This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 278 Exploding the Family Bucket

Chapter 278 Exploding the Family Bucket

When Dragon Soul Xiaolong was about to be refreshed in 23 minutes, Lin Cheng's captain made up 270 knives and had already figured out a three-piece suit.

Three-phase, blue-absorbing knife, endless.

At this time, the captain's equipment is very exaggerated. As long as he touches the EZ, Mr. Dai will be disabled if he does not die.

Of course, the biggest problem is that it is very difficult to touch EZ.

For the dragon soul team battle, when Lin Cheng was developing, the rest of the teammates grouped together and cleared all the red side's vision in the lower half of the area 1 minute in advance.

After the blue team made a circle of vision and went home, DRX turned back and cleared a circle of vision.

There are 20 seconds left for the dragon to refresh, and the red side once again occupies the position of the river.

The five members of the blue team gathered in the field next to F6 and went out step by step.

KT was not in a hurry, and slowly cleared all the vision around the river intersection.

In fact, this kind of lineup on the opposite side has many shortcomings. In addition to the lack of damage in the later stage, the most intuitive point is: KT does not have to be afraid of the opponent's back at all, and only needs to pay attention to the frontal skills.

It was less than ten seconds before the Xiaolong refreshed when the view of the river mouth was cleared.

When Lin Cheng placed the control guard on the river channel through the wall, a control guard from the opposite side inserted through the corner wall. A black energy ball flew out of the captain who had just controlled Lin Cheng, and followed him with a secret shot.

Lin Cheng released the control in seconds, pulled it back immediately, and cut the data panel at the same time.

The real eye was put by Morgana.

After receiving this information, Lin Cheng's captain stepped back into the shadows and handed over the TP.

"After I go around, they have no eyes below, please pay attention to the position."

Just now when the red side came out to scan his field of vision, Lin Cheng had been paying attention. He could clearly see that the blue side's eyes had been removed by Morgana.

At that time, Morgana only had control guards on her body, and Chovy must have only placed one control guard in the river grass if she didn't have an accessory eye.

So there is a high probability that there is only one control guard from the red side in that grass.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Chovy's teammates ran over to insert a ward later, but this probability is so low that it can basically be ruled out.

And a person can only place one control guard on the map at the same time.

That also means that when Chovy cast his real eyes just now, the real eyes of the grass in the river below have disappeared.

Lin Cheng keenly spotted the opportunity to go around the back.

The position of the captain TP fell to the alcove on the lower side. This eye was deliberately left by Lin Cheng in front of him. No matter how clean the view from the opposite side was, it was impossible to scan to this position.

After Lin Cheng's captain landed, he touched the grassy wall of the river directly.

Jun Ri: "Hey! Brother Orange is going back! This route is so tricky, the red side didn't notice it at all, and the real eye that Chovy put before disappeared in the river grass."

Corgi: "The red pawn line is pushing forward, and the triangular grass is also in the field of vision. Basically, it is impossible for the opponent to touch the bottom, so Chovy is not very cautious to use the control guard on his body, but the captain's TP position It just happened to completely bypass the field of vision behind those anti-circumvention."

Jun Il: "Just now the captain missed the headlines, DRX didn't realize that the captain had already TP, can Brother Orange save KT? It will be difficult for this dragon soul group to lose to KT."

All the way into the grass in the river, there was nothing abnormal on the opposite side, and he was still leaning outside the dragon pit to frantically throw away his skill consumption.

It stands to reason that you can't see the opponent's top laner head-on, and most teams will ask people to find the opponent's position.

However, DRX confidently confirmed that the captain did not go around because of the excellent field of view.

Lin Cheng placed a bucket on the top of the grass in the river.

At this time, the little dragon has been refreshed, and the blind monk pulled the little dragon out of the dragon pit.

Pyosik's move made the four frontal KT players have to press forward, giving DRX three long-handed heroes a better chance to consume.

The people from KT in the front pressed forward into the grass in the middle of the river, and the people from DRX instinctively pulled down, trying to consume the opponent's state as much as possible.

Tarik has lost half of his health, and Piggy has lost a third of his health.

If it is consumed any longer, KT will surrender without a fight.

Lin Cheng directly activated his big move, and the cannon cannon covered the river outside the mouth of the dragon pit.

"Go directly! Go directly!"

When the captain was growing up, the pig girl drifted and threw the extreme ice lasso. Although she hit the EZ accurately, she was blocked by Morgana's black shield.

KT's front teammate rushed into the captain's ult like a mad dog.

The big move of the card is activated.

Karma gave a group shield, and all DRX personnel moved down.

This is a very normal reaction to pull the lineup.

But the DRX people didn't know that there was an insidious guy hiding in the grass below.

Seeing that the opponent's position was forced to come over, Lin Cheng stuck the limit range of the barrel's detonation and put down the second barrel.

Then the captain took out his musket, and the Q gun fired the powder barrel at his feet.

Lin Cheng Q flashed his guns while negotiating and reading the article, adjusted his position forward and put down the powder keg.

In order to catch the explosion time of the barrel, Lin Cheng even deliberately made his Q flash operation not so fast.

The barrel in the grass was detonated, followed by the second barrel, and the third barrel was directly detonated the moment it was placed at the opponent's feet.

Lin Cheng jumped out of the bushes and Q flashed to bury the barrel so fast that no one in DRX could react.

Moreover, Lin Cheng didn't place three consecutive buckets in a straight line, the last bucket was slightly to the left, just covering the blind monk approaching by the dragon pit.

The sparks of the explosion exploded, and the five blood bars on the red side all disappeared out of thin air.

Lin Cheng's luck was not too bad, the Q skill had a critical strike, and the five defenseless DRX players were all maimed by the powder keg.

Corgi: "Brother Chengzi cooperates with his teammates to force the position. DRX is very dangerous now."

Jun Il: "Captain! Three consecutive barrels flashed! Five people were blown up! This is a family barrel! DRX exploded! Brother Chengzi!!! Too strong!"

The captain himself flashed to a position very close to the opponent, and the opponent was collectively slowed down, and the captain hacked Karma to death with a fire knife in his backhand.

Braum's big move sent the captain flying.

But before the captain was killed, the rest of KT's personnel had rushed up.

Calista threw out the already opened Taric to knock up the blind monk and Braum, just as the cosmic light fell.

The captain slashed with his eyes closed.

Although EZ flashed to open the position, he was directly killed by a blue card flashed by the landing card.

Everyone in the red side with all blood remaining had no way to fight back. DRX was knocked out and Lin Cheng got three kills.

Jun Il: "The team is wiped out! DRX was wiped out during this period when the lineup was the strongest. This wave is so beautiful! Brother Orange's captain single-handedly broke up DRX, and KT is on the rise!"

Corgi: "The rhythm of the red Fang Dragon Soul is broken, KT can still eat the dragon with a backhand, and DRX broke down in a blink of an eye. With a little more equipment in the back, the blue Fang will not need the captain to go around the back."

"Brother Chengzi! The only true god of KT!"

"Is this the One Piece?"

"Really explode the family bucket, the whole family explodes."

"Damn it! It's so cool to blow up five in one, the captain's ultimate dream."

"Brother Cheng's circling field of vision is too coquettish, and Chovy's real eyes made him miserable."

"Brother Cheng, the three barrels in a row seem to have a larger range than ordinary people. Are each barrel placed at the limit?"

 The last two days have been updated at night, and I will find an opportunity to adjust back to the original update time as soon as possible. . . .

  Love you guys

(End of this chapter)

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