went online, Jian Ji was already stuck in position, holding a long sword and looking like he was going to come up at any time to be fierce to Lin Cheng.

Even if the first flaw was brushed below, Lin Cheng didn't plan to peel it, and patiently waited for the opportunity to replenish his troops behind.

The soldier was already full of blood. Taking advantage of Jian Ji's back to replenish the soldier, Lin Cheng got stuck and took two steps up to make up for the soldier who was far away from Jian Ji.

Seeing Lin Cheng's move forward, Jian Ji suddenly slid to the side of Dao Mei with her Q skill, and dealt the damage of the Indestructible Grip with one sword.

However, Lin Cheng's position remained very good, and the slash from Sword Ji's Q skill rushing to the side did not hit the flaw below.

The knife girl commanded the blade on her side to attack, and slashed with a backhand.

Immediately attracted the hatred of the blue Fang Xiaobing, Jian Ji immediately retreated without any hesitation after the Q.

Just after Jian Ji turned around, the sword girl who had just finished the attack before shaking took a step forward, and the blade that was flying beside her swung out again.

Sword Girl's 200-yard attack distance is really special among melee heroes. When Jian Ji's Q skill made a mistake and didn't hit her face without passive acceleration, she couldn't pull it away immediately, and she even ate Sword Girl twice.

And it's not over yet.

After the sword girl made the second shot, she suddenly turned back and retreated as if preparing to remove the hatred of the soldier. At this moment, Jian Ji just passed the red side melee soldier. Lin Cheng learned the Q skill in seconds, and attacked the sharp blade directly.

A light blue light and shadow flickered, and the impact of the sharp blade had already killed the bloody melee soldiers. At the same time as the skill CD was refreshed, the sword girl slashed at the sword girl behind.

Jian Ji subconsciously turned around and wanted to fight, but he found that he was not long enough!

Lin Cheng Q came over and the distance was too accurate. Jian Ji took a step back habitually before, but she suddenly turned around and found that the distance was not enough to make a shot, so she could only lift her sword against Dao Mei.

Just as Jian Ji took a step back, Lin Cheng clicked the floor to cancel the basic attack and then shook, and Dao Mei also began to retreat.

Jian Ji was stuck at the attack distance and still couldn't shoot.

Helpless, Jian Ji plans to give up.

But just when Jian Ji stopped in pursuit, Dao Mei waved her blade again.

At the moment when he finished the damage before the basic attack, the blue light and shadow disappeared in a flash, and Dao Mei had already used the sharp blade to attack the backhand and killed the soldier with residual blood behind him, opening his position.

It was just a mistake in the face of the Q skill, and the sword girl took advantage of the range to slash four times in a row, plus the damage of the soldiers, Jianji directly lost more than one-third of the blood.

Even this can't be regarded as a mistake, because no sword girl dares to say that she will definitely be able to get rid of her flaws, but it is rare for her to be unilaterally prostituted like this.

Yoona, the main top laner of the Yanda representative team, couldn't help but mutter in her voice, "Fuck! This girl is not ordinary."

As a result, before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Why does his sword princess have a burning effect?
When did he drink the corruption potion?
Why is he taking drugs?I just hit him.

not good!

I saw a flash of blue light and shadow, and the sword girl in the rear started to attack with a sharp blade.

After a melodious sound, a small golden axe appeared on the girl's body.

Lin Cheng's sword sisters are already full of conquerors.

Because the dashing mechanism of the sharp blade impact will slightly overshoot the target's position, the sword girl directly protrudes behind Jianji, stuck in the position and waved the light blue blade all over her body and smashed her head over her face.

The shocked Yoona hurriedly operated the sword girl and swung the sword.

Lin Cheng's attack finally gave up the flaw below, and Jian Ji played passive and quickly accelerated towards his defense tower.

Lin Cheng didn't have to do anything too detailed in the next step, and he was done when he got stuck in position A.

Although Jian Ji was passively accelerated, the sword girl got stuck first, and the attack speed bonus provided passively still allowed Lin Cheng's sword girl to take advantage of her hand length to swing two more swords, and Jian Ji was directly chopped to the point of being almost disabled. the point of blood.

After measuring Jian Ji's health, he confirmed that he had changed the most flashes in the past, and Lin Cheng had no impulse.

If Akali in RANK fights Jace, he is very willing to exchange dodge with his opponent, but it is not necessary for Sword Girl to fight Jian Ji.

After finally pulling away and hiding in the tower, Yoona sat on the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

Just now, he almost had a first-class knife girl hacked to death!

And this is not a knife girl who is full of passives and then rushed to fight.

This is outrageous.

After all, it was that Q's mistake in going up that resulted in being slashed four times by Bai, and then the sword girl on the opposite side came over directly. With such a large HP advantage, he was still full of conquerors, and his sword princess didn't dare to fight back.

"Brothers, I have met a master. This sword girl is pulling too hard. I may not be able to beat him."


Only the jungler Sunny, whose perspective was cut to the top, said faintly:
"I can see it, the details on the opposite side are very strong, you should be steady on the road."

Since the big screen at the scene did not give the shot of the road in time, all the audience who came to the scene saw Dao Mei chasing Jian Ji and slashing, and the first level directly beat Jian Ji to residual blood.

A burst of exclamations sounded, mainly from the audience who could understand the game.

The on-site commentator is the former professional players Rap and Lst who signed with Kespa. Although the game level has seriously deteriorated, Rap has even struggled in the gold rank of the Korean server in the past two seasons. However, it is often explained that the understanding of the two-player game of the CK League is still in place. The audience analyzes the impact of this wave of conflicts on the road.

The Seoul National University E-Sports Club cheered, and Cui Xiuxian waved his fist, "Give him a blow! Senior Lin Cheng rush!"

"Lin Cheng's knife girl is still so powerful, this one is comfortable to watch."

Although Xiao Tong's game level is not high, she also knows how difficult it is for a first-level sword girl to take advantage of Jian Ji.

Generally speaking, unless you are full of Q and passive as soon as you come up, it is unreasonable for Dao Mei to chase after Jian Ji and cut at the first level.

Han Shuyan didn't play games, so Xiao Tong patiently explained it to her.

At this time, An Shengyan happened to be sitting next to Xiao Tong.

"Lin Cheng asked me to tell you something. He got angry, so Yanda will suffer."

Xiao Tong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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