This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 309 Why is it always you?

Chapter 309 Why is it always you?
After a fierce battle between the two sides in the bottom lane, Zoe has also gained weight now, but there is still a big gap between the two sides and Daomei.

At 14 minutes, Bono went to play the second vanguard, and in exchange T1 controlled the second dragon.

KT needs a pioneer to start the rhythm, and for the disadvantaged T1, Xiaolong can buy them more development time.

Zeyuan: "Although the economic gap is still a bit big, the rhythm of T1 is finally stable. Cuzz still controlled the first two dragons in this situation, and bought a long time for the blue team to develop."

Remember: "It depends on how KT wants to speed up the attacking rhythm. At present, the red side doesn't have a single dragon. It is impossible for them to use the Dragon Soul Group to force the opponent to fight in the mid-term."

KT's offensive rhythm came faster than expected.

In 15 minutes, Lin Cheng's Daomei made a giant nine and went to the road to lead a wave of lines.

Tusin and Bono had already helped Lin Cheng have a good view of the upper half of the area, so that Lin Cheng could safely press the pawn line to the position of the second tower of the blue square.

Pressing the line of troops, Lin Cheng turned to the middle.

Zhumei has already appeared in the middle of the road ahead of time, and time will send the cannon car line forward.

A step later, the duo is also moving towards the middle.

Teammates gave a signal that Brother Li had already sensed the danger and gave up the defense of the middle tower.

Lin Cheng's Daomei came out from the side. Seeing that Zoe could not be seen in front of the second tower, she turned around and cooperated with her teammates to quickly dismantle the tower.

Zhumei was not in a hurry to release Pioneer, and the three of them easily removed the outer tower in the middle.

Bono: "Keep pushing, keep pushing! They haven't arrived yet, and if you use the vanguard, you can demolish a tower."

Lin Cheng: "I'm well equipped, and if they dare to keep time, they will give it to them. I'll go and fool them."

The three continued to advance with the line of soldiers.

The line of soldiers enters the tower, and Bono is behind to release the vanguard.

Because of the existence of time, Lin Cheng walked up to Tower A very arrogantly.

The figures of Zoe and the male gun appeared on the high ground, and the male gun used a big move to cooperate with Zoe's flying star to clear the line from a long distance.

Lin Cheng reacted quickly. The moment she saw the ultimate explosive bomb, Daomei set up a distance-breaking dance to block the damage from the male spear's big move.

Just in time, a wave of soldiers from the blue side has arrived.

The explosive dance of distance breaks down the blood volume of the minions in the front.

Lin Cheng went up, and Ju Jiu's splash directly caused the blood volume of the surrounding soldiers to plummet.


Daomei's sharp blade impact killed a melee minion and a long-range minion in succession, stacked four passive layers, and at the same time saw the male gun and Zoe under the high ground tower.

"I'll go first!"

"Don't worry! Can't you wait a little longer? I can't even use my ultimate move."

Surprised, Kuro manipulated the time to move forward.

It's a pity that it was too late, Daomei had already thrown out R Pioneer's Blade.

Lin Cheng could see very clearly that his own duo had barely arrived at the scene at this time, and the opposite duo's arrival speed should not be much different, and Thresh was definitely not behind.

As long as Thresh is not there, he has a lot of room to operate.

Zoe had already thrown a hypnotic bubble when the sword girl Q Xiaobing went up, and the smoke screen of the male gun popped out of his hand.

Lin Cheng R flashed and adjusted his position to enter the tower, with the male gun sticking to his face below the side, avoiding the flying angle of the hypnotic bubbles.

The vanguard blade scattered after hitting the male gun, and at the same time marked Zoe behind him.

Aoun has already approached from the bottom lane, and after seeing Daomei's big move, he began to call sheep from a long distance.

Tusin's Galio also activated his big move behind, preparing to cover Lin Cheng.

The impact of the sharp blade with the effect of the curse blade shattered the mark on Zoe's body, and he slashed out with a backhand.

The speed of leveling A after Daomei Q was very smooth, just before the basic attack, Lin Cheng pressed Ju Jiu's active effect Xinyue.

The basic attack was reset, and the new moon with the dignity of a heavy warrior was slashed out, and the Q skill blade impact was canceled again.

Zoe screamed and died directly under the Highland Tower.

This time, Brother Li didn't even hand over the flash.

At this time, the light bullets from the highland defense tower fell on Daomei.

At this point in time, the damage of Sanxiang Jujiu's sword girl was too terrifying. You must know that Lin Cheng's sword girl had already attracted hatred when she flashed into the tower. Yi.

Aoun's big move just hit at this time.

Daomei turned into a blue light and shadow to avoid the giant lava sheep, smashed the mark on the male gun and slashed at it.

The hero Galio came on the stage and knocked the male spear flying in the sword formation.

The sword girl who is full of passiveness and conquerors can hurt even pure men, let alone the male gun who is far from pure enough now.

Cuzz hadn't escaped Galio's taunt yet, Lin Cheng went down to AQ with two swords to complete the beheading directly.

"Double Kill!"

After three attacks from the tower, Lin Cheng's Daomei recovered her health due to her continuous victories.

Ao Enkong looked and looked at the side door of the high ground after graduation, as if he was not convinced but dared not go in.

"Nan Qiang and Zoe carefully cleared the line with long-distance combat skills, and Dao Mei looked eager to try... Brother Chengzi!!!"

Ze Yuan suddenly raised his tone: "How old are you! Why is it always you? Are you against me, Mr. Li, right? Even Zoe didn't hand in this wave of flashes, and I can't react at all!"

Remember: "Who can react to this? The blood bar of the sword girl disappeared instantly when she was close to her. Brother Chengzi, the sword girl, is too smooth, and he dared to rush to the high ground tower without knowing the location of Ornn and the duo. It was too fierce."

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi completely turned this game into a one-man show. It feels like every wave is his highlight shot, which is too outrageous."

"Turtle! Is this the world's number one knife girl?"

"Please! Stop showing off! It makes me shut up."

"Why is melon skin the victim again? Can we still have fun?"

"Fake: Why does this person always target me? Buy T1 next season and fix him up."

"Fuck! Brother Cheng Zi, put it away, who will play with you like this? From now on, the sword sister will be welded to death in the BAN position."

"The labor and capital are all numb, is this how Daomei plays?"

"The orphan sword girls that RANK met all learned from Brother Cheng, right? Every now and then, they rush to the tower of several people by themselves."

"It's not the same, Brother Cheng can show off, some people just give it away."

Just when Lin Cheng withdrew immediately after killing everyone, the duo from T1 finally arrived.

At this time, Thresh suddenly flashed out from the darkness on the side, and shot with the Q skill.

Lin Cheng's reaction was quick, and he took a step back in time to unscrew Thresh's hook.

But Tusin is a bit weak.

Originally, Galio was at Daomei's side, but Lin Cheng suddenly moved to let him out, and caught Thresh's hook.

Lin Cheng didn't care about Galio, and turned his head to retreat outside the defensive tower first, so as to get rid of the hatred first.

"Brother, I will take a step first, and I will come back to save you immediately."

Although Lin Cheng developed well, after all, it only took less than 17 minutes, and he couldn't withstand the defensive tower attack for too long.

Thresh's second-stage Q flew over, the E skill swung Galio back, and Aphelios picked up the lantern to output.

"Help me! I can still save you."

(End of this chapter)

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