This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 284 Please close your eyes when it's dark

Chapter 284 Please close your eyes when it's dark

Lin Cheng's sudden three-level run to catch the jungler caused Pyosik a big loss. From the beginning, Zhumei's jungle clearing speed was obviously behind Sige.

Originally, Aoun cooperated with Pig Girl to have a chance to catch Nightmare before the sixth level, but Pyosik, whose state was knocked out, directly gave up the idea of ​​GANK on the road.

Lin Cheng returned to the top lane. After being promoted to the third level, Dolan was not in vain, and began to take the initiative to exchange two waves of blood.

However, Ornn's W can indeed resist the fear effect, but Lin Cheng can also use the W dark protection every time to block the tail flame of the bellows flame, so that Ornn cannot be marked with a fragile mark and can only retreat with his E skill. Lan's blood is changing more and more.

But unless Aoun is stupid enough to hit him with the E skill first, the nightmare will not be able to threaten the opponent's life.

Therefore, Lin Cheng paid attention to controlling the blue and no longer handed in skills easily, but only used passive push lines.

The two sides began to become extremely harmonious on the road. Occasionally, Lin Cheng accidentally caught Aoun's Q skill and quickly recovered by using his passive.

Except for Lin Cheng's harassing Pig Girl earlier, no conflict broke out between the two sides on the court.

Just after Nightmare reached level six, Lin Cheng, who just finished pushing the line, touched the middle.

Chovy was also very cautious. After Lin Cheng disappeared from the top lane, Syndra retreated to her own tower without giving him a chance.

Seeing his opponent's movements, Lin Cheng could only bear with it, and took out a jagged dagger and a pair of shoes on the way back from the river.

Lin Cheng's first big piece is going to be the Blade of Night directly.

No one can guarantee his entry in this round, and the health and spell shield provided by Edge of Night are still very useful.

Without handing in TP, Lin Cheng ran back to the line and cleared the line, leaning towards the middle again.

Chovy is really careful, and knows that the first wave of Nightmare's ult in the upper half is mostly to attack him. He doesn't leave his defense tower too far at all, and waits for Ziggs to push the line beside his own tower.

But Lin Cheng's equipment has already been repaired, and he knows that his damage with the Bomberman must be enough.

In particular, Bono in the wild area has also reached level six.

I don't believe you Syndra can survive the three ultimate moves.

When Kuro pushed the pawn line over, Lin Cheng, who was in the middle, opened his big move.

Please close your eyes!
Brother Cheng came to roll the roll, and whoever was called died.

The entire canyon was suddenly shrouded in darkness, and the DRX personnel lost the vision of their teammates.

Syndra turned around and ran down the tower, at the same time condensing the dark magic ball under her feet.

Lin Cheng's nightmare has activated Ghostly Shadows, approaching Syndra under the tower at high speed.

When the ultimate move was in the air, Lin Cheng had already shot Q Nightmare Path, and hit the passive Shadow Blade on the ground.

Just the big move plus the damage of QA, Syndra lost half of his blood in an instant.

Chovy had already shot the E skill and the weak retreated when the nightmare came to him.

But Lin Cheng reacted very quickly. He turned on W Dark Asylum in seconds to block Syndra's push. The attack speed provided by the passive was doubled and leveled A again. At the same time, he made a shot with E skill.

Chovy poured out the energy of his big move directly, and flashed down the tower at the same time.

Syndra had already entered the tower when Lin Cheng flew over, and Lin Cheng didn't dare to flash and chase after Chovy's big move.

Although the field of view of the enemy defense tower can also be shielded, the attack range of the defense tower will not be reduced, and the heated ballistics have already flown out.

Nightmare retreats two steps to remove the aggro from the defensive tower.

But that doesn't mean Syndra is safe.

Chovy at the bottom of the tower had just broken the fear of the nightmare, and suddenly found a huge circular bombing area under his feet.

Scientific Hell Cannon Fires!
yo ho~~~
Amid the joyous chants, Giggs deployed his cutting-edge invention and a bomb fell from the darkness.

Syndra couldn't get out of Ziggs' super bombing range without flashing, and he was even in the central bombing area with the highest damage.

Syndra, who had about one-third of her blood left, was killed on the spot.

Kuro's Ziggs took the first blood.

Jun Il: "Here we come! KT's pre-set scene has come true. Nightmare Fly's big force flashed, and Bomber's big move was taken away. This wave of Chovy is really very careful, but the cooperation between these two people just doesn't make sense."

Corgi: "Nightmare's damage is already very high in the early stage. When it landed, Syndra was hit with half blood. Chovy can't survive this wave, because Death Song has reached level [-]. Even if Bomber doesn't hurt enough Death Song You can also sing big."

Jun Il: "Imagine, if Death Song and Bomberman's equipment is better later, the two C positions of DRX really feel like they can't survive. Brother Orange's ultimate move is the horn of death."

"There's something about this routine."

"Sixth-level Nightmare can be crispy in seconds, not to mention that there is a supplementary gun in the back."

"Fuck! Chovy is playing a horror game, and the black man will be gone in one day."

"Mr. Dai trembled when he saw this scene."

Kuro, who won the first blood, was very happy, "Yo ho! It's too easy to get this first blood."

Bono: "I also want to open the layers of Dark Harvest. You can get it right away."

Aiming: "Lin Cheng will wait until the big move is ready and come down to make a wave. Give me a big move to have fun."

Lin Cheng chuckled: "Wait a minute, let me think about who played me at the end of the last game? The person who played me sits in the back row."

Bono: "..."

Aiming: "..."

Syndra was killed, and Bono's death song happened to be in the lower half, and he ran directly to activate the dragon.

Although the opponent lacked a key big move, the red team did not dare to come to pick up the dragon group with few people, allowing KT to easily take down the first dragon.

In 7 minutes, when Lin Cheng was clearing the line with peace of mind, Tusin in the lower half made a move.

The pawn line was stuck near the blue defense tower. When Aphelios went up to clear the line, Sett flashed out from the grass and pulled him back with his strong hand and smashed into the pawn.

Aphelios fell into a dizziness, Tusin hung up the ignition directly, and W punched openly.

Although Thresh's E skill at the back pushed Seti away, the center damage of the bang fist still hit Aphelios.

Keria's Thresh flashed back, throwing the lantern back.

But Aiming's Jhin has already connected W Fatal Cascade in the back, and Mr. Dai is imprisoned in place and cannot pick up the lantern.

Jhin stepped forward and just caught Whisper's fourth critical bullet, and threw out the Q-man dance grenade to cooperate with Seti's two punches to directly maim Aphelios.

Deft presses Heal, and when the confinement effect is over, quickly pick up the lantern and fly to Thresh behind.

At this time, a faint beam of light lit up on the heads of the five DRX members.

The death song sang the requiem.

After a 3-second delay, the beam of light exploded.

Mr. Dai's Aphelios fell outside his tower.

Jun Il: "KT's global ult is very effective! The first three ults have all done their job, but this wave of Deft is helpless, and he has to push when the pawn line is stuck. Setila will die."

Corgi: "What's scary is that Nightmare and Bomberman's ult will be better soon. Chovy doesn't even have a flash, and the tower doesn't dare to take a step."

(End of this chapter)

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