This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 3 Why are you playing me?

Chapter 3 Why are you playing me?

After confirming that Qinggangying's unique talent is a Chinese, the factory manager cuts the camera to the road from time to time in the process of brushing the wild to watch the line-up between Qinggangying and the crocodile.

It happened that the crocodile took two steps forward with more than half of the anger on his body. Qinggangying swept away with a tactical W tactic, and the outer edge accurately decelerated the crocodile, so that the crocodile could not get close to a section of E directly.

When the crocodile is slowed down and pulled, it can only turn around. Although there are minions as a springboard, the second stage E can rush to the blue steel shadow, but the second stage E consumes anger and there is no red anger W.

And the great thing about Crocodile's early online line is the joy of prostitution. After a set of high-explosive military punches, the second-stage E can be opened.

However, the equipment of Qinggangying on the opposite side is better than that of the crocodile. If the crocodile dares to go up to the second stage, he will definitely be chased and beaten by the Qinggangying.

Seeing the opponent turning back, Qing Gangying had to twist back and show off at this time, and deliberately took two steps forward to enter the crocodile a distance where E can shoot W.

This time, the crocodile is welcome. The E skill passes through the soldier and rolls forward with a death, green light emerges from the head and quickly waves the giant blade in his hand.

Qinggang Shadow was fixed, and the crocodile connected to a Q skill and pulled back the second E.

But Qinggangying's blood volume only lost a small amount.

The damage of the crocodile is all on the bone plating!
Since the crocodile's Red Wrath W is a three-stage attack mechanism, the latter two attacks and the crocodile's Q skill are all offset by the 1.5-second effect of the bone plating.

Bone plating is not the same as Conqueror's Rune, it is easy to overlook, and the crocodile is also fooled.

Or even if you notice the crocodile, there is no good way. The crocodile itself is such an explosive hero.

And the crocodile that suddenly came over and went back couldn't get out of position, Qing Gangying got up and directly hooked the wall and kicked it.

The crocodile turned his head but did not avoid Qinggangying's heart-felt kick, and was stunned in place.

Qinggangying has a radiance on his body. After landing flat A and hitting the curse blade damage attached to the E skill, he did not rush to reset the basic attack with the Q skill, and started to press the position one step forward.

When the crocodile took two steps back, Qinggang Ying lifted his foot to attack again, and at the same time, the Q precision etiquette reset the basic attack and kicked out instantly.

At this time, Yaoguang's passive was just cooled down for 1.5 seconds, and with the effect of the curse blade, he launched a strong attack at the same time, and the crocodile's blood volume became very dangerous in an instant.

There is still a distance from the defense tower, and then being chased by Qinggangying and playing a second-stage Q will undoubtedly die, the crocodile has no choice but to open a big move to increase the blood volume and run down the tower.

Seeing the Crocodile Jiaotong University, Qinggangying's second stage Q accelerated the pursuit and attacked the disabled crocodile, and did not choose to continue the pursuit, and turned around to deal with the line.

Although this wave did not complete the single kill, it still attracted the amazement of Coach Ming Kai who was eating melons.

"It's so thin, this Qinggang Shadow is really strong, and the detail handling is great. If this wave is not a good big move or the crocodile is not big enough to kill alone, with this kind of detail handling, there will be no hero restraint. "

Qijiang, who didn't have a lot of live broadcasts, couldn't help but share the details he saw:
"Qinggang Ying first scraped off the crocodile's bone plating with W, and when it was kicked up, the bone plating disappeared so that the crocodile could eat up the damage, and the crocodile hit all the damage on the Qinggang shadow's bone plating. The difference in exchange blood is too big.

And when the distance is enough to pursue, Qinggang Ying is not in a hurry to hit AQ brainlessly, and he has fully filled the passive damage of Yaoguang, and then uses the second stage of Q to accelerate the pursuit. If he ignores Yaoguang passively and directly hits QA. It must be able to force the crocodile's big move, this Qinggang shadow is really strong. "

After analyzing a wave of details, Qijiang couldn't help adding another sentence: "It can be said that most of the professional scenes of Qinggang Ying do not have such details."

"Is Qing Gangying's bone plating just right when I look back? If it is, it's too awesome."

"This is too thin. The crocodile takes a conqueror and is like a silly man, and he doesn't dare to fight at all."

"Isn't he Chinese? The factory manager asked him if he was a professional player, so he should take a shot."

"Isn't it Shy's trumpet? It's so fierce, a bit like it."

"The trumpeter laughs to death, this trumpet score is much higher than the shameful male tuba."

"Stop talking, the shame man played too recklessly, and now Hanbok diamonds are wandering to the master all the year round."

"Don't hesitate, factory manager, EDG needs this order."

"EDG has already placed two orders, and it is estimated that there will be no more orders."

"Just forget the two top orders from EDG, it's really going to be changed."

"What if it's a Qinggangying master? What if Qinggangyingyi BAN dies on the spot?"

Regarding the crazy agitation of the barrage, Ming Kai waved his hand: "If you don't know what's going on, don't make a fuss, the performance in one round can't explain the problem, and there are so many people staring at the Hanbok, if it's really suitable for a professional career, people would have long ago. went."

Although he said so, the factory manager was thinking to himself:

Now EDG really needs a strong top laner, but the draft of the winter youth academy is about to start, so let's look at the draft situation first, and it is not his job to poach people.

After escaping the catastrophe, the crocodile called the jungler's father to come up for a shot. Unexpectedly, the blind boy's spirituality reversed him, and Qinggangying won the double kill.

After 1 minutes, Qinggangying found an opportunity to forcefully kill the crocodile under the tower, announcing that the opponent was blasting through the lane.

At 15 minutes into the game, Qinggangying had already taken seven kills, and was blocked by three people from the middle and wild on the opposite side in the upper river channel when he was still one head away from being a super god.

The blind monk who had leaned forward to the river in the wild area had his eyes cut and was about to touch the grass in the river. When he saw that there were many people on the opposite side, he immediately retreated and stood on the exploding cone.

Qinggangying's E skill hook locks over the wall and prepares to escape.

At this time, the blind monk just hit the explosive cone with one punch, and the blue steel shadow that had just climbed over the wall was bounced off and landed on the crocodile's face.

The crocodile decisively stunned Qing Gangying, the spider took control, and Qing Gangying died on the spot under the siege of the three.

Blind boy personally ended Qinggangying's super god plan.

However, although he was killed once, Qinggangying still has an infinite advantage on the sidewalk, especially after the three-phase and greedy Hydra came out, the crocodile was completely unstoppable, and there were consecutive single kills.

Zoe also relied on his excellent performance to constantly put pressure on the opponent from the front. In the end, the game was won by the blue team in 25 minutes, and Qinggangying won the MVP with a record of 13/2/7.

Coach Ming Kai, who won the key victory in the relegation match, was very happy, "It seems that I won't be relegated today. This Qinggangying is very powerful. I will try it with a friend."

As he spoke, he sent a friend request to Cheng.

The opposite side agreed to the application, and immediately sent a message. After carefully spelling out the content of the message, the corner of Coach Ming Kai's slightly raised mouth collapsed.

Cheng:wei shen me yao yan wo?

"Pfft~~~ I laughed so hard, why did you play me?"

"Just because you flashed the crocodile red anger, and clicked the explosion fruit to end the operation of Qinggang Ying Chaoshen. Others' suspicions are well-founded."

"He's not acting, he's just cooking."

"It has been said that the factory manager is not suitable for a hero who needs to operate like a blind monk. Isn't it nice to be a pig girl?"

"The director of the factory doesn't give a shit about that fruit, it's already amazing."

"Is this Korean or Chinese? Can you speak Korean?"

"The factory didn't take off just now. People probably thought he was Korean."

(End of this chapter)

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