This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 324 I Will Get Off The Single

Chapter 324 I Will Get Off The Single

Sitting on the moving bus, KT's idiots became inexplicably excited.

It seems that in the name of the champion, the scenery outside the window is different.

Even Bono took Tusin and sang Queen's world famous song "We Are the Champions" by the side.

we are the champions, my friend
and we'll keep on fighting till the end
we are the champions
we are the champions
Although the whole process was out of tune and howling, Lin Cheng and his teammates still applauded respectfully.

Most players may not be able to touch the championship trophy throughout their careers. To be able to win the championship at an age close to retirement is really a blessing from heaven for several older players.

When it comes to harvest, besides trophies, it is naturally bonuses.

As the biggest winner, Lin Cheng, the MVP of the regular season and playoffs alone received a bonus of 1000 million won.

Coupled with the championship bonus, Lin Cheng received more than 2000 taels million won, or about 13 RMB.

Lin Cheng's salary for the past two months of playing games is less than 13.

Of course, the main reason is that Lin Cheng's salary is too low.

After the bus passed Xiaozi Cave, the city full of high-rise buildings instantly transformed into a small town surrounded by continuous mountains, and every household beside the road was connected by stone roads and alleys.

At the end of the stone road is an ancient building built on the edge of a cliff, which looks a bit like a temple from a distance, and next to it is a natural scenery of lush mountains and streams flowing.

There are many hills in Seoul, and the terrain is very undulating, resulting in different architectural styles.

For example, Gangnam District and Jongno District have flat terrain and high-rise buildings, while some places with slopes can only build some low-rise single-family buildings.

This ingenious building is leaning on the side of a steep cliff, and the bluestone exterior wall is surrounded by vines, which is quite antique.

Going up the stone ladder on the edge of the cliff, the restaurant is located on the second floor, with wooden partitions, screens, and floors. The interior decoration is full of ancient charm and the overall style of the building is in line.

The entire wall on the outside side of the restaurant is replaced by glass, so that you can not only see the rolling green hills not far away, but also have a panoramic view of the lights and traffic of Fuyan Cave.

Under the leadership of the service staff, everyone entered the large private room separated by a screen, took off their shoes at the door, and sat down on the low couch one after another.

This restaurant is mainly engaged in special Korean food, which inherits the royal cuisine of the Joseon Dynasty. There are a variety of steamed, grilled, blanched and mixed dishes.

Although it is still a lot more monotonous than Chinese cuisine, Korean traditional food is not as bad as many people think, and as a single nation, it is also very rich.

When it comes to Korean food, many Chinese people only have the impression of kimchi and instant noodles, but when it comes to the impression of the Korean people, they are good at singing and dancing and have a very special North Korean food.

It is mainly influenced by subjective factors.

Glancing at the unit price on the menu, Kuro teased, "Yo ho! The coach has spent a lot of money, will the club reimburse you?"

Kang Dongxun chuckled: "It's just a meal, what else is there to be reimbursed for? I'll take it!"

"Then coach! Can I have one from the menu?" Tusin was serious.

"That's right, if you can't finish eating, you can pack it back. The refrigerator in the base is still empty."

"I want to eat Korean beef, first a few catties of the whole."


Kang Dongxun silently took out his mobile phone to find the number of the team manager, wondering if he should send a message first to ask if the meal can be reimbursed?

The dishes were served quickly, and Kuro never tired of taking pictures of each dish with his mobile phone while waiting.

It seems to have become a trend for people to take pictures before eating and post them to Moments.

"Lin Cheng hurry up and like my INS."

Kuro poked Lin Cheng who was lying beside him. This guy was lying on the low couch with his eyes closed, looking drowsy.

"I know, I know."

Lin Cheng grunted, propped his head on his hands sideways, took out his phone and opened his INS to like Kuro.

Lin Cheng likes to browse online forums, but he is the kind of person who doesn’t post a single social post for a year. He doesn’t like to share or show off his life. understand.

"Lin Cheng, look over here, everyone wants to see you."

At this time, the camera of Bono's mobile phone came over.

Lin Cheng, who was lying sideways on the low couch like a salted fish, quickly sat up, combed his hair, and stared at the camera with a smile.

"Is the photo ready? Hurry up."

Seeing that Bono did not press the shutter for a long time, Lin Cheng reached out and lifted the corner of his clothes to scratch his itchy stomach.

"What kind of photo are you taking? I'm broadcasting live."

"Live! Axi~~~ Didn't you say it earlier during the live broadcast?"

Lin Cheng's eyes widened suddenly, he quickly pulled out his hand to scratch his stomach, and straightened the corner of his clothes.

It's over! It's over!

Thinking of his lying down posture like a salted fish just now, and the scene where he lifted his clothes and scratched his stomach later was broadcast live, Lin Cheng was filled with grief and indignation.

Brother Cheng's famous name in his lifetime.

Lin Cheng stretched his body to get close to Bono, and grabbed his cell phone.


This guy is indeed live.

On the screen was the live broadcast of INS, and there were hundreds of viewers in the room.

The barrage above made Lin Cheng want to die.

"Is this Lin Cheng? Is this Lin Cheng? If you cover your face and stomach, you're just a middle-aged uncle."

"Mo! My male god can't be like this, I can't accept it."

"This demeanor is exactly the image of a decadent middle-aged uncle. Cheng used to be like this in real life."

"This silly boy, even if he is taking pictures, he thinks that people only take pictures of his face."

"I'm swiping my phone in this posture of Lin Cheng right now, kkkkk!"

"The abs are so beautiful! I still like you."

"Did you see my barrage? Lin Chengxi~~~I love you."

Lin Cheng's head was full of black lines: "You all don't go to eat and watch live broadcasts here? Are all the people who will watch the live broadcast at this time point single dogs? No one cares, so they are alone on their phones."

Lin Cheng's mouth is really poisonous, and after his image of picking his feet was broadcast live, he took it out on the audience in the live broadcast room.

Bono was dissatisfied and decided to stand up for the fans in the live broadcast room.

"Hey! Are you going too far, you are single and embarrassed to talk about others?"

"You look at people like Tusin who have been in love. What does it mean that you are so handsome and can't find a girlfriend?"

"It means that you have a problem. I won't say what the problem is. You can think about it for yourself."

"If you know something, you will understand it, if you don't understand it, you will not understand it."

Lin Cheng opened his mouth, unable to digest the amount of information for a moment.

But Tusin was not happy: "What do you mean someone like me has been in a relationship? How am I? Am I ugly?"

"I'm not saying you're ugly."

"Then you think I'm handsome?"

"Not at all."

"Then what do you mean?"

For a while, the atmosphere on the table became heated, and Kang Dongxun next to him took the lead in watching the show with great interest.

Lin Cheng fell into silence all the time, and it took a long time to hold back a sentence in a low voice:
"What's wrong with the single dog? I will get out of the single."

(End of this chapter)

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