This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 312 The Targeted Lineup

Chapter 312 The Targeted Lineup

The second BAN of the red square T1 was given to Seti.

This hero KT has a record of use in all three lines, especially Lin Cheng used Sett to blow up Canna in his debut battle. When Canna didn't want to face it, T1 chose to press Sett and it was over.

Many people think that LCK coaches have the right to speak so much that they can completely decide the style of play and BP, but this is actually not accurate.

Almost all players will participate in the team's on-the-spot BP. As the BP progresses, coaches and players will continue to make adjustments to the lineup.

The choice of a hero mainly depends on the player's wishes and lineup fit. Unless it is really outrageous to a very strange point, most of the time the coach will still respect the player's wishes.

The third BAN position of the blue side KT was given to Zoe.

Although Zoe was killed badly by Lin Cheng in the first round, it can be seen that Faker is in a good state of using Zoe today, with a very high skill hit rate.

Originally, KT didn't want to give Zoe the BAN position in the first round, but after thinking about it for a while, they still chose to press it.

Faker was the first player to take out Zoe in the professional arena, but his Zoe is very strange. Unlike ordinary people, he plays more like an assassin than a consumable mage.

Faker's Zoe's highlights are basically operations in team battles. All kinds of garbage picking and moving positions use passive A to clean up the battlefield. On the contrary, Zoe's classic pre-group precise consumption is not so good.

But today Li Ge Zoe's skills suddenly became very accurate, so it is worth looking up to.

With the last BAN position left, T1 chose to ban Senna after thinking about it for the last two seconds.

Zeyuan: "Hey! T1 chooses the last ban to lose Senna, who is not as high priority now, so should Aphelios KT grab it? T1 still has a Kalista to choose."

Remember: "Then T1 released Brother Cheng's Qinggang Shadow. You must know that many teams would choose to press Brother Cheng's Qinggang Shadow in the first round when facing KT. After all, Brother Cheng's Daomei played too many games. less, and his Qinggang Ying can be said to be the real signature."

Zeyuan: "What can we do then? T1 definitely doesn't want to play Qinggang Ying, but the red square BAN position itself is tight, so it should be played or it can only be played."

At the beginning of the selection, KT grabbed Aphelios on the first floor.

The red side locked Qinggangying with a backhand in seconds.

Zeyuan: "Hey! T1's move is a bit interesting. I know you Qinggangying is very good. Since you can't finish the ban, you can replace the ban with grabbing. It's a very thoughtful choice."

Remember: "But Qing Gangying on the first floor feels a little unsafe. Let's see what hero Chengzi will choose to face Qinggang Ying. I thought T1 would leave the counter position to Canna on the red side. After all Brother Chengzi put too much pressure on him."

After locking Qinggang Ying, Calista first appeared on the second floor of the red square, and then it was locked by Tariq.

Zeyuan: "T1's choice is very smart. If you take Kalista, the gems may be robbed. KT also used the combination of Aphelios and gems before, so I will take the gems first. If you have the ability, you can get another one." Callista is on her way."

As soon as the words fell, Calista appeared on the second floor of the blue square.

Ze Yuan choked: "This~~~Isn't it! The top laner, Kalista, I'm just kidding, Brother Chengzi won't come for real, right? And the opposite is Qinggangying."

I remember laughing: "Hey! Don't forget that Kalista can swing three ways in the LCK. Will you give Kuro a mid laner Kalista? Chovy used mid laner Kalista before."

Zeyuan: "It can only be said that the LCK players are very motivated to learn. Rascal, Kiin, and Chovy have all used single-lane Kalista, but the record is not so good."

"Lock it up! I want to see Brother Chengzi's skate shoes."

"I remember Chaowei's skateboard shoes as if they were lost. They are poisonous."

"Brother Sun is really harmful, just research some outrageous things."

"It's enough to see Brother Cheng C, I really want to see him get killed with skate shoes, 23333."

In fact, this Calista was not what Lin Cheng wanted to use, but Bono deliberately showed it to tease him.

Bono: "Lin Cheng, Kalista, we can replace BAN with a grab, do you want to play with it on the road?"

Lin Cheng said casually: "Okay! If I collapse, I will say it was your fault. If you lose the game, you can wait to be flushed."

Bono: "..."

You little brat is always saying hello to us, why don't you have any spirit of entertainment when it's your turn?
Enough skins, Bono changed Calista to Pig Girl and locked it on the second floor.

Now that a big core hero like Aphelios is selected, it is necessary to take a hero that can create output space for Aphelios.

Seeing that Kalista was replaced, the audience in front of the screen was disappointed.

Originally, Lin Cheng was going to do the rest, but it was Bono who did the reorganization.

Immediately afterwards, the third hero of the blue side chose Neeko.

Zeyuan: "Oh? It's been a long time since Neeko is a hero. I didn't expect KT to hide this trick, but it's still not sure whether Neeko is on or off."

Remember: "Most of Neeko is still in the right now, but I wouldn't be surprised if Brother Cheng takes Neeko up. The blue side's Neeko is still a good swing position."

The red side selected Calista in the third hand, completing the pagoda combination.

The second round of BANs begins.

On the fourth floor of the red square, ban Thresh first. This auxiliary hero is a good choice to pair with any AD without displacement. Tusin's Thresh himself plays well.

KT sent Rek'sai to the BAN position with a backhand.

Although the legendary Cuzz's signature excavator proved to be a trap, Qinggangying has already confirmed that Rek'sai's explosive and controlled jungler must be limited.

Of course, T1 can also forcefully shake Qinggang Ying to the middle.

The red side finally disabled Tahm.

Without Thresh and Tahm, Aphelios' output environment under the threat of Qinggang Shadow is really worrying.

The blue side KT responded quickly and chose to disable Galio in the last move.

The entry of Galio with Qinggangying is too destructive to the team battle formation, not to mention Faker himself is very good at the hero Galio.

Li Ge can be said to be the first player to use Galio's roaming support ability to the fullest. Before SKT faced RNG in the S7 semi-finals, no one realized that Galio's hero support ability can be so powerful. .

Start picking.

Lock the wine barrel on the fourth floor of the red square T1.

This can be regarded as Cuzz's signature hero, although his barrel's wonderful operations are not rare.

It was the turn of the blue side to choose players, and KT's fourth and fifth floors chained the Czar and Titans one after another.

Zeyuan: "Tsar? Then Nicole is the top order, does it feel a little too brittle? How can this Nicole live in Qinggang Yingjia Wine Barrel?"

Remember: "And there is one more thing, KT's upper middle and wild are all AP heroes, Brother Chengzi won't come out with the whole AD Neko, right?"

Zeyuan shook his head: "That can't be it! The current version is not AD Nicole's version at all. AD Nicole can only play solo, but the current game rhythm and various map resources make it difficult for heroes to play alone. Qing Gang Ying is not a wing hero who can only lead the line."

Seeing that the opponent's lineup was determined, the red team finally showed the hero in the middle.

Card Master, Drizzt.

Zeyuan: "Here we come! Brother Li's card! This is to arrange for Brother Chengzi! Qinggangyingjia card is too good at grabbing the edge. Once the card flies, Nicole has to die once. During the laning phase Afterwards, I'm afraid that Neeko won't be able to face Qing Gangying anymore."

I remember smiling: "Now I want to know Brother Cheng's psychological activities. The opponent's lineup is too obvious for the top road."

Both teams are selected.

Blue square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Psychic, Neeko)
Jungler: Bonno (Fury of the North, Sejuani)
Mid lane: Kuro (Desert Emperor, Azir)
Bot lane: Aiming (Susan of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)
Support: Tusin (Deep Titan, Nautilus)

Red square T1:

Top Road: Canna (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungle: Cuzz (Keg, Gragas)

Mid lane: Faker (Cardmaster, Drizzt)
Bot Lane: Teddy (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Support: Effort (Shield of Valoran, Taric)

(End of this chapter)

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