This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 29 The joys and sorrows of people are not connected

Chapter 29 The joys and sorrows of people are not connected

When Yanda chose to surrender, there was an uproar at the scene.

The Yanda E-sports Club, which had been clamoring the most before the game, was beaten and surrendered just after 15 minutes.

Didn't they say they were the strongest among the three teams?
That knife girl went in one knife at a time, it was a massacre.

The corner where the Seoul National University e-sports club is located is completely boiling, and when everyone is hopeless, their own team actually beat the Yandae team when they came up.

Surprised? Unexpected?
The dozens of students who came to support were extremely excited, and applause and cheers spread from small corners.

However, the joys and sorrows of people are not interlinked.

Some people just feel that the dozens of people in the corner are a bit noisy.

The originally beating blue color on the scene has been silent, and the Yanda students in uniforms have long lost their excitement before the start of the game, and their disappointment with their own team is palpable.

This is not the same as said.

On the other side, the college students watching the play were a bit gloating, and people kept whistling to express their mockery of their old rivals.

Taking off the headphones, unlike the excitement of his teammates, Lin Cheng has no fluctuations in the victory of the game. It is purely the opponent playing snake. There are basically only two conditions for winning that kind of inexplicable lineup:

One is that the opponent must be destroyed on the line, and the other is that the sword girl above must press the sword girl to the ground and be able to wear it with a single line, otherwise once the team starts to play, the strength gap between the two sides will be too large.

However, Jian Ji was directly attacked by Lin Cheng, and after the blue bot lane duo succeeded, the opponent was completely defeated.

According to the prior agreement, Lin Cheng waved to his teammates next to him, and took the lead to the opponent's competition bench to shake hands.

At first, it was a boy with glasses, looking at the seat was the top laner Yoona, who was facing Lin Cheng. He stretched out his hand and said seriously: "We underestimated the enemy in this round, and I will be serious when we wait for the finals. Contest."

Lin Cheng: "???"

Damn it!Being beaten up is not serious, so shameless.

Lin Cheng was a little unhappy. Although they won so easily, they really took advantage of the lineup, but Jian Ji, who was facing the road, was actually beaten up by him on the line.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Cheng smiled at him, turned his head and continued to shake hands with the person behind him.

You wait for Brother Cheng, and see how you cry when Brother Cheng doesn't fight next time.

Backstage, the teammates were still immersed in the joy of victory.

"Prince is such a fun hero, I will practice more in the future."

"Senior's Irelia is really powerful. She actually blew up the sword girl on the opposite side."

"How was my EZ performance in the last game? The bot lane on the opposite side kept targeting us, and I only died twice."

"It's still a good commander, senior. Every time there is danger, I will send you a signal. Otherwise, how many times Gao Yaohan will die suddenly, don't you know?"

"Give me some strength, Gao Yaohan, it's not as good as Morgana when playing EZ, and her legs will be broken when she hits the road."

Lin Cheng suddenly had a very strange feeling. This kind of scene was like back in high school, when his classmates went to the Internet cafe to sit in the dark, and after returning, they were still discussing fiercely.

Soon, An Shengyan ran in and excitedly patted the players on the shoulders one by one.

You know, even with Lin Cheng joining in, An Shengyan didn't have too much hope for victory.

After all, Lin Cheng didn't even play a few games with the members of the e-sports club. It can be said that passers-by came to play two RANK games.

But what I didn't expect was that Lin Cheng's sword girl would be so strong, and directly stabbed the opponent out of a hole.

In addition, other people did a good job of resisting pressure when they were disadvantaged online. Although the middle and lower lines were obviously crushed, and there were mistakes in sending heads and resources, there was no situation where the delivery could not stop.

"Lin Cheng, thanks to you this time."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "I originally wanted to kill them all, but I didn't expect the opponent to surrender so simply."

An Shengyan's eyes narrowed with joy, she turned around and waved her fist at Jin Chenglu and hummed, "Yes! If it wasn't for Galio to steal the head, then Lin Cheng would have been killed five times."

Kim Sung-rok: "..."

Didn't you see the mantis riding on my face?If I don't beat him to death, I'll die first.

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Don't get too excited about this win, it's never too late to be happy when you get the championship bonus."

Originally, where did the salted fish in the e-sports club consider the issue of bonuses, Lin Cheng's mention instantly aroused everyone's interest, and began to show his ambition for the championship.

After a 10-minute break, Seoul National University made its debut again in the second game, facing Korea University, another opponent today.

This time, An Shengyan lost the fight again. The opponent chose the red side, and BAN lost Lin Cheng's sword girl as soon as she came up.

The performance of Lin Cheng's sword girl in the last game was really scary, and the tall players who watched the game next to them were not stubborn.

Lin Cheng did not choose to play the hero first, and helped Gao Yaohan to lock EZ first.

What if your AD likes to die violently?
Then help him lock EZ on the first floor, this is the best choice to prevent AD from dying.

Of course, if your EZ likes the E face... then there is no way, it's the same choice.

Korea University directly locked the crocodile and the spider with the very decisive first two hands of the red side.

The implication is obvious: no matter what you choose to hit the road, I just want to train you on the road.

Obviously, seeing Lin Cheng's performance in the last game, the Gao Da team was determined to kill Lin Cheng.

The crocodile and spider is a bit similar to the crocodile and rock finch used by An Shengyan yesterday, but the damage burst of the spider in the early stage is higher and more stable, and it also has a strong tower jumping ability.

"What about Lin Cheng? Which hero do you want to choose? Is it still Riven? Yesterday's Riven beat the crocodile just fine."

Seeing her opponent clearly targeting the top lane, An Shengyan was a little nervous. If Lin Cheng's target was defeated, it would be troublesome.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "I'll choose the last two hands. Let's look at the lineup first."

Seeing the card master appearing on the third floor opposite, Lin Cheng knew that when Jin Chenglu Galio was banned, his other signature warrior, Qinggangying, was not very good, and the opponent's edge grabbing ability was too strong .

To be honest, there are not many choices for the top lane when the opponent crocodile and spider, and the middle lane is still a card.

But once Lin Cheng chooses a tool person to mix, whether his teammates can C is still a problem.

So Lin Cheng changed his mind.

As much as you want to target me, I will let you target me.

So Lin Cheng asked Gao Yaohan on the fourth floor to help him lock Illaoi.

Illaoi is a very unpopular hero in both the field and RANK. He is not the same as the mainstream top laner in the high-end game of Hanbok now.

Illaoi is not as agile and versatile as Camille, nor does he have the strong back-line ability like Knife Girl, or even the ability to cooperate with the jungle.

This hulking hero has one characteristic: he is just.

Either you kill me, or I kill you all.

(End of this chapter)

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