This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 341 His idol is God

Chapter 341 His idol is God
In this round, Lin Cheng broke Zoe in the early stage, but the control of neutral resources was relatively poor. After 13 minutes, neither a pioneer nor Xiaolong had control.

You must know that in this game, both the middle and middle lanes have advantages. The male sword in the middle lane went down to kill two waves of the opponent's duo. It can be said that the three lanes have the right to push the line. The joy of pushing snowballs is unreasonable even if you don't control a small dragon and a vanguard.

If it was in a game, and such a big advantage in the early stage was overturned, Lin Cheng's happy jungler would be the number one war criminal.

In this round, the blue team really had a good time. Except for Kai'Sa who hangs up alone in the bottom lane and played by himself, the other four players scrambled around the map, ganking wildly.

The game has become a one-sided massacre.

However, because of the bull's head wandering away, Kai'Sa was caught by the blind monk in two waves below.

Seeing that the situation had been quiet for a while, Kai'Sa finally couldn't bear to send a signal to Niutou Crazy again.

"Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, fifteen times! Kai'Sa pinged Niutou fifteen times in a row."

Lin Cheng felt very irritated: "What's the matter with this AD? You have a teammate mentality, right? I've encountered this ID before, but it's the first time I've seen an AD who pinged himself for [-] signals in an advantageous game."

If the teammate hangs up, Lin Cheng still thinks it's nothing, even the interaction in a small theater can be lively, but the crazy signaling behavior is really disgusting.

This kind of person is a guy who wants to engage in teammate mentality, but is afraid of being reported.

Niutou followed him to arrest people every time, Lin Cheng felt that he could not let his good brother be wronged for nothing.

He quickly typed on the keyboard and typed in the chat box: CNMB!

These letters have been brought into Hanbok by many Chinese players. Even Korean players know the general meaning. It can be said to be very straightforward.

However, he frowned and hesitated for a while, but did not send it out.

"Brother Cheng is a quality person, and he can't criticize others. We need to change to a more gentle way."

Therefore, Lin Cheng changed his wording.

KT Cheng: an jing yi dian, qin (be quiet, dear)
KT Cheng: .
"Laughing to death! CNMB has already been typed, but I didn't send it out."

"Brother Cheng is angry and wants to spray people, it's so funny, he held it back abruptly."

"Brother Cheng understands it very well. People who are typists are afraid of being reported."

"It's reasonable, Kai'Sa can't even lie down, and I spray too."

"Kasha: You guys killed so well, why should I go to jail down here?"

"Don't let yourself assist to roam? Needless to say what is the composition of this AD?"

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Don't talk nonsense, when did I really slander someone? When I wanted to slander when typing, it showed Brother Cheng's inner anger, and finally changed it to polite words to show Brother Cheng's quality, I am not I didn’t dare to spray it because I was afraid of being reported.”

"One thing to say, it's true that Brother Cheng swears a lot, but he seldom swears."

"Compared to other anchors who are full of swear words, brother Cheng Zi is really a clean stream."

"Although this dog doesn't swear, but he can't stand it, he's always acting weird."

"Who is this AD? It must be very high to be ranked in Chengzi."

"This is T1's substitute AD Xiao Lu Bu, Lu Bu's younger brother, with a high RANK score."

Seeing this barrage, Lin Cheng was taken aback, "Don't lie to me, are you really a professional player? This mentality is too bad."

Many players in Hanbok don't take club prefixes on their IDs, and Lin Cheng has never paid attention to the RANK list, so naturally he won't know a player who hasn't even played in the game.

However, many players also have the habit of more or less RANK in the game. It is hard for Lin Cheng to imagine how this AD player will play in the game if he does not correct his mentality.

It is a good thing to have the desire to win and lose, and it is also a good thing to want to carry yourself, but it is definitely not okay to always blame your teammates.

"Brother Chengzi has a problem with what he said. What does a bad mentality have to do with professional players? Are you looking down on me for being a monster?"

"It is indeed little Lu Bu, and his mentality is indeed a bit bad. He always wants to carry himself."

"His idol is a stain, you taste it, you taste it carefully."

"Idols are gods? That's fine."

"Don't be 78 black, God can live broadcast a few words at most and then go to take a shower."

"Your number upstairs is gone!"

"Brother Zaozi has a bad mentality, but some people are just blind. Is it too late for Xiao Ming to leave Brother Zaozi to wander around?"

Seeing that the topic was a bit dangerous, Lin Cheng coughed dryly: "Don't discuss other players in my live broadcast room, okay? I have ranked this AD player many times. It is true that the rank habit is not good, but the operation is still very good. Let's see Can you take Brother Li to fly in the future?"

Lin Cheng wasn't talking nonsense. Although little Lu Bu's behavior of constantly sending out question marks was annoying, but his operation was really good. Otherwise, it would be impossible to reach the forefront of Hanbok while exclusively using AD heroes.

Since he is Lu Bu's biological younger brother, there is a high probability that little Lu Bu will take over as T1's next AD, but I wonder if Brother Li can wait until the day when he corrects his mentality?
Knowing that the opponent is also a professional player, Lin Cheng stopped complaining.

Although the player whose ID is Gumayusi has a bad mentality, it is not completely unreasonable, and the ping signal will no longer be messed up later.

Of course, the main reason may be the huge advantage on the field.

This little Lu Bu had interacted with DWG's support in front of Lin Cheng before, and thanks to Beryl's good temper, the dispute between the two sides quickly ended with Beryl blocking his teammates' signals.

At 17 minutes, Niutou came to the middle to cooperate with the male knife to make a wave of Zoe.

Niutou took the lead twice, and Li Ge directly turned on the stopwatch to evade.

The two wanted to press Zooey to get up.

But the blind monk was nearby, and he came over from behind and kicked the male knife to the side.

Just when the duo from the red side came to the middle, Braum's ultimate move took over the control of the blind monk, and the captain's ultimate move also fell. The female gun AQ directly cooperated with the blind monk to kill the male sword.

The rest of the bull heads turned and ran, and the four on the red side launched a chase.

Just as the four of them chased the big bull's head and beat them all the way to the outside of the blue Fangyi tower, a dark portal lit up behind it.

Ryze's car door opened, and a huge snowball appeared behind the red square four.

Ryze and Nunu had a great drive to the ball.

The people blocked in the back could not dodge in time, Zoe, female gun and blind monk were all blown into the air by snowballs.

Yeti Willump spread his arms wide and Nunu fired R Absolute Zero.

At this time, Kai'Sa's big move of the river came into the arena and sprinkled Icacia rainstorm.

Ryze frantically rolled the keyboard, and directly cooperated with Kaisha who entered the field to drop the female gun in seconds.

The fully charged absolute zero broke out, and the blood volume of the red team members on the field dropped wildly, and Zoe died in the hands of Nunu again.

The rest of the blind monk and Bron couldn't last longer, and Kai'Sa got three kills.

One for four was played in the middle, and the red side decisively chose to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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