This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 306 What is the status within the team?

Chapter 306 What is the status within the team?
Zeyuan: "Brother Li is still very experienced. If you can't play in the first half, you can go to the lower half to look for opportunities. He just caught the KT duo's aggressive advance. If you lose in the upper half, you can make up for it."

Remember: "The KT duo is a bit greedy this time around. My own jungler is on the front line and even walked to this position to eat the lane. Zoe on the other side has disappeared for so long before retreating. It's too late."

KT's team voice is also very lively.

Aiming: "Ah~~~ The opponent's jungle double kill is about to take off."

Tusin is still very optimistic: "It's okay, just wait for Lin Cheng to carry. Fortunately, I made up for the last cannon."

Lin Cheng: "..."

You guys put me under a lot of pressure.

Kuro felt that it was necessary to get them out of blind optimism, "It's been said that Zoe is gone, why did you still give it away?"

Tusin retorted: "You signaled too late."

Kuro: "It's because you are standing too far ahead, you will die if you eat less soldiers?"

This is the most uncomfortable part of being pushed in the middle lane. It may not be timely for Kuro to give a reminder after confirming that the opponent has disappeared.

It is impossible for him to send a signal to his teammates as soon as he sees Zoe. Otherwise, Zoe will send a mad Miss one stop after clearing the line. Will the teammates still play the game?

But when it is fully confirmed that the opponent leaves the line, there may be untimely situations. After all, Zoe has the ability to keep people from a long distance when sticking to the wall.

At this time, Bono, who silently finished playing the vanguard, didn't even look at the purple eyes on the ground, turned around and touched the blue square wild area while sending a signal.

"Lin Cheng, go pick up the Pioneer's Eye."

Lin Cheng happened to be supervising the small soldiers grinding the tower outside the tower. After receiving the money for the third tapi, Dao Mei turned to the river to pick up the pioneer's eye.

"Look! What is status? Brother Chengzi's treatment is outrageous!"

Zeyuan clicked his tongue: "From the beginning to the end, the pig girl was playing the vanguard. After wasting so much time playing the vanguard, Bono turned around and left, brother! If you give the vanguard, I won't give you any money."

Remember to joke: "At this time, Mr. Sun, who was watching the game in front of the computer, fell into deep thought. He quickly recorded this passage and shared it with the team. At the same time, Aite's two junglers."

"Wang's second child is too messed up, 23333."

"It is recommended that IG's two junglers watch this clip every day."

"Theshy: Do you know why I'm not in good shape recently? If my jungler gives me the vanguard, will I not move?"

"Teacher Sun doesn't even invite takeaways, and still wants King Ning and Xiao Leyan to let Pioneer?"

"Prince Ning: I've been so helpful, you don't even want to give me tapi money?"

Bono's pig girl was going to go against the wild to see if there was a chance to overtake Aoun, but Canna withdrew immediately after she had already prepared the triangle grass to resist the pressure.

The opponent gave up the defense of the defensive tower, and Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to release the enthusiastic vanguard, and led the soldiers into the tower to remove the last tap.

Bono turned his head to fight the toad on the blue side, and provided cover for Daomei by the way.

Although the last layer of taper was a bit hard, Lin Cheng successfully removed the blue Fangshang tower 10 minutes ago.

You must know that the plating of the blue square tower is all exclusive to Lin Cheng, and the knife girl who won the blood tower directly took out the three-phase power and mercury shoes on the return trip, which is ridiculously fat.

Lin Cheng also had no intention of quarreling with Aoun on the top road. After returning home, he sent a signal and went straight to the middle road.

Bono's pig girl is already in the middle of the road with a scanning row of vision.

Lin Cheng went all the way from the upper half of the river where Zhumei rowed across the field of vision, entered the path behind the blue BUFF, and then hid in the grass behind the three wolves.

At this time, time just sent the only gun carriage minions into the tower.

Li Ge became very careful when he saw the pig girl platooning around, throwing flying stars from a distance to consume the blood of the soldiers, and then shrank behind his own tower.

At this time, the red side has only one residual blood cannon chariot soldier entering the tower, and Shi Guang has no intention of following the soldier to approach, and it seems that there is no danger.

Despite this, Li Ge's Zoe still stood very carefully against the wall of F6 in the lower half.

Cuzz's male gun is playing F6, ready to provide support.

It's no wonder that Brother Li is overly cautious, as Faker's ID is placed in the middle, and he has a physique that attracts hatred.

Zoe pulled out the flying star again, ready to replenish the artillery.

However, Brother Li still underestimated the enemy's killing intent towards him.

At the moment when Zoe Flying Star replenished the cannon, Daomei rushed out from the intersection of the side wild area, followed by Zhumei.

Lin Cheng flashed directly into the tower and threw out the Vanguard Blade.

Brother Li reacted very quickly. The big move turned back and jumped to the side to adjust the position close to the sword girl, and threw hypnotic bubbles while avoiding the vanguard blade.

Lin Cheng's reaction was faster.

Immediately after the big move was made, a blade was thrown forward, and a pre-judged twist just got out of the way of the bubble that Zoe threw almost close to his face.

But Bono couldn't dodge it in time, and caught the hypnotic bubble with a pig's head behind him.

Daomei's second blade has been thrown towards Zoe's return jump.

The drawn twin-winged blade perfectly suppressed the switchback jump, stunned Zoe and stamped it at the same time.

Daomei turned into azure light and shadow to smash the mark on Zoe's body, and slashed down with her backhand.

The male gun immediately came over from the side of the F6 pit and threw smoke bombs for cover.

But before she was hypnotized, Zhu Mei had already thrown her big move to control Zoe.

Senna supports his ult from the other side of the map.

What Lin Cheng's sword sister has to do is to play full output.

Raise your hand with a general attack, release W in seconds to cancel the back shake, and then use a general attack to connect with Q, and the extra damage attached to the curse blade will directly complete the beheading.

Brother Li's Zoe, not to mention walking out of the range of the smoke bomb, died suddenly under the tower without even making a move to level A.

However, the damage of the male gun is still very high, and the two damages of the defensive tower quickly suppressed the blood of the sword girl in the smoke bomb.

Kuro Time finally came over at this time, and flashed into the tower to put a big move on the sword girl with one-third of her health.

Daomei, who just walked out of the smoke bomb, launched a sharp blade attack, sticking the gun to the face of the tough man.

It happened that the position of the male gun was close to the corner of the F6 wall, and Daomei Q successfully pulled off the hatred of the defensive tower in the past.

Cuzz didn't want to get entangled with the sword girl who had used the time ult, so he adjusted the two-step ult move to the left, the ultimate bomb, and pulled his body to the second tower.

Because of the move of the male gun to adjust his body position, Daomei got a bit more A by relying on her high attack speed.

Zhumei woke up from her sleep and directly shot a Q flash, hit the male gun under the second tower, and swung the whip with her backhand.

Lin Cheng had applied three layers of frost effect to the male gun before, and the male gun would be frozen immediately when it landed.

Daomei catches up and outputs.

Just in time, two bombs from far away were thrown at the immobile male gun, and the control was connected again.

With a scream, the male gun died suddenly under the second tower, and Lin Cheng once again achieved a double kill.

However, because after Lin Cheng pulled the aggro from the defense tower, Shi Shi was resisting the damage of the first tower, and Kuro was killed by the defense tower when he failed to pull it away.

In fact, as long as Kuro saves a skill for himself in this wave, he will not die.

He flashed to the past and set Lin Cheng up and accelerated at the same time, so that he had neither resurrection nor acceleration to pull away.

Kuro, who had handed in his ultimate move, was about to retreat, and he was still safe at this time.

But seeing that his teammates wanted to kill the male gun, Kuro turned around and followed in order to throw bombs and control, giving up his chance to escape the defense tower.

This series of operations directly caused Time to be solo killed by the defense tower.

The key is because the second tower is resisted by the pig girl, and Lin Cheng didn't use the resurrection effect of time in the end.

What is status in the team?
 Thank you for your monthly ticket support. I will find a chance to add more after a while. The health is really not very good. I have been keeping in good health for the past two days. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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