This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 316 The Temper Comes Up Lin Xiaocheng

Chapter 316 The Temper Comes Up Lin Xiaocheng

Although the teammates said it was very ruthless, but at this time, no one was able to provide support.

On the contrary, Bono's pig girl immediately turned to the lower half to prepare to stop the loss.

After fainting Nicole, Qinggangying AQ casts a shield.

Lin Cheng made a backhanded A and directly activated his big move Bloom, wanting to replace Qinggang Ying who had little HP.

Nicole leaped into the air, smashed down the moment the card next to her landed, and fainted the card.

However, Qinggangying used the unselectable characteristic of Hex's ultimatum to evade Neko's big move, and hit the backhand with an AQ.

Lin Cheng wanted to make an A move, but was stopped by a yellow card from the awakened card.

Faker directly used the Q universal card to cooperate with Qinggangying's W tactical sweep to disable Nicole, and then tied the A to complete the kill.

Lin Cheng was caught and killed, but strictly speaking, this wave of KT is not a loss.

It is impossible for the card to push the Tsar's line in the early stage. When this wave of Faker forcibly flew up, another wave of soldiers just arrived in the middle. Kuro directly pushed the line and crazily grinded the tower.

Cuzz's wine barrel slowly appeared in the middle of the road. He wanted to try to defend the line but was poked several times by the sand soldiers, so he didn't dare to go up.

The defense tower, which was not satisfied with its blood volume, was still eaten by Kuro for two layers of tower skin.

And Bono also successfully took advantage of the card to control the first dragon.

So, Lin Cheng didn't lose out to KT.

Zeyuan: "The cards are not profitable in this wave of flying. Although Neeko was caught and killed, the mid-lane lost a lot. A wine barrel that has not reached level 6 can't stop the czar from eating tapas, and Bono also controlled it. The first baby dragon."

Remember: "This is something that can't be helped. The cards in the early stage will definitely not be able to push the Tsar. If you want to support the side lanes, you will lose the line, but Qinggangying will not be able to match the line if no one helps you on the top lane."

Facts have proved that even if Neeko died twice, Qing Gangying still couldn't match up.

Because Lin Chengshi actually put down [-] knives, and also ate a layer of tapestry, Qing Gangying only had two assists, and his economy was still far behind Nicole.

In fact, even if Qinggangying leads the economy, it is not easy to play AD Nicole.

The card's level-3 ultimate move has a cooldown of [-] minutes. During this time, Lin Cheng has a better vision and puts more pressure on the road.

You arrested me twice, and I came back after spending a few more knives and eating some tapis.

Come come come!If you have the skills, you continue to catch them.

The position of the top order is really special.

The top laner is the position that participates the least in frontal battles, but it is the position that handles the most pawn lines, and it is also the position that is most likely to be targeted.

Therefore, top laners can easily fall into two extremes:

Either be stable to the extreme, and the orphan will be considered a success if there is no accident.

Either you are so aggressive that you lose your mind, and if you dare to catch me, I will die for you.

Originally, Lin Cheng belonged to the kind of style that can be stable and fierce, but now his blood pressure is suddenly full, and the word "steady" is thrown to Java.

Lin Cheng ate the second layer of tapi in this game, and seeing Qing Gangying come up to fill up the cannon pawns, Nicole was the first to point out the passive damage of W's third hit.

At the same time that Qinggangying made up for the cannon, Lin Cheng double-clicked the two skills of QE.

The blooming flower seeds fell to Qinggangying's feet, and when it exploded for the first time, Qinggangying was imprisoned by the tangled barbs.

Some AD Nicole does not use Q skills, but in fact, the basic damage of Q skills is not low. If you are not afraid of pushing the line when it is consumed, the benefits are very high.

Just when the flower seed exploded three times in a row, Nicole hit it twice again.

When the strong attack is triggered, Qinggangying enters a vulnerable state.

Seeing the opponent's retreat, Lin Cheng directly chased the two-step tower with the attack speed shoes in hand, and forcibly pointed out W's passive damage again.

Qing Gangying just stuck under his defense tower, and immediately hung up the second section E of the defense tower and kicked out.

But Lin Cheng's reaction was too fast, even the E of Qinggang Ying stuck to the wall was pressed by W in advance.

The false body moves forward, and the real body enters a brief invisibility to accelerate a sideways movement.

Nicole's fake body can't help resist the skills before the real body is out of the invisible state. Qinggangying's E skill passes through the fake body and kicks backward.

But Lin Cheng's sideways acceleration just gave way to the angle of Qinggangying's E skill, and Qinggangying's E was empty.

However, because of this sideways movement, Lin Cheng was unable to remove the aggro from the defensive tower in the first place, and the second attack from the defensive tower followed.

With the acceleration of the W skill for three seconds, Lin Cheng took a step back to remove the hatred of the defensive tower, and backhanded A towards Qinggangying.

Once, twice.

Qing Gangying ran away with his head in his arms, and when he retreated under the tower, Lin Cheng pointed out the passive damage again.

Canna has almost turned into residual blood.

Lin Cheng even got angry, and he insisted on carrying the defense tower for one more general attack before stopping.

Another attack from the defensive tower, although the hatred was reset once, Lin Cheng was still beaten to less than half health.

"Hey! If it wasn't for moving to avoid Qing Gangying and sticking to the wall, Brother Chengzi is just sending it off!"

Zeyuan clicked his tongue: "This temper is too big! This Nicole feels too much compared to the sword girl in the last round. In the last round, it was 2-0. You were the one to blame. Why did you play 0-2 in this round? Huh? Really don’t think of Qing Gangying who has two assists on the opposite side as a human being?”

Remember: "The operation is really confident. Brother Chengzi will definitely die if he is hit by Qinggang Shadow E. Nicole is very fragile. If he is stunned in this position, he will be attacked by the defense tower three times in a row. Qinggang Shadow will make up for it. A little damage is really a single kill."

Ze Yuan: "Looks like being caught twice, brother Cheng Zi's temper has really come up! He also knows that it's useless to fight against Tower A later, but he just wants to hit you more."

"Qinggangying just made up a cannon car and turned it into residual blood. I guess everyone is stupid."

"I'm dying of laughter! Brother Cheng's blood is all from being beaten by the defense tower."

"It would be fun if I didn't dodge Qing Gang Ying's E."

"I really can't watch Brother Chengzi's game, RANK will scold me to death for playing like this with his teammates."

"Wake up! RANK is usually when you are held under the tower and beaten like this."

"Brother Cheng: I'll lose if I miss A."

"Brother Nima Shy won't play like this in the game, is Nicole so anti-tower?"

"I always thought Brother Chengzi was more stable than Teacher Sun, but I was overthinking it."

While the commentator was discussing why Lin Cheng was so irritable all of a sudden, this wave was not over yet.

Lin Cheng concentrated on eating the tapi, but found that Qing Gangying was behind and didn't want to leave.

Probably Canna also felt that it was impossible for Lin Cheng's blood volume to really move him under the tower.

And this wave of soldiers is really too tempting, and I am not reconciled to returning directly to Canna.

At this time, the wine barrel is approaching from the lower right side of the red square triangle grass.

This position has the vision of the blue side. If Lin Cheng backed away immediately, he would not be able to catch him.

But the moment he found the wine barrel, Lin Cheng never thought of running away.

He glanced at the Qinggang shadow under the tower.

I'm 0-2 with one life, and it's not a loss for you to get a head with two assists.

Besides, with so many troops under the tower, Qing Gangying's death must be even more uncomfortable.

This vote is done!
(End of this chapter)

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