This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 229 The Victory of Operation

Chapter 229 The Victory of Operation

Jun Il: "In less than 10 minutes, the first middle tower fell, and T1 suddenly exploded in rhythm. The middle tower fell is very bad news for Snake Girl's development."

Corgi: "KT played decisively. The positive players beat Kalista and Tarek and immediately pressed the center line. There was no chance for Teddy to take advantage of the opportunity to clear the line. If KT reacts slowly, Kalista will find him. Opportunity clears the line, and the middle tower can't be pushed away, after all, it's still a tower full of blood."

The strategic position of the first tower in the middle lane is too important. Dropping a tower in less than 10 minutes is unacceptable regardless of the lineup.

Not only is it a deterrent of firepower, but the defensive tower in the middle provides a wide range of coverage, which can ensure the range of activities of your own players in the wild.

For professional games, vision is really important.

When the first tower in the middle of the blue team falls, the opponent can more easily focus on the following four positions:

Blue BUFF grass, grass at the intersection behind Sanlang Pit, red BUFF grass, and F6 intersection grass.

It is not necessarily accurate to these four bushes, but once more than half of the red side's field of vision is occupied near these four points, basically the movement of the blue side's wild area will be clearly seen by the opponent.

In this way, the blue team can only spend a lot of energy to regain the vision of their own wild area as much as possible, and it is difficult to make the vision.

As for the opponent, you only need to push the line in the middle to ensure that when you can't move alone at home, you can come to the wild area in a group and shake around, and you can easily take back the field of vision, and you can also search for resources in the wild area by the way.

Your opponents are very clear about your jungle movements, and even the mid laners dare not cross the grass if they want to eat a F6 supplement.

And you don't know where it will appear after pushing the line in the middle lane on the opposite side. The difficulty of the game is simply different.

Following the destruction of a tower on the blue side's middle road, Lin Cheng quickly pushed down a tower on the top road.

He didn't want to destroy the tower before because he was stronger against Rek'Sai in the wild than Zhumei. Lucian didn't dare to press too deep for fear of being caught, but now that there is no tower in the blue side, Lin Cheng's pressure is not so great.

After pushing the first tower and sending the pawn line to the second tower, Lin Cheng immediately turned into the wild area and ate the blue toad, and then ran to the middle road and wandered around to help his good brother Kuro push the line.

Just as Kuro and Bono were looking at the red BUFF on the blue side, they found that Lin Cheng cleared the center line that he had just come out of.

Of course, Lin Cheng would not admit that he was a dirty soldier.

Well, Aoun, it's over if you pile up some meat and get beaten, and it's not necessary to eat too much to save money.

After doing the bad thing and not giving Kuro a chance to speak, Lin Cheng immediately marked him off the road.

"The Snake Girl has to defend the line, and Silas can't come. Hurry up and pull out the tower."

Everyone in the lower half of KT immediately launched an attack on the blue side's bottom tower.

What Lin Cheng had to do at this time was very simple: there was no need for Lin Cheng to run down the road for thousands of miles, as long as he drilled into the wild area and ensured that there was no vision of Lucian on the opposite side, he would be done.

When the opponent's middle field appeared in the lower half of the field to make a vision, Rek'sai was already preparing to squat back before going down to the second tower, but Lin Cheng's disappearance in the middle made the blue side wonder how many people came to the opposite bottom half. The duo can only abandon the tower and retreat.

In this way, through the transfer of the upper and middle lanes, KT successfully pulled out the blue side's lower lane tower without bloodshed.

At this time, the time was only a little bit less than 14 minutes.

This also means that KT eats up all the Tapi economy.

We must know that the current head ratio of the two sides is 5:4, and KT has a gold lead of nearly [-] when it is one head behind.

Jun Il: "Tsk tsk! The operation commander of KT is very comfortable to watch. The idea of ​​​​snowballing is really too clear, changing lanes, plundering wild areas, pulling out towers, and taking dragons."

Corgi: "If I remember correctly, T5's economy was still a small lead 1 minutes ago, and in fact, only two of the Vanguard team's kills broke out in these 5 minutes, but KT's economy has expanded so much all of a sudden. "

Jun Il: "KT's command really taught T1 a lesson. This season, T1's snowballing ability is very poor. They often allocate resources while trying to maintain a balance of power, and wait for the double C to exert their strength to win the game later.

But I don’t know why I went to pick up the wave of vanguards just now, and directly took over my own situation. Logically speaking, Lucian has such a big advantage, and KT deserves the vanguard. Maybe the small dragons gave them the wrong confidence. "

After demolishing the opponent's three outer towers, KT each went out with two control guards, which directly set off a battle of vision.

The first step in operation is vision.

A poor economy leads to a poor vision, and a vision leads to a greater economic difference.

Although KT has a high level of blood this season, they are not the kind of team that completely believes in pure recklessness in operations. KT has always attached great importance to vision.

Teams that don't pay attention to vision can easily be overturned even if they have an advantage.

Lin Cheng had already switched out of scanning, and after pushing the line from the side, he got into the wild area to cooperate with his teammates to make vision.

Scan around while ensuring your own safety, and then leave your vision at key positions.

Teammates in other lanes followed the same routine as Lin Cheng, and the jungle area of ​​T1 was completely lit up by KT for several minutes.

Unless they group together to explore the way, T1 dare not even enter their own wild area easily.

Despite this, T1 Nosuke was ambushed when he went to explore the red BUFF vision together.

Seeing the opponent approaching, the three of KT Xiaye directly hid in the red BUFF grass as a statue, and when Rek'Sai approached, the pig girl threw out a big move to go first.

Rexai didn't wait for the cosmic light to fall, and died suddenly on the spot.

The opponent downsized, and Tarik's ult was forced out. KT decisively huddled together and began to press.

Silas and Snake originally wanted to guard the second tower in the middle road, but Tamm drove directly under the blue square plateau, and they turned around and ran away in fright.

Taking down the second tower in the middle lane easily, KT is not in a hurry to speed up, and continues a new round of vision battle.

In this way, wave after wave of poor vision and plundering have steadily widened the economic gap between the two sides.

T1 was also unwilling to die slowly, and tried to find opportunities to catch Lucian on the wing.

But the red side's field of vision is really good, the three of T1 just leaned up, Lin Cheng turned around and ran away.

In this way, Lucian didn't catch it, and the second tower in the bottom lane was easily taken down by other KT teammates.

In 25 minutes, before KT's Dragon Soul Xiaolong refreshed, everyone in the red side suddenly turned to the big dragon pit.

The blue side has only one blue jewelry left to take a photo, and finds that the opponent is really fighting the big dragon, so they quickly gather and rush to the big dragon pit.

However, KT stopped after being caught by the opponent.

T1 stepped on the field of vision all the way, but was led by the pig girl in the river, and Aoun blew the horn in his hand.

The economic gap between the two sides at this time is too great. The mid-term itself is the strong period of the tank lineup. As soon as the team battle started, KT stepped on it with a crushing momentum.

The opponent was wiped out in a wave, and all the outer towers in the middle of the blue square were destroyed. KT took advantage of the trend and directly bulldozed the opponent's base.

(End of this chapter)

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