Chapter 344
After fighting for a while, the living room finally became quiet.

The little girl leaned in her mother's arms, lowered her head and touched her belly.

"Eunxi is hungry."

Hearing this, Lin Cheng immediately sat up, "What would Enxi want to eat? Uncle will get it for you."

Although the little girl cheered Xiao Tong too much just now, but for the sake of the little girl kissing him today, Lin Cheng decided to forgive her.

The world of dog licking is so real, cute children and super beautiful women are easy to forgive.

"Eunxi wants to eat bread, bread with strawberry jam."

"Bread...there seems to be no bread at home, but there are still cakes in the refrigerator. Do you want Enxi?"

The little girl was a little disappointed, "But Enxi wants to eat bread with jam more."

Lin Cheng looked at Zheng Shiyan, Zheng Shiyan shook her head, "We don't have any bread over there either."

Unable to disappoint the little girl, Lin Cheng stood up, "Uncle is going out to buy bread for you, Enxi will wait at home obediently for a while."

Han Shuyan also stood up, "I'll go with you."

The two went out and took the elevator downstairs.

Unfortunately, the nearest convenience store sold out of bread, so the two had to rush to other convenience stores.

I bought sliced ​​bread at the second convenience store, but no jam.

The two could only continue to run further to the convenience store.

As a result, after asking several convenience stores in a row, none of them sold strawberry jam.

Han Shuyan hesitated: "How about we call Enxi and ask Enxi, can I replace it with blueberry jam?"

"Let's look for it again. Sister Shiyan will definitely tell us not to worry about it, but Enxi likes strawberry jam the most. It would be the best if you can buy it." Lin Cheng shook his head.

Seeing Lin Cheng's stubborn look, Han Shuyan couldn't help but smile, and stretched out her hand to pinch Lin Cheng's nose.

"Ah Cheng is really a very warm person."

"No way."

Lin Cheng felt a little embarrassed and scratched the hair on his forehead.

Han Shuyan always praised him directly, but Lin Cheng liked this every time.

"Hey! Let's continue to look for it."

The streets of Seoul at night are brightly lit, and the road next to it is full of traffic, but there are not many pedestrians on the street.

The two were walking on the street, and although there were sounds of various vehicles beside them, Lin Cheng felt extremely peaceful at this moment.

Turning his head to look, the light outlines Han Shuyan's delicate facial contours from the side. The delicate bridge of the nose and gentle eyebrows made Lin Cheng's heart move.

"what happened?"

Sensing his gaze, Han Shuyan turned to look at Lin Cheng.

"How many points do you give me today?"

"Huh?" Han Shuyan was taken aback.

"Scoring! Didn't you forget all about it?"

Han Shuyan thought for a while, "Seeing that Ah Cheng worked so hard today, I will give you two points."

"It's only two points."

Lin Cheng was very disappointed, and became critical again.

The [-]-point system, he has to save until the Year of the Monkey.

Han Shuyan took two steps to stand in front of Lin Cheng, and Lin Cheng also stopped.

She looked up at him, her crystal eyes reflected the bright lights, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was still so gentle and moving.

"Come on, you'll pass soon."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and led the way ahead, with brisk steps.

Passed?So fast?I haven't cheated yet?

Lin Cheng froze for a moment, then the corners of his mouth rose rapidly.

Stepping forward quickly, Lin Cheng grabbed Han Shuyan's hand after a little thought.

Her hands were slender and moist, with a hint of warmth.

It's not that I haven't held her hand before, but the mood is completely different.

Han Shuyan turned her head to look at him, then lowered her eyes and turned her head to continue walking, letting Lin Cheng lead her.

The two held hands and continued to look for the next convenience store.

Neither fast nor slow, the pace is surprisingly consistent.

"Sister Shuyan."


"Can you tell me how many points are left to pass?"


"Then tell me, how many initial points did you give me?"




"I haven't said yet."

"Then tell me."

"Forget it, you will still say no anyway."

Lin Cheng was downcast.

Han Shuyan just smiled, and pulled Lin Cheng forward quickly.

Finally, the two bought strawberry jam at the next convenience store.

Lin Cheng was still a little regretful, "It would be great if we could go a little further."

Han Shuyan gave him an angry look.

Lin Cheng muttered again: "Well~~~ But considering that the little girl's stomach is already growling, it can't be too far away, just let us walk a little longer."

Han Shuyan couldn't help but wanted to laugh again, her pretty eyes bent into two crescents.

Back at the apartment, the little girl Enxi was sitting obediently between Zheng Shiyan and Xiao Tong watching TV.

"Enxi, bring back the bread."

The little girl ran over slowly, and rubbed her stomach pretendingly, "Uncle, why have you been here for so long? You see, Enxi is almost starved to death."

Lin Cheng stretched out his hand to touch her belly in distress, "It's all uncle's fault, making Enxi hungry."

Han Shuyan explained softly: "We went to many convenience stores but couldn't buy jam. It was my uncle who insisted on running a long way to buy strawberry jam for Enxi. Enxi, don't blame uncle, okay?"

The little girl immediately hugged Lin Cheng's leg, "I'm sorry, uncle."

Such a sensible little girl, how could Lin Cheng be willing to blame her.

"Uncle won't blame Enxi, it's all thanks to you that Uncle has a big surprise."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng blinked at her.

The little girl didn't know the meaning of Lin Cheng's words, so she could only nod her head in a daze.

Han Shuyan took out the bread and smeared jam, while Enxi's little girl watched eagerly.

"Here! Here you are."

Han Shuyan handed over the bread coated with jam, and the little girl took it happily, first dipped it in the milk, and then puffed up her small mouth and bit down hard.

"It's so good~~~"

The little girl muttered indistinctly, with an extremely satisfied expression on her little face.

That small appearance is as exaggerated as if he had eaten the most delicious diners in the world in the little master of China.

"Is it really that delicious?"

The satisfied look of the little girl made Xiaotong also greedy, she had never tried the way of eating bread with jam and dipped in milk.

Han Shuyan spread two slices of bread and handed it to Xiaotong, "Hey! There are still a lot, Enxi can't finish it."

Xiao Tong happily took the bread, and dipped in the milk like a little girl.

"Wow! It's really delicious. Enxi, how did you discover this way of eating? You are such a little genius."


Enxi licked the milk stains around the corner of her mouth, "I learned it from Hanzai, Xiaoying's Hanzai likes to eat dog food soaked in milk, so Xiaoying and Enxi also learned to soak milk and eat bread."

Xiao Tong: "..."

You two are really little geniuses, and you can draw inferences from one example.

Seeing that Zheng Shiyan rejected the bread she handed over, Han Shuyan handed it to Lin Cheng again.


Lin Cheng smiled brightly, "I don't want it anymore, I am already very satisfied today, it would be even better if you could give me another point."

Han Shuyan gouged him out angrily.

Xiaotong shared the bread and milk with the little girl heartlessly.

Zheng Shiyan looked at Lin Cheng thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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