This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 264 She Is Really Gentle

Chapter 264 She Is Really Gentle

Saturday, October 4.

Today is the start of the playoff wild card game, but it has nothing to do with KT. After two consecutive training games, the weekend is still the rest time for the players.

Since yesterday's training match ended too late, Lin Cheng simply lived in the dormitory.

After sleeping late until ten o'clock, Lin Cheng and Kuro went to a special restaurant outside to have breakfast.

Said it was breakfast, and it was twelve o'clock after eating.

After playing games with Kuro on the TV in the lobby for a while, Lin Cheng didn't leave the club slowly until three o'clock in the afternoon.

In front of the community is a relatively wide street.

It happened to be a red light, and Lin Cheng waited at the intersection.

There are seven or eight people waiting for the red light, and the same situation is on the other side of the street.

Lin Cheng's eyes were sharp, and he saw Han Shuyan's tall figure appearing in the opposite street from a distance, heading straight for the street entrance.

Today, Han Shuyan is dressed very casually, with a light-colored T-shirt, light blue jeans, and white sneakers, youthful and beautiful.

She wore a white peaked cap on her head, her face under the brim was fair and delicate, her long hair playfully brushed across her cheeks from time to time in the breeze.

Han Seo-yeon was clearly trying to cross the street.

Lin Cheng simply waited here, ready to surprise her.

The green light is on, let's go
Crowds of people on both sides of the street come and go.

At this time, Han Shuyan was still some distance away from the street entrance, so she quickened her pace.

Lin Cheng looked at this scene from the opposite side, feeling a kind of secret joy in secret observation.

Most of the people on both sides of the street waiting to pass through have already crossed the street.

However, compared to the rushing crowd around, there was a figure coming from the opposite direction that seemed out of place.

An old man with gray hair and a hunchback was struggling to walk on crutches.

The reason why I say struggling is because his movement frequency is not considered slow, but his stride is too small.

For a normal young man to take one step, he may need to take six or seven steps to barely reach it.

Every few small steps, move the crutches forward for a short distance.

At the old man's feet was a black puppy on a leash, which seemed to be a dachshund.

It also seemed to be a very old dog, but its athletic ability was obviously much stronger than that of the old man.

The dog is very smart. After walking a few steps, it stops and waits for the old man to catch up.

When the old man followed up tremblingly, the puppy continued to take two steps forward, then stopped and looked back at the old man.

Repeatedly, one person and one dog cooperate just right.

Obviously, this kind of tacit understanding must have been developed through long-term companionship.

But they were walking too slowly, they had just passed the center of the street, and the green light was less than a third of the time left.

It wasn't that there was no one around who wanted to help him.

Two young girls stepped forward one after another and tried to help the old man, but the old man stubbornly shook his head and refused to help, but walked forward step by step with his crutches.

Han Shuyan hurried past the old man.

But soon, she stopped.

Without turning around, she took three steps back.

One step, two steps, three steps.

The steps were not too big or too small, and it happened to appear next to the old man, blocking the direction of the vehicle on the right.

At this time, the green light is over immediately.

She didn't go to help the old man, but just took out her mobile phone, holding the mobile phone in both hands and looking down.

While watching, he walked forward slowly.

The steps are very small, just a little faster than the old man, blocking the dogs that occasionally pass over the old man's body.

Obviously, she had seen the scene where the old man refused to help before.

In fact, her behavior does not guarantee the safety of the elderly in a substantial sense, because the driver can see her and naturally see the elderly.

She made herself less safe by doing this.

But at least the dog that occasionally runs over the old man will not suffer accidents due to the negligence of the driver next to him.

Seeing this scene, Lin Cheng was suddenly touched.

She is really gentle.

Lin Cheng's first impression was not kindness.

There are many kind people, including Xiao Tong, and Lin Cheng himself can be considered a kind person.

But there are very few gentle and kind people like Han Shuyan.

She is always so gentle.

A strong impulse surged into Lin Cheng's heart.

Although touched earlier, but this moment is exceptionally clear.

She just bowed her head like this, and kept this rhythm even after the green light passed.

Head bowers who cross the road and interfere with traffic are usually unwelcome.

But this bow-headed family is extraordinarily warm.

Fortunately, the remaining distance is not long. Apart from a few horns sounding from behind, the driver next to him was not in a hurry to start the car.

In this way, she ran a red light with the image of crossing the road and looking down at her mobile phone.

Han Shuyan has been walking slowly with her head down, raising her head from time to time to check the situation of the vehicles on the right.

Maybe she was also a little nervous.

But she behaved very calmly, as calmly as if she was strolling in the living room.

Walking through the intersection, the old man smiled and thanked him.

She smiled, turned around and left without speaking.

Only then did Han Shuyan discover Lin Cheng who had been waiting here.


Lin Cheng stepped forward and hugged her gently.

Han Shuyan's body tensed all of a sudden, and then slowly relaxed.

"Don't do this anymore."

Even though he knew she might not listen, he said it anyway.

"I see."

Han Shuyan was hugged by him, and she didn't know how to let go of her hand for a while.

Gently struggle, if you find that you can't break it, forget it.

"Don't worry, I will be careful."

Han Shuyan spoke softly, expressing her understanding of Lin Cheng's concerns.

Only then did Lin Cheng let go of her and opened his mouth.

Suddenly I don't know what to say.

"Hmm~~~Sister Shuyan, I want to eat roast pork ribs tonight."

"Then you go back and wait. I'll go to the library to find a book first, and I'll buy some vegetables later and come back to cook for you."

After finishing speaking, Han Shuyan turned around and took two steps to find Lin Cheng silently following behind her.

Han Shuyan looked at him, her eyes covered by the peaked cap were full of smiles.

"It's okay anyway, I'll go with you."

"Then don't make trouble."

"How can I make trouble? I never make trouble."

"You said that."

Han Shuyan glanced at him reproachfully, "Taking you out to buy groceries is always slow and troublesome, last time you insisted..."

"Oh! Don't worry about these details."

Seeing that Han Shuyan was still talking, Lin Cheng quickly grabbed her waist and pushed forward, "Let's go! Let's talk as we walk, I have good news to announce, I'm going to win the championship soon..."

Lin Cheng shamelessly rounded up his qualifications for the semi-finals of the playoffs, and it directly became the championship.

Han Shuyan was surprised, "Really? You have only been playing for less than two months."

"This shows that I am good. Some people can't win the championship after playing for ten years, and some people become champions as soon as they debut. There is no comparison between people."

At this moment, Lin Cheng was more energetic than ever.

 Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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