This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 276 People are sitting on the road, bad news is coming

Chapter 276 People are sitting on the road, bad news comes from all directions
Since it was Sapphire who went out, Lin Cheng, who won the first blood, had a bright light in the first wave of the return line. At this time, it was Dolan who was uncomfortable facing Karma again.

Lin Cheng placed the bucket under his feet and started to fight vigorously.

At this time, the captain can knock out a lot of Karma's HP with a single barrel and Q. Dolan didn't dare to show off casually, and focused on his own development.

Come up and become calm for a while.

Bonon turned to blue, so he came back and gave his first blue BUFF to the card in the middle.

With the blue BUFF in the early card, there is a chance to reverse Morgana's line.

At 5 minutes, KT's duo pushed the line back first, and DRX's duo moved from the wild to the middle while pushing the line back.

Jun Ri: "Hey! Why did EZ and Bron come to the middle lane to gank? Skateboard shoes push the line first and go home. The 34 dollar EZ came to help the 47 dollar Morgana in the middle lane. Mr. Dai went crazy? You are not right line?"

Corgi: "This wave of flashing cards is really hard to catch, and the river has a view. If they try to touch it, they will be found."

As soon as the commentary finished speaking, I saw EZ leading Bron from the wild crossing behind the blue BUFF to the top of the river wall.

EZ used the arcane leap to jump down, and Braum stepped forward to follow the grass in the river.

Since the blue party's field of vision is placed in the grass in the middle of the river, the two people's operations just bypassed this eye position.

Kuro's card is still leaning against the red square tower to clear the line.

At this time, the sight of the grass in the river above found the blind monk, and Kuro quickly retreated.

As a result, at this time, DRX's duo suddenly touched the grass on the other side of the river against the wall below, blocking the card's retreat.

At 5 minutes, the duo ran to catch, which caught Kuro off guard.

Originally, the river grass in the upper half area had a view, but when Kuro pushed the line, he was very careful to stand against the upper half area. Now the blind monk came to gank and was discovered in advance.

But I didn't expect the opponent to be so ruthless. It wasn't the Nakano linkage, but the four people encircling and suppressing.

Bron threw out his Q skill far away.

Kuro weighed it up, and found that he didn't dodge when he found that he was blocked all around.

Bron is still weak, and he can't escape from this position no matter what.

The card is slowed down, and Braum's passive is connected to Morgana's Q skill to complete the control combo.

EZ wanted to end with a Q skill, but the card was scalded to death by Morgana's W when it was almost damaged.

Jun Ri: "The soul of a migrant worker! Mr. Dai traveled thousands of miles to help Chovy win the head of the card, but he was about to lose money, and Calista, who was on the opposite side, returned with all the equipment and EZ still did not return home in the middle. "

Ke Ji: "Although this wave of DRX has caught people, it really doesn't make any money. Even if Morgana is a little fatter, she can't provide much stable output in the mid-term. EZ is their output core."

Kuro was still communicating with his teammates just now. He has the blue ability to push the line. When his card reaches level [-], he will come to the side to do a vote.

It turned out that he hadn't made a move yet, but the other party made a move first.

This time the blue BUFF was given to Morgana again, and the card was revived and pushed to the line, and it was temporarily inactive, and the field fell into silence.

This is also a helpless thing, the cards can't be moved, and other people can't cooperate with the pig girl gank who is less than level six.

The same is true for DRX. The heroes selected from each line have too low damage and are not very good for jungle blind monks.

In this way, everyone tacitly develops peacefully.

At 8 and a half minutes, the blind monk found an opportunity in the lower half to knock down Kalista's state and then started to move the dragon.

But KT didn't want to let the dragon go.

Although Calista is only half blood, but the captain of the upper half area has a big move, everyone can try it together.

As a result, the three of KT Xiaye gathered in the river next to their own triangular grass, staring at the dragon-fighters of DRX.

Seeing that Xiaolong's HP was getting lower and lower, Lin Cheng directly set up a large cover on top, and the barrage enveloped the river outside the mouth of the dragon pit, forcing the DRX personnel to pull away.

Bono wanted to use this opportunity to take over the dragons.

When Bono was going to attract Xiaolong, the blind monk in the river suddenly Q hit Xiaolong, and the second stage Q was activated.

Morgana had already put on the black shield, and under the threat of no control, Pyosik touched his eyes and adjusted his position after the second-stage Q landed.

The blind monk flashed to Calista's side and kicked her upwards.

When Kalista was kicked back, Kuro landed on the captain's cannon screen with a big move, trying to save a teammate with a yellow card.

But Aiming didn't have double summons at first, and his condition was poor. Now he was directly weakened by Braum, and EZ jumped into the captain's ultimate move and took Calista away in an instant.

At this time, the card's big move landed, the yellow card fixed EZ in the cannon screen, and threw out the universal card.

But Kuro himself was suppressed by Morgana and imprisoned in place.

Bono's pig girl threw a big move from a distance and was blocked by Braum's shield.

Mr. Dai was hit with a lot of HP by the Cannon Cannon Screen, so he quickly handed over a healer and stepped back in a flash.

On the contrary, it was Chovy's Morgana who directly flashed her big move at this time, crossing the range of the cannon screen and holding the three people in the blue side.

Kuro was embarrassed now.

Although under the cover of the captain's big move, there are Morgana and the blind monk holding the chain at the back, and Braum and EZ in the front.

Cards can only be flashed backwards, and teammates want to deal with Morgana first.

But just now, Zhumei was fighting with the blind monk for the first time, and Tariq also handed in the skills. The three of them couldn't deal with Morgana quickly for a while, and they were all fixed in place.

The captain's ultimate move ended, and EZ and Bron approached.

When they had no skills, the three of KT Nakanosuke could be said to be short-legged and stupid, and they were chased and killed by the opposite side in the river.

Except for Tariq who escaped in a flash, the rest were all killed.

EZ scored three kills.

Jun Il: "KT still didn't understand this wave. With Kalista in such a bad state, he forced to fight for the dragon. The card is famous for its harmless early stage. The captain has no TP and only has one big move. The damage is not enough, and they don't know how to fight once Kalista dies."

Corgi: "Maybe this is KT. Although KT has a strong operational snowballing ability this season, don't ignore that they often forcefully fight some teamfights under unreasonable circumstances.

It can be said that they not only have the traditional operation of the LCK, but also are superior and tough. This is the reason why KT is so popular this season. "

Jun Il: "That's right! Puosik really seized the opportunity well. KT didn't expect that the blind monk would forcefully come up to do it when the captain's ult fell. The state of knocking off the skateboard shoes just now is too critical."

Corgi: "However, this wave gave Deft a triple kill, which is very important. Although the selfless wandering for 5 minutes just delayed the development, it has obtained an excess report.

Tianfei EZ has a chance to go to the Carry game in this round, and the opponent's lineup is not easy to meet EZ. Mr. Dai has a very big stage. "

"KT is killing birds this time? Can this be triple-killed?"

"Based on KT's performance, the T1 champion is secure."

"Mr. Dai is recovering and ready to take off."

"The opponent never has to worry about Deft being too fat, because you never know when he will send it."

"Brother Cheng: What are you doing?"

"Brother Chengzi is sitting on the road, bad news is coming from all directions."

 Finally the code is out, the state is very bad recently, if there are any mistakes, please help to remind, I will modify it as soon as possible.

  Thank you
(End of this chapter)

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