Chapter 27
After three kills, five heads were in hand in more than six minutes. Lin Cheng's knife girl started very smoothly. With the help of his teammates, he went home and found Bee Stinger and Yaoguang.

In 7 minutes, Fei Lincheng was almost able to pull out a three-phase from the crotch of his crotch. Who can resist this?
Under the huge gap in equipment, Lin Cheng had no time to play when he re-launched Jian Ji.

When Jian Ji tried to go up to take a look at the soldier line, Lin Cheng directly lowered the HP of the soldier, swiped twice to use the soldier to close the distance, and chased Jian Ji with a sliding shovel, which was a violent beating.

Lin Cheng was completely unreasonable, and he didn't deliberately stack passive.

But Jian Ji didn't have any way yet, after being beaten by the fat, she honestly did a good job of vision and retreated under the tower.

Bringing the line of troops into the tower, Lin Cheng tried to use Miao La's double-edged wings to deceive Jian Ji's Laurent.

However, Jian Ji was not stupid, and directly chose to use the Q skill to avoid Biyi's double-edged sword. Lin Cheng did not push forward, and sent a signal to the prince to lean forward.

The prince showed up and threw out the vision of the red square triangle grass, and the soldiers under the sword Ji Pagoda didn't dare to eat it, so he went to the closed grass and watched Lin Cheng eat the tapioca.

To be honest, because Daomei's passive characteristics make it particularly easy to push the line, Lin Cheng is almost always ready for one-on-two when operating Daomei.

However, this sword girl had collapsed too thoroughly in the early stage. Mantis didn't dare to come to the road to help easily. Now, two fights, one or two people can't beat the sword girl. Three people may still be manipulated. Sunny can only choose tactics and give up on the road. .

His thoughts were still very clear, and the mantis began to lean on the road while the prince was lining up with the triangular grass above.

EZ and Morgana, who were in the bottom lane, got a warning from their teammates and shrank to the position of the autistic grass early, not giving the opponent a chance to do it.

In this way, the two sides formed a situation of resource exchange, and Jianji on the road did not dare to take the line, and the blue duo below were also autistic.

The mantis showed its head. Seeing that it couldn't find a chance, it didn't cooperate with Draven to eat tapioca, and ran back to take off the first water dragon.

On the road, Lin Cheng took the lead in winning the first blood tower in more than 10 minutes, and then the blue square one tower below was also broken. Both sides seemed to be able to accept the development of the sword girl for Draven.

At 11 minutes, Lin Cheng, who was driven out of the house, immediately sent a signal when he saw Jiang Daying was still swiping F6.

"Pioneer, go straight to Pioneer."

At this time, Lin Cheng's sword girl had a very strong wave due to the single blood tower, and the three-phase plus Tiamat in her hand. The flash improved immediately, and the rhythm should be accelerated.

I have to say that Yanda is worthy of being said to have trained with the CK League team, and the command is very clear.

It happened that this wave of bot lane duos switched to the middle lane ahead of schedule after breaking the tower, Zoe switched to the top lane to guard the lane, and Jian Ji went directly to the bot lane.

This kind of lane change is very similar to the command of a professional team. The strength of the mid-roader Levin and Thresh can help the mantis radiate the wild area, and the role of Zoe staying in the upper half is far greater than that of a disabled sword girl. .

Due to the opponent's lane change, Jiang Daying was discovered by the opponent's divination flower just after activating the canyon pioneer.

"There are so many of them, can I still fight?"

Jiang Daying was a little tangled. The opponent's lane change was too fast. At this time, his own duo was still reading the return trip in the bottom lane. If they fought, the support would definitely be slower than the opponent.

"Fight, pull to the river and continue to fight."

Lin Cheng's knife girl walked around the line to the ruins of the red square Yita Tower, and then touched the red square's triangular grass.

Since the line of troops has been pushed forward by Daomei, Lin Cheng is very clear that the opponent has no vision in this position.

The prince continued to move the vanguard in front of the opponent, and the red side was naturally unhappy. Draven and Zoe disappeared on the line after clearing the line in the middle and upper lanes.

A red control guard appeared in the river through the corner wall below the dragon pit.

"The other side is coming."

Jiang Daying was a little flustered. Although the opposite Jian Ji appeared in the bottom lane, he had TP. If this wave really started, it was likely to be a three-to-five wave.

If this is lost, the good situation ahead will be ruined.

"Don't panic, wait for the opponent to move first, Galio pays attention."

Lin Cheng's knife girl is very patient. He knows that as long as he can find a suitable opportunity to enter the field, a knife girl equipped with crushing equipment can definitely blow up the opponent in an instant.

But once he fails to enter the field smoothly, the knife girl who has no defensive equipment is also very fragile, and the development of the opposite Draven is also very good.

Zoe's figure suddenly appeared in the river, and a flying star in the distance smashed past, but instead of consuming the prince, it smashed into the pioneer.

Finally, the opponent couldn't bear it any longer, and Thresh began to force the position in the river below.

The moment he saw the support position on the opposite side, Lin Cheng's knife girl started to circle around the dragon pit wall directly from the wild area.

"Jervin, don't be a coward, cheat, cheat Thresh's skills."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Jiang Daying deliberately stepped forward to reveal his position, and Thresh hooked decisively, hitting the prince with precision.

A purple figure jumped out of the void, the mantis instantly poured the damage, Draven threw the axe that was spinning in his hand, and Zooey also pulled the flying star back from the river.

After being swung back by the flying Thresh E skill, just as the golden magic circle lit up, Galio was preparing for the hero's debut, and the bloody prince lit up the stopwatch.

At this time, Lin Cheng's knife girl had already circled above the corner of the wall.

Due to the existence of Galio's ultimate move, Draven and Zoe were forced to retreat to the right, and suddenly saw the figure of the sword girl appearing behind.

Zoe threw hypnotic bubbles with her backhand.

Just after the bubbles flew out, Lin Cheng R flashed his hand.

Knife girl threw the vanguard blade with a flick of her hand.

The flash stuck to Zooey's face, and the vanguard's blade suddenly stabbed diagonally, hitting Zooey precisely in front of him.

The blades scattered, and the diamond-shaped sword formation instantly surrounded Draven and Zoe next to him, and marked them at the same time.

When R flashed over to touch his face, Lin Cheng had already raised his hand, and Ping A with the three-phase curse blade effect shot at Zooey.

As the blue light and shadow flickered, the mark on Zoe's body had been shattered, and at the same time, a light blue blade fell to Zoe's feet with the knife girl's dash forward.

The speed of the sharp blade's impact was very fast, and the moment the blue light and shadow suddenly stopped, the sword girl's backhand dance began to charge.

It happened that Delevingne's E skill pushed the knife girl away for a short distance, and the dance of distance broke out suddenly.

The blade attacked, hitting Zoe in the sword formation, and the sword girl again transformed into a blue phantom, attacking Draven directly.

What no one noticed was that at the same time as the light and shadow of the Dance of the Breaking broke out, a light blue blade quietly flew towards Draven, and then drowned in the light and shadow of the sharp blade impact.

Under the cover of the light and shadow effects of the two Q and W and the sword formation, the red Fangshuang C did not find the two blades released by Lin Cheng.

The wings were pulled out, and Zoe and Draven were marked at the same time again under the condition that both flashed.

It sounds complicated, but in fact, Lin Cheng completed the operation of hiding E almost in a flash at R.

I am afraid that the opponent is still entangled in whether or not the mark on his body should be easily flashed, and he has already been marked again.

(End of this chapter)

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