Chapter 333 Little Amulet

Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan were sharing their make-up experience on the balcony. Lin Cheng looked at it for a while, feeling that women's make-up is really troublesome, and soon lost interest, so he continued to watch the sand sculpture netizen laning.

After a while, I felt someone tugging on my arm.

Looking up, I saw Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan looking at the living room together, Xiao Tong also made a silent gesture to Lin Cheng, and then pointed to the direction of the living room.

Lin Cheng also turned his head to look over.

At this time, the little girl Enxi had already woken up, her bare feet were stepping on the floor, one hand was leaning against the wall, and the other hand was rubbing her eyes in a daze.

After rubbing her eyes, the little girl didn't find the three of them in the living room, so she put down her little hands and stood there in a daze.

Her little head seemed to be thinking about the whereabouts of the three of them, and she stood there for a while before calling out in a low voice: "Uncle~~~Sister Yan~~~Sister Tong~~~"

Not getting a response, the little girl stretched out her hand to scratch her stomach, and started to search the room waddlingly.

As a result, the little girl didn't look at the direction of the balcony in a daze, she just turned around and was about to walk towards the kitchen, while still yelling.

"Uncle~~ Don't leave Enxi behind."

Seeing Enxi's little confused look, Xiao Tong couldn't help saying to Han Shuyan: "Enxi is really too cute."

Han Shuyan's heart was about to melt, "Enxi, we are here."

Hearing the sound, the little girl stood in front of the living room and turned her head to look at the balcony, and finally found the figures of the three of them.

rub rub.

Enxi's short legs were flying fast, and Han Shuyan quickly reached out to catch the little girl who rushed over.

"Sister Yan."

Enxi plunged into Han Shuyan's arms, buried her head and did not speak, her small hands tightly grabbed Han Shuyan's clothes.

Han Shuyan touched her little head, and asked softly, "Is Enxi hungry now? You didn't eat much for lunch just now."

"Eunxi is not hungry."

The little girl buried her head and said in a low voice: "Enxi thought you left Enxi behind."

"Eunxi is so cute, how could we leave you?" Han Shuyan patted her on the back comfortingly.

Xiao Tong also quickly comforted him: "Enxi is a good boy, we will never leave Enxi behind."

"That's right, no one is willing to leave Enxi behind."

"Then, shall we pull the hook?"

The little girl looked up, her face full of grievances, and she muttered in a low voice: "Mom has hooked up with Enxi, uncle, sister Yan, and sister Tong have not hooked up with Enxi."

Children are sensitive, just like when Lin Cheng went to play at his aunt's house when he was very young, his aunt always liked to lie to him that his mother didn't want him anymore. Lin Cheng said he didn't believe it, but he became nervous when he couldn't see his mother in a blink of an eye stand up.

Although I will feel stupid when I think of this scene when I grow up, it is also part of childhood.

"Come on! Let's pull the hook."

Han Shuyan stretched out her hand solemnly, and the little girl also stretched out her little hand clumsily.

One big and one small, the two hands are close together, the little fingers are connected, and the thumbs are touching.

"Promise! No one is allowed to change."

"Well, no one is allowed to change."

The little girl finally laughed, showing her small white teeth.

"And me and me."


Lin Cheng and Xiao Tong also hooked up with the little girl, and Lin Cheng even made a joke: "Enxi is not allowed to leave uncle, or uncle will be very sad."

The little girl agreed coyly, and couldn't help but bury her head in Han Shuyan's arms again, making the three of them very happy.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening when Zheng Shiyan came back, the big four and one small got together for dinner, and the three women discussed going to the cosmetics store.

Lin Cheng wanted to go with him, but was explicitly rejected.

Lin Cheng was dissatisfied: "Why don't you take Enxi with me? I can also give you advice. Although I don't wear makeup, I have good eyesight."

"We're going to Chuu's makeup store."

"What's the difference then?"

"In addition to cosmetics, there are also women's underwear clothing, and we have to choose underwear by the way."

Lin Cheng said bluntly, "Then I can also advise you. I also have a good eye for underwear."

"You pervert, you won't take advantage of you." Xiao Tong reached out and hammered his shoulder.

Lin Cheng glanced at Xiao Tong, "I'm not interested in your figure, if I want to take advantage of Sister Shuyan... and Sister Shiyan."

The three of them are actually in good shape, with slender, straight and well-proportioned legs, but the size of their upper bodies is different.

Xiao Tong fell into a disadvantage in this aspect. Although she can't be described as an airport, there is still a gap compared with the other two.

Especially Zheng Shiyan, her figure is to the extent that most girls feel inferior.

Lin Cheng's contemptuous glance made Xiao Tong furious: "You mean I'm in poor shape?"

"I didn't say it, you understand it yourself."

Xiao Tong raised her brows and wanted to settle accounts with Lin Cheng, but the little girl Enxi hugged her leg pitifully, "Sister Tong, can you just forgive Uncle? Uncle will be obedient in the future."

Xiao Tong sighed, Enxi hugged her thighs too aggressively, how could she settle accounts with Lin Cheng?

With Enxi's little amulet, Lin Cheng was extremely proud.

As long as you don't lose when you fight with your mouth, even with Enxi around, you won't be afraid of Xiao Tong opening her mouth to bite someone.

Han Shuyan gave Lin Cheng an angry look, and stretched out her hand to pinch his cheek as punishment.

"You take a good look at the house yourself, and I will give you a reward when you come back."

Enxi's little girl also hugged Lin Cheng's thigh intimately and comforted her: "Uncle, don't be sad, Enxi will be back soon."

"Then Enxi stays with uncle, okay?"

Hearing this, the little girl frowned and raised her head to look at Lin Cheng, and then at her mother, with a very tangled look.

Although she really wanted to be with her uncle, she hadn't seen her mother for a while, and the little girl also wanted to be with her mother.

Seeing Enxi frowning, Lin Cheng laughed out loud, and the rest couldn't help but smile.

"You're kidding! Enxi must hold her mother's hand when she goes out, and don't get lost."

"it is good!"

The little girl grinned innocently, and Lin Cheng squatted down and patted her little head.

"Uncle told me, what should I do if I accidentally lose it?"

Enxi raised her small hand and said loudly: "Enxi knows, if you get lost, you will find the police uncle at the intersection."

"Not bad! What should I say to the police uncle?"


Lin Cheng choked up, "That's not the case, calling for help is too exaggerated, you should..."

Seeing that Lin Cheng was still chattering, Han Shuyan smiled and waved her hands, "Okay! We will definitely look after Enxi, your safety education should wait until next time."

(End of this chapter)

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