Chapter 266 Key Points
"Mom, Xiaoying is thirsty, and Xiaoying wants to eat ice cream."

At this time, girl Xiaoying hugged her mother's leg and began to act like a baby.

"Drink when you're thirsty"

Jiang Subin unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle with a sullen face and handed it over, "You only ate so much ice cream 10 minutes ago, if you eat it again, your stomach will break."

"No, Xiaoying wants to eat ice cream."

Xiaoying twisted her body, looking reluctant.

The two found it interesting, this girl threatened to beat up other hairy kids every now and then, and would act like a baby in front of her mother.

Jiang Subin didn't speak, and Xiaoying refused to give in. The mother and daughter became deadlocked.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, and took out a 500 denomination coin.

"Xiaoying, let's guess the coin. If you guess right, uncle will buy you ice cream. If you guess wrong, you can honestly drink water, okay?"

"Really? Will uncle buy ice cream for Xiaoying?"

Xiaoying girl is very happy, there is a [-]/[-] chance that she can eat ice cream.

Jiang Subin was about to speak out to stop her, but Lin Cheng winked at her, expressing his reassurance.

"Hey! Xiaoying made an agreement with her uncle first, and if she guesses wrong, she must obediently drink water."

"it is good."

Lin Cheng put the coin in front of Xiaoying, and carefully flipped it over for her to read.

"What's so interesting about coins, uncle, hurry up and throw them away."

Xiaoying is an impatient girl.

"That's what you said."

After speaking, Lin Cheng tossed the coin high into the air.

To show off his skills, Lin Cheng threw the coin almost five meters high.

With his excellent reflexes, when the coin fell, Lin Cheng stretched out one hand very chicly, with his palm horizontally, and accurately grasped the falling coin.

Watching this scene, Xiaoying opened her mouth into an O shape, and looked at Lin Cheng adoringly.

"Uncle is amazing!"

Han Shuyan is funny, this guy also likes to be so embarrassed in front of Enxi.

Lin Cheng chuckled, and stretched out his clenched fist in front of Xiaoying.

"Guess what year the coin is from?"

Xiaoying, who was still adoring Lin Cheng just now, was suddenly dumbfounded.

Don't you guess pros and cons?

Xiaoying stuttered and couldn't speak.

"Don't say uncle is playing tricks, just now uncle showed you the coin carefully, Xiaoying won't forget it, right? The open-book exam is very easy."

Although she didn't know what the open-book exam meant, Xiaoying slowly realized that she was being tricked.

"Uncle and sister Tong are big villains, and they will bully Xiaoying. Xiaoying will tell Enxi tomorrow."

Girl Xiaoying put her hands on her hips and complained loudly angrily.

Lin Cheng smiled triumphantly, not at all conscious of bullying the child.

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, drink water quickly."

Jiang Subin held back a smile and stretched out the mineral water bottle.

Girl Xiaoying hugged the bottle angrily and raised her head, gulping and gulping.

That small appearance doesn't seem to be drinking water, but it seems to be drinking to soothe one's sorrows.

Lin Cheng tossed the coin back and forth in shock, Han Shuyan gave him a helpless look, squatted down and patted Xiaoying's head.

"Xiaoying, don't eat ice cream today, okay? In order not to spoil my stomach, my sister will invite you to eat ice cream with Enxi tomorrow."

"Really? Can Xiaoying eat ice cream with Enxi tomorrow?"

Xiaoying girl was pouring water into her stomach while being sad, and she stopped feeling depressed when she heard Han Shuyan's words.

This cheerful little girl is easy to coax, every time Xiao Tong bullies her, she can be coaxed right away with a lollipop.

"Of course it's true. When did my sister lie to you?"

Xiaoying nodded solemnly, if Xiao Tong said this, she would have to think carefully, but Han Shuyan would not be deceiving in Xiaoying's eyes.

Compared with Xiao Tong's bad record, Han Shuyan's reputation among the fur kids in the neighborhood is much better.

Saying goodbye to Xiaoying and her mother, the two returned to the apartment.

As soon as Xiao Tong opened the door, she found that the two were wearing the same hat.

"Where did you go to play? You also bought souvenirs. Is this a couple's hat?"

Xiao Tong's tone was sour.

Han Shuyan took out the baseball cap for Xiao Tong from the bag, and put it on her head, the long brim of the hat covered her suspicious eyes.

"Hey! You also have a share."

Xiao Tong immediately became happy, plunged into Han Shuyan's arms and acted coquettishly.

"Oni, you're so kind, I knew you wouldn't forget me."

Han Shuyan couldn't stand her, "Okay! See if you like it."

Only then did Xiao Tong chuckle, reached out and took off the hat for a closer look.

"Hmm~~~ The Dodgers baseball caps are just right. The street outside is full of Yankees caps. It's too easy to bump into them when you go out."

The more she looked, the more satisfied she was, Xiao Tong put on her hat and looked in the mirror again and again.

"It never occurred to me that I can wear this hat to go out when I don't have time to take care of my hair in the future."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Han Shuyan to take a group photo together.

Lin Cheng deliberately stretched out his head to interfere with them taking pictures, insisting on showing his hat-wearing head by the camera.

"Oh go away! You'll be misunderstood wearing that hat."

Lin Cheng said cheerfully: "If you misunderstand, you will misunderstand! In this way, others will think that I have two girlfriends, and it will be bloody money."

Xiao Tong sneered, "I'll post the photo on our school's forum later, and then say that you cheated the feelings of the two girls, then you just wait for everyone to shout and beat you."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Seeing Lin Cheng retreating to the side resentfully, Xiao Tong happily took a photo with Han Shuyan.

"That's right! Take a photo with me."

Inspired by Xiao Tong just now, Lin Cheng also took out his mobile phone after the photo was taken, "In this way, I can tell my mom that I found a girlfriend, and she won't be jabbering all day long."

"Then who are you taking pictures with?"

Lin Cheng said cheerfully: "Come together, I told my mother that I found two girlfriends."

Xiao Tong curled her lips, "You are beautiful, you can just pick one of the two beauties, and you still have to make progress."

"Choose one..."

Lin Cheng dragged his voice out, thinking for two seconds, "Then I will definitely choose Sister Shuyan as my girlfriend, Xiao Tong, you are not as gentle as Sister Shuyan, cooking is not good, and games are good."

Xiao Tong was upset: "It's just out of friendship to help take a picture, you think you're really picking a girlfriend?"

Lin Cheng: "Then I'll choose Sister Shuyan, you are not as gentle as Sister Shuyan, cooking is not good, and you can play games well."

"I told you everything, it's just a photo."

"I've already said that I'm still Xuanshuyan, you are not as gentle as Shuyan, you don't cook well, and you can play games well."

"Hey! You are too much, why do you repeat it so many times?"

Xiao Tong turned her head and threw herself into Han Shuyan's arms with a very sad look, "Sister Shuyan, this guy actually said that I am good at games."

Lin Cheng: "..."

I have repeated it so many times.

This is the only point you grasped?

(End of this chapter)

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