This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 258 Going Back in Time Can't Save GEN·G

Chapter 258 Going back in time can't save GEN·G (addition for Two-dimensional bookworm)
Five kills were scored in a wave, and the teammates who watched the battle at the spring all the time were already howling in the voice.

They thought that Lin Cheng was giving it away, but they didn't expect it to end like this.

Bono: "Don't send Lin Cheng away... yo! Destroy two dragon species, this wave is not a loss."

Aiming: "What? Why are you still killing? Three?"

Kuro: "Isn't it? Is it really operated for him? Five kills? Didn't you say that I will be C today? Lin Cheng, what are you doing?"

"Lin Cheng has five kills again! Hahahahaha."

Tusin was very happy: "Remember to please eat, this time I will eat beef."

"That's right! Pentakill please eat."

Only then did the teammates react, and they all discussed what Lin Cheng should eat for this treat.

The brain circuits of his teammates are strange, and Lin Cheng's thinking angle is even more tricky.

"It's a pity that you sent it too slowly, and you even got assists. Otherwise, Brother Cheng would have a chance to hit the solo kill record in the Spring Split."

Teammates: "..."

What are you criticizing?
What do you mean we delivered too slowly?We didn't pave the way for you to hurt, you little Riven still want to kill five?

The most complicated mood at this time is probably the fans of the two teams.

The KT fans just went through a rollercoaster moment. Their ace top laner was caught first, and then the remaining four were forced to send the team to kill and increase the dragon.

Just when everyone thought the situation was over, Lin Cheng's Riwen suddenly rose from the coffin again and rushed out of the spring to kill.

The tables turned once again.

It was even worse for GEN·G fans. Seeing the opponent's top laner send a wave of rhythm, the GEN·G fans of Hanwang were still calling Lin Cheng's good brother in the barrage just now.

Unexpectedly, this good brother came back and wiped out all five dragon species of GEN·G with his own hands.

The barrage of fans on both sides profoundly interpreted what is called bipolar reversal.

After a wave of thrilling battles between the two sides, everyone died again, and the advantage was still in the hands of KT.

Lin Cheng put more and more pressure on the wing, Riwen, who was in three and a half pieces for more than 20 minutes, was ashamed of anyone who saw it.

Immediately afterwards, KT's Dragon Soul team battle came.

KT took the lead.

The red side's field of vision advantage is too great, and GEN·G can only gather together to explore the field of vision step by step before the dragon is refreshed.

Zeyuan: "KT's Dragon Soul Group, GEN·G is desperate. If you win this wave, you still have a chance. If you lose, you will be G."

Cat: "It's not easy to fight. GEN·G's vision is too poor. If GEN·G detects it step by step, it is likely that Xiaolong will be directly dropped by the opponent's RUSH, but if you don't detect it, you are afraid of being ambushed. This problem is very unsolvable."

Zeyuan: "Then what should I do? At this time, I can only give it a go. Looking forward and looking backward will not solve the problem."

Since there are still two seconds to refresh the dragon, fearing that the opponent RUSH dragon will be too fast, the blue team gave up the lower half of the field of vision detection, and all members touched the river from the side of F6.

Time first dropped a bomb on the river, and at the moment when everyone in GEN·G was about to enter the river, the pig girl who was hiding against the wall drifted and threw her big move, eating the bomb and throwing her big move.

The Extreme Ice Lasso hit the blind monk accurately, starting the team battle.

Senna W took over the control and had to cooperate with the Tsar to kill the blind monk first.

Aoun, who was beside the blind monk, quickly opened up and prepared to fight back.

Kuro drifted directly into the arena, pushed up Aphelios accurately with his ult, and successfully forced Aoun to release W and missed his second stage collision.

Senna's ultimate move runs through the battlefield.

Aphelios in the air was knocked out of most of his health in an instant, and Thresh behind him was tried by Lantern to save him.

But the seniors in KT are also quick to respond.

There was a dense muffled sound.

As soon as Ruler's Aphelios landed, he found that Thresh's lantern had been inserted into a hedgehog.

Tusin's Tahm slows down Aphelios with one tongue.

The terrain is too narrow. Although the Tsar's roundabout push is very chic, he was also hit by Aoun's backhand E skill.

Clid's blind monk came over quickly and kicked the czar away with his Q skill.

Before the blind monk RQQ could make a shot, Tusin's Tahm swallowed the czar in the air in one gulp.

Time speeds up Aphelios, allowing Ruler to retreat around the wall of the Forbidden Army with residual blood.

The Czar, Pig Girl, and Senna's key ultimate moves are all gone, and the blue team is going to pull it off before taking over the group.

Everyone on the blue side retreats to their own wild area.

At this time, a green sword qi came out from the shadow of the red buff.

Aphelios just came back and wanted to hit F6 to suck some blood first, but was killed on the spot by the Gale Slash who blocked his vision and made a sneak attack.

BDD didn't react either, time simply didn't have time for Paul Phyllis of Jiaotong University.

"Brothers! Ruler is dead! Go!"

Lin Cheng jumped up from the bottom of the dragon pit with a three-stage Q just now, and has been hiding in the stone man pit.

The blue team's field of vision was really poor, and when they found that no one was coming to line up the lower part of their field of vision, Lin Cheng touched the red buff pit when he was fighting head-on, just in time for a sneak attack.

And the skills of the blue team are also handed in at this time, which is the time for Riven to perform.

When throwing Gale Slash, Lin Cheng had locked three Qs in advance and climbed over the red buff wall, just in time to knock the Thresh on the back of the wall into the air.

The E skill adjusted the position, and the W shot stunned the three of them.

Then, the Dance of Broken Wings bloomed in the crowd.

Aphelios fell, and the rest of GEN·G almost lost their key control, facing a Riven who rushed in and hacked.

Aoun in front was quickly dealt with by his teammates.

Lin Cheng slashed at the back and successfully killed the blind monk and Thresh.

The only time left is lying on the ground in vain waiting for the resurrection of time.

Cat: "Chidi is down! This wave of GEN·G is defeated, um~~~ The Tsar has already handed over a wave to T, so in this way, we can congratulate KT for taking the first victory."

Zeyuan: "There is still one BDD waiting to be revived, but to be honest, going back in time can no longer save GEN·G, and now unless the time goes back to before being pentakilled by Riven, or even if KT doesn't have a wave, there is no need to fight. "

Cat laughed: "You are too magical, can you go back in time if you can't go back in time?"

Some people are surrounded by teammates after resurrection, while others are surrounded by enemies.

When BDD got up, he was beaten to death by the crowd.

GEN · G was beaten out of the group.

The top line has reached the blue square height, and Kuro's tsar handed over the TP directly after stabbing Ornn to death.

After the rest of KT killed Shi Shi and rushed over, Kuro had already demolished the front tooth tower.

The crowd took advantage of the trend and flattened the opponent's base.

Cat: "This situation is not very good. GEN·G won't be taken away by 2:0, right? What does the colonel say? Predict that one will let one chase two?"

Zeyuan: "How can I say this accurately? Actually, GEN·G's state today is not bad, especially Life's Thresh has a few waves of talent, but he can't stop the opponent who has a better state. Wen beat GEN G so badly."

(End of this chapter)

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