Chapter 268 Betting

For the first time, Lin Cheng seriously thought about his own image in the eyes of others, and the more he thought about it, the more uncertain he became.

Seeing that Lin Cheng was still very decadent, Xiao Tong simply sat down on the floor and patted Lin Cheng's shoulder with a big hand.

"Ouch! Don't be sad, I'm joking!"

This Cantonese made Lin Cheng play instantly, and waved his hand, "I'm not sad, I just thought of something."

Xiao Tong took a sip of water from the water glass, a little curious: "I told you that before, you look like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, why do you suddenly care about it today?"

Lin Cheng also joked in Cantonese on the construction site: "Because I suddenly like you."

"Cough! Cough!"

Xiao Tong choked on a mouthful of water and coughed uncontrollably.

Lin Cheng quickly reached out and patted her on the back.

"Hey! You can't do it, I'm just joking."

It took Xiao Tong a while to recover, "Can you stop making such a horrible joke?"

Lin Cheng was speechless: "Is it a terrible thing to be liked by Brother Cheng?"

"of course."

Xiao Tong raised her snow-white neck and hummed softly, then turned her head away.

Lin Cheng sighed, feeling a sudden sense of frustration.

Just in time, the game has already started on the TV screen.

Lin Cheng didn't bother to think too much, and concentrated on preparing to watch the game.

"Hey! Who do you think will win?"

Lin Cheng shrugged, "How do I know? The high probability is DWG. This team's personal ability is better than DRX. As long as they don't get sick, the chances are greater."

Of course, there is another key point, the Dolan brothers don't know when they will start sending them.

Xiao Tong has a different opinion: "DWG seems to have not won DRX this season, I think DRX must be able to win."

Lin Cheng suggested: "Then why don't we make a bet, one person chooses a team, and whoever wins can make a condition."

Xiao Tong said decisively: "Okay! I choose DWG."

Lin Cheng was dumbfounded, didn't you just say that you are optimistic about DRX?

Xiao Tong chuckled: "How about it? Do you dare to bet?"

"Just bet, I'm afraid of you, then I'll choose DRX."

While shouting, Lin Cheng prayed in his heart: Brother Dolan, don't get sick.

When Lin Cheng accepted the challenge, Xiao Tong suddenly became a little worried: "Say it first! Even if you win, don't let me call you OPPA."

"What can't it be called?"


Lin Cheng giggled, earned it!This was the first time he heard Xiao Tong say this word.

Cantonese girls are quite tired of saying this word.

"Hey! Lin Cheng, you scoundrel."

Only then did Xiao Tong react, and punched Lin Cheng, "Anyway, even if you win, you are not allowed to change my name."

"Why? The conditions are all mentioned casually, even if I make you angry, I will admit it."

"Really?" Xiao Tong doubted.

"of course."

Lin Cheng was decisive, but he secretly made up his mind: If he loses later, he must renege on his debt.

As everyone knows, Xiao Tong is also secretly planning to lose the operation of repudiating debts.

If they win, they are all good young men with five virtues and four virtues. If they lose, they immediately pretend to be deaf and dumb and refuse to admit it.

The two have their own ghosts, and the first game between DWG and DRX has also begun.

As soon as he came to DRX, he ate like crazy. Mr. Dai may feel that he was used to bullying Ghost in the past. The combination of EZ and Japanese girls dared to go up to Heephelios and Thresh, and was double-killed by the DWG duo.

Pyosik also had a problem with the first wave of GANK on the road, and Niu Baoqinggangying was given a head by jumping the tower.

With a 0-3 start, DRX took this disadvantage and frantically took the initiative to find the opponent to fight, and slowly even beat the disadvantage back.

The fight between the two sides was lively, but neither side completely controlled the situation, and it dragged on until three or ten minutes later.

DRX won the Fire Dragon Soul in the process of fighting for punishment, which seems to have a lot of advantages under the same economic situation.

But at this time, Qinggangying's single belt advantage has come out.

Although Dolan's sword demon was not solo-killed in this round, but at this time, Qinggangying's solo belt was completely out of control.

Even if there is one more fire dragon soul, Sword Demon can't beat Qinggangying without equipment at this point in time.

DWG no longer easily connects with the opponent, so it uses Nuguri's Qinggang shadow belt, and then others are involved in the front.

When DRX was unable to start a team battle several times, the opponent quickly took the initiative.

However, DWG can also be described as both art of war and recipes, and the old problem of unclear command has been committed again.

At the last moment, DWG was still implementing guerrilla tactics involving classic sidebands, using Qinggangying's high mobility to continuously unplug the second tower and high ground on the road while the DRX personnel had no time to care about him.

The next moment, the people of DWG suddenly became overwhelmed and started the team first before Qing Gangying had TP landed.

Although Thresh had a good chance of starting a group, the four of DWG did not kill the golden Syndra first. Instead, Syndra backhanded all the damage to Aphelios.

In this way, as soon as Qinggangying TP came down, DWG was defeated by the opponent in a team battle with the fire dragon soul, and sent out the team to destroy.

DRX directly won the first game in a wave.

"Woo~~ How could you lose in this situation? I'm so mad, I'm so mad."

Xiao Tong punched twice angrily.

Lin Cheng was still analyzing the situation with her just now, according to Lin Cheng's words, it is impossible to lose this DWG.

Because DRX can't handle Niu Bao's Qinggang Shadow at all, as long as the Qinggang Shadow has a line, it can win.

Unexpectedly, DWG slapped him in the face in seconds.

You say you can't lose?We will lose to you immediately.

"This DWG is too messed up. Before the last wave of team battles, they played beautifully. They made full use of Qing Gangying's sideband, and suddenly ran to commit suicide. What does it mean to start a team?"

Lin Cheng was still very happy after being slapped in the face, and Xiao Tong would have to change his tune if he won another game.

"It's ready to eat."

At this time, Han Shuyan's voice came.

"Come on, come on! Sister Shuyan, I'm coming."

Lin Cheng quickly got up and ran to the kitchen to help serve the meal.

After finally eating the roast pork ribs he had been thinking about, Lin Cheng felt better.

"Sister Shuyan, your craftsmanship is really amazing, it's better than my mother's."

"No way."

"Really, I've been missing sister Shuyan's dishes since I went to the club."

"Lin Cheng, stop flattering me."

"Eat your meal, don't worry about it."

The three of them ate and watched TV in the living room.

The second game was very one-sided. DWG won with a crushing posture all the way, and the two sides fought 1:1.

Just after the score was tied, Han Shuyan, who had finished packing, went to the entrance and started changing her shoes.

"I'm going to school, you guys watch TV at home."

"It's getting dark and it's not safe outside, I'll go with you."

Lin Cheng hurriedly ran to put on his shoes, and didn't even bother to watch the game.

Xiao Tong secretly laughed.

It's best for Lin Cheng to forget. If DWG wins the game, she will remind him of the bet. If DRX wins, she will pretend nothing happened.

As a result, after Lin Cheng and Han Shuyan left, DRX really won the deciding game and advanced to the next round.

Xiao Tong made up his mind that if Lin Cheng brought it up, he would resolutely renege on the debt.

Of course, he forgot better.

(End of this chapter)

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