This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 32 The joys and sorrows of people can be connected

Chapter 32 The joys and sorrows of people can be connected

Seeing the opponent's five packs, Lin Cheng glanced at his state, "Prince, go away!"

Jiang Daying: "???"

I kindly come to help you, but you don't appreciate it?

"Go away quickly." Lin Chenglai explained in no hurry.

Forget it, it’s better to sell one than two to die.

Jiang Daying resolutely pulled back the EQ, ready to escape.

Just before the prince walked away, Lin Cheng was already frantically moving towards the soldiers in front.

Although he died twice, Lin Cheng didn't miss much of his experience. He just finished pushing the line when he was killed in the first wave, and he came back to TP for the experience when he was killed in the second wave.

He was about to advance to sixth grade, and Lin Cheng let Jiang Daying go away because he was afraid that he would share his experience.

Spider Cocoon shot out brazenly, but Lin Cheng and W Xiaobing easily avoided Cocoon.

Since Bron's position was outside the tower, he didn't immediately put a passive on Lin Cheng, leaving Lin Cheng time to operate.

At this time, the cards landed, and the cards were drawn in front of Lin Cheng.

Seeing that the first card was a blue card, Lin Cheng secretly shouted good luck, burying his head in another basic attack to lower the minion's HP.

Blue, red, yellow.

Just when the card was about to draw a yellow card, Lin Cheng smashed a small soldier in front of him with a Q skill.

At this time, the crocodile just landed on the TP and lost the protection of the TP. Lin Cheng killed two residual blood soldiers at the same time.

Illaoi goes up to level six.

Card Yellow card has been thrown.

Lin Cheng learned R in seconds and made a big move.

The moment he saw the yellow card, Illaoi jumped sharply, just using the belief in crossing the border to block the control of the yellow card.

Lin Cheng adjusted his position with a flash, Illaoi flashed to the middle of the red party, and smashed the idol into the ground.


Suddenly, several green tentacles burst out from the ground around everyone, like giant pythons.

E Soul Trial draws out the soul of the crocodile face to face, and severely reprimands the shot.

In an instant, the entire screen was slammed down by the whistling and dancing tentacles, and the blood of everyone in the red side swiped down like a slash.

The speed of Illaoi's big move tentacles is too fast, and it is useless to move around in such a dense situation.

Except for the spider hanging up in time and Lucian flashing back and pulling away, the other three unlucky bastards were beaten to death on the spot.

"Triple Kill."

The landing spider didn't have time to rejoice, and the prince who had been hiding behind the OB rushed over, EQ knocked the spider up, and Illaoi harvested and killed it again with one whip.

"Quadra Kill."

Korea University painstakingly arranged tactics to target Lin Cheng, but because of a wave of wrong estimates of Lin Cheng's experience value, he was almost killed by Iloita in one hit and five.


On the large screen at the scene, the effect of Illaoi's full-screen tentacle swiping and counter-attacking was very shocking. The audience exclaimed constantly, but the taste was slightly different.

The exclamations of Gao Da students at home were more worried, but Seoul University was completely excited.

Fatty took the lead in getting up, and the members of the e-sports club cheered and applauded vigorously.

"Hey! Sister Shuyan."

Xiao Tong pointed in the direction of the competition seat, "Lin Cheng looks quite handsome from this angle!"


From this angle, you can only see Lin Cheng's profile. Compared with the excitement of the audience, he seemed very quiet. He just pursed his lips, raised his eyebrows slightly, and communicated something with his teammates in the voice.

"Aren't you happy?"

Turning her head to look at An Shengyan who was exceptionally quiet at this time, Xiao Tong was a little curious, she was the most excited in the last game.

An Shengyan copied her hands and said, "Alas! I said it a long time ago, the base doesn't explode, it's not a big problem, you have to trust them."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but secretly smiled.

Lin Cheng sometimes has such a stubborn expression.

When Illaoi took off in a wave, the opponent could no longer control him on the flank. This hero's ability to play more than one dozen is too good, and the red side can't spend too much manpower to catch Illaoi. Lin Cheng can only make waves on the sidewalk.

Soon Lin Cheng took away the red side's top lane outer tower, but the duo was caught and killed by the opponent in the second half, and the blue side's bottom lane outer tower was also taken away.

Lin Cheng pressed the line very aggressively in the top lane, and stomped the crocodile under the second tower, but before he could penetrate the top lane and his teammates gave him another chance below, the second tower in the bottom lane was soon demolished.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Lin Cheng hurriedly changed his tactics and started to join the regiment head-on when the resources were refreshed.

Although Illaoi is already invincible in single lane, but his frontal teammates are now having accidents one after another.

In this situation where the top lane is already invincible, the professional team can avoid the frontal battle to the greatest extent even if they know that they can’t fight head-on, and then exchange resources in the jungle to take advantage of the single-lane, but the amateur players obviously can’t do this. .

With the addition of Lin Cheng on the front, the situation of the blue side suddenly improved.

Although Illaoi is cumbersome, he is very powerful in positional warfare. He can act as the front row, and once he finds a position, the teamfight output is also very terrifying.

When the resources are refreshed, stand in a good position in advance. Lin Cheng is very good at cooperating with the skills of his teammates. When his teammates skills force the opponent to move, he suddenly extracts the soul with his E skill. .

In the first competition for Xiaolong's resources, the red side directly let Xiaolong go because Lin Cheng started to take control of the person in E.

The second time, although Lin Cheng once again took out Bulong's soul, the opponent did not intend to release the dragon, and forced the team to enter the arena when the blue side crippled the dragon.

However, because Lin Cheng's equipment was so good, the red team's first-hand control was not able to focus on killing Illaoi in seconds.

The prince cooperated with the ice girl to start a counterattack. The prince first made a big move to force a flash of the two. Jin Chenglu's ice girl flashed beautifully and entered the field to control the three.

Lin Cheng pinpointed position R and flashed down, countless tentacles danced wildly, and the red side exploded in a wave.

After a wave of destruction, the red side no longer had the power to resist, and the blue side took down the dragon and pushed the base step by step.

Seoul National University won two consecutive victories to secure a place in the finals.

"Win! Haha! Long live Seoul! We are still the best!"

In the small corner, cheers and shouts were again wanton fluttering.

At the scene, the support team of Korea University concealed its momentum, the beating red flames quieted down, and the tiger flag that was originally waving was also flung up.

Just like the previous situation when Yanda was defeated, a few tall classmates applauded softly to send their blessings to the winner, and most chose to remain silent.

At the beginning of the game, blue and red were tit for tat like pulsating waves and flames.

When the two sides started cheering, they continued to use 'birds' and 'kittens' to ridicule the mortal enemy. As for the other side's motley army, they didn't pay attention to them at all.

As a result, after two games, the two sides became brothers and sisters.

It turns out that the joys and sorrows of people can be connected.

(End of this chapter)

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