This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 234: Classic Tower Crossing

Chapter 234: Classic Tower Crossing
Throwing aside the jungle factor, there is no absolute advantage in the alligator's men's lane, and whoever has the right to push the line will be better.

Tie Nan, who had been drained to half his health at the first level, had already lost the qualification to come up to replenish soldiers, so he only dared to watch from afar.

At this time, the second wave of troops has arrived.

The crocodile will definitely be able to grab the second, and the anger turned red again.

If Tie Nan goes to Tie Tie again, the crocodile can find a chance to clean him up without the spider coming over.

Since the line of soldiers has not been pushed forward in essence, Lin Cheng keeps getting stuck in the position while replenishing troops after being promoted to the second level.

Tier [-] Tetsuo doesn't even have the courage to come up and throw a Q.

The crocodile looks scary when it is angry, and now it is easy to get hit with residual health and force out TP.

Losing TP at this time basically declares that the road is ready to disconnect.

Jun Il: "Brother Chengzi played well! There is nothing wrong with this little detail of pulling. He moved close to avoid Tetsuo's single-body strengthening Q, which led to a big profit in exchange. This anger made Canna feel very uncomfortable, and he was not daring at the beginning. Come up for the experience."

Corgi: "Brother Cheng's crocodile didn't play so fiercely in the last round. I didn't expect to have an obvious suppression effect in this round. The most terrifying thing is that KT's jungler is a spider."

Jun Il: "Canna still doesn't understand. The opponent's jungler is a spider. Why do you provoke him? Even if you change blood and win, so what? If you change to a veteran top laner, A may not even think about it. Go to the A crocodile twice."

Corgi: "The spiders will definitely come over when the pawn line enters the tower. Cuzz will find an opportunity to squat back."

Jun Ri nodded: "Originally, T1 selected Tetsuo in the hope that Canna would be able to withstand the pressure. It is true that Tetsuo will not be afraid of KT's Ueno coming to the tower after level [-], but before level [-], Tetsuo is still very afraid that these two people will overtake the tower." tower."

When he gained the advantage, Lin Cheng had already started to communicate with Bono, and he planned to get the spider caught in the early stage to level three and go straight up.

Since Lin Cheng deliberately didn't push the line after being promoted to the second level, he just replenished the remaining blood soldiers to maintain his anger, and the third wave of pawn line was stuck on the corner wall outside the red square tower.

Lin Cheng suddenly began to push the line with the A-pawn.

Bono's spider was down the river, scanning its way into the red square triangle.

Regardless of whether he has vision or not, Lin Cheng's actions have basically signaled to the opponent that the spider is coming, and we are going to fuck you.

Canna is still standing under the tower and watching.

Everyone is very experienced, and Bono also realized that Olaf might be around, so he touched the Golem grass before the scan was over.

Olaf's figure was not swept away.

Lin Cheng has already pushed the line into the tower.

"Never mind! It doesn't matter if Olaf is here or not."

As the crocodile moved forward, the spider came out of the stone man's grass and approached the iron man under the tower.

At this time, the figure of Olaf of Cuzz appeared from behind. Olaf should have been stuck behind the wall to escape the spider's scan.

Olaf showed up, slowed down to the spider with an ax from a distance, and rushed forward with the ax in hand.

But the two had no intention of backing down at all.

The distance is enough, the human-shaped spider first uses the Q skill neurotoxin and throws it at the iron man under the tower, attracting the hatred of the defense tower.

Bono also lit up a penguin expression in great detail.

Are you angry when your jungler faces your tower?
Lin Cheng wondered if Canna hung up his machine during rank, or sprayed the jungler when the situation was not right.

Without thinking too much, when the spider attacked, Lin Cheng's crocodile section E went straight to the iron man under the tower, with a faint light on his head, W ruthlessly hunted and shot it.

Lin Cheng was full of anger.

The crocodile is red and angry W slaps the iron man with a dizzy face, and the spider connects the cocoon to control it.

Even Bono's spider didn't pounce on it at all, but threw out the exploding spider and at the same time leveled A to deal electric shock damage. After the crocodile leveled A, the red anger Q completed the kill.

Tetsuo was controlled to death under the tower, and nothing was handed over.

"First Blood!"

At this time, Olaf had already stuck to the spider's face, and Bono hung up in the form of a spider to pull away the hatred of the defense tower.

Lin Cheng rushed to Olaf on the right side of the tower in the second stage of E, A, after Olaf attracted the hatred of the defensive tower, Lin Cheng quickly pulled away in the direction of the stone man grass.

It happened that the spider dropped to Olaf's side. At this time, the hatred of the defensive tower had been attracted by Lin Cheng, who was standing on the edge, and did not attack Bono, who was already low in health.

Lin Cheng's crocodile was successfully pulled out of the tower after being attacked by the tower, and Bono's spider was successfully pulled away by Olaf's axe.

Seeing the two coming out of the tower, Cuzz didn't dare to chase them anymore.

You must know that Olaf chose F6 to open the field, and his blood volume is not enough. Although the spider's blood volume is not much, it doesn't make sense for Olaf to go out of the tower to chase.

Jun Il: "KT Ueno's cooperation is good! When I saw Olaf, I directly chose to beat Tetsuo. Canna has nothing to do with this blood volume, and Olaf can only watch.

The main reason is that Canna didn't maintain the blood line when he came up, it was terrible, and it was really unreasonable for these two people to jump the tower. "

Corgi: "I was wondering if it would be better for Olaf to come out earlier? He squatted too far behind, and when he rushed up, Tetsuo had already been caught."

Jun Il: "It is true that there is a problem with Cuzz's choice. It feels like he is thinking too much. Do you think that he will have a chance to fight back when the opponent jumps the tower? If Cuzz stood with Tetsuo under the tower from the beginning, the opponent would probably be wrong." Those who dare to do it."

Corgi: "Here comes the replay... um~~~ I have to say that KT Ueno's follow-up anti-tower details after killing Tetsuo are really good. The spider first pulls hatred with E skill, and then the crocodile goes to A Olaf to attract The hatred of the defense tower is then pulled away, so that the spider will not be attacked by the defense tower again if it falls down.

In the face of your jungler, the tower jump did not even lose a flash. KT did a very good job in this wave of tower jumping. "

Jun Il: "Then here comes the problem! Alligator and Spider Flash are in hand, what should we do if we come to Canna in the next wave? KT's military training will not be done just by catching a wave like this."

"It's started! Desert spider classic tower jump."

"The real details of this resistance change, the spicy tower jumping in the previous APK made me numb."

"Spider crocodile is too disgusting, it's too easy for military training on the road."

"Canna: Dog, can't you afford to play? Shake people in only 3 minutes."

"It turns out that spiders are so good at grasping at the third level? I think of Mr. Ma's spider that doesn't catch people."

"Teacher Ma's top-notch understanding: Spider is a hero who has no advantage, so he just needs to farm. If my teammates call me mentally retarded, I have to develop, but I don't want to catch it."

After taking the first blood, Lin Cheng went back and bought two small long swords, and bought a control guard with the extra gold coins.

Saving TP, Lin Cheng communicated with Bono while running online.

"Jin Jifan, later you come to the road to kill the opponent again, and the opponent will collapse when you come to the road again."

(End of this chapter)

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