This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 357 I want to fight

Chapter 357 I want to fight ten

Lin Cheng's knife girl didn't go too well in the early stage of the game. He ate too much head and tapi, which caused Lin Cheng to take out the ruins after returning home in 8 minutes.

This is still the case when Lin Cheng released Shuang Duoran, which is already a rare production speed in the abuse game.

Lin Cheng took a special look at Nuoshou's equipment when he went out and went online.

Cloth shoes plus a healing orb.

After watching it, Lin Cheng said in a strange voice: "Hey! You still have money to buy cloth armor shoes? Hmm~~~ But I equip Xiaoyou, so I shouldn't lose in a fight."

"??? Are you talking about a hammer?"

"Equipment Xiaoyou? Is this a human language?"

"This person is too stable, and this is Xiaoyou, haha."

"Emperor C: Did you see the equipment on the other side? I raised it."

"Mung Bean Man comes out of the arena again, and my youth is back."

"Sturdy mung bean man's grandson's shoes, and a father's vest later."

Since it was an entertainment bureau, Bono had no idea of ​​controlling resources at all, so he just wandered around the bottom half of the map without fighting Pioneer and Xiaolong.

On the opposite side, Olaf also seemed to have found the wealth code, and happened to launch a gank against KT's bottom lane, and the blind monks who were shopping in the lower half of the area came to support and broke out a 3V3 battle.

Then the two sides also arrived in the middle, and it turned into a 4V4 chaos.

After this wave of fights, both sides paid two kills each, and no one took advantage, and the bottom half was split [-]-[-].

However, there was no distinction between the two sides below, and Nuo Shou above was single-killed again.

This time the solo kill was a bit unremarkable.

Seeing that Nuoshou refused to eat the tower and went offline, Lin Cheng ran to fight the stone man on the opposite side after clearing the line. As a result, just after beating the stone man, he came back and caught Nuoshou who was about to go online next to the autistic grass.

Just now Lin Cheng had already played Nuoshou's sprint, and the rundown slowed down, and when he hit the double-edged wing, he announced that Nuoshou could leave the keyboard with both hands.

Lin Cheng Q went up and didn't even let go of his ultimate move, chasing after him and hacking Nuo Shou to death behind a tower, the method was extremely cruel.

Except for the one-on-one duel at the first level, Nuoshou was slaughtered every time he faced Daomei without bleeding.

What the netizen said is really true: hitting Blood Rage is considered a success.

After killing Nuo Shou for the fifth time, Lin Cheng completely announced that he had cleared the level after pushing down the first tower on the road, and began to wander in the wild area.

However, the drop of the first tower on the road also gave the bastard a chance to develop.

Yu Xiao C: "The upper tower is gone, I can develop now, you don't need to worry about me."

Pattern: "All right! Then I'll keep the bottom half, and the king still has an advantage."

Wang Jichao: "I'll leave the weakness to Daomei when I fight Thresh. As long as I can solve Daomei, I can still fight."

Due to the existence of Tianfei Daomei, the upper half of the red side has completely fallen.

Olaf came over to get his red BUFF, but was almost single-killed by Lin Cheng. Fortunately, Xerath came in time to support an E skill that stunned the sword girl, so that Lin Cheng did not continue to pursue.

At 14 minutes, the KT duo suddenly turned to cooperate with Morgana to attack Xerath.

However, the initiative ability of these three people is really bad. Morgana's initiative Q is empty, and the duo chooses to blatantly rush out from the lower river, and Bawang insists on bowing.

As a result, Xerath flashed back into the tower and the three of them dared not chase.

Instead, Olaf appeared from the grass in the river above, and rushed over with an axe.

For Olaf who has opened up, the three soft assistants are more scared than the other.

Olaf chased after a slash and Xerath's big move and successfully won a double kill, only Morgana put a black shield on herself and slipped away.

Pattern: "Beautiful! Xerath's big move is too accurate."

Wang Jichao: "It doesn't make sense for the three people on the opposite side to want to move me. In fact, if I'm more stable, I can avoid it."

Yu Xiaoc, who was eating under the second tower, was also very supportive, "Nice! There is a chance! There is no threat except the opposite side of Daomei. This one really has a chance."

"Nice top laner! Atmospheric top laner! Classic outsider."

"It's obviously a Kuafu type top laner! Is Kuafu you?"

"It's broken! It's going to be mixed up with him."

"The opposing lineup is really snake-skinned. Olaf drives to the back row casually."

"It's really hard to fight as long as you guard the knife girl KT in the later stage."

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room thought they were going to mess with King C, Lin Cheng, who had finished beating the stone man, just came out of the wild area, and instantly drew his wings.

This time, Nuo Shou just turned around after clearing the pawns, making Lin Cheng's E skill empty.

When his skills were empty, Lin Cheng became angry from embarrassment, and immediately raised his hands.

A light blue sword formation blooms under the red Fang Er Pagoda.

With a flash of azure bald head, Daomei had already smashed the mark on Nuoshou's body, and slashed down with her backhand.

Nuo's AW slows down, and immediately shoots with E skill.

Lin Cheng once again used his Q skill to avoid the ruthless iron hand, and he chased after him with two knives at a dilapidated speed.

Lin Cheng was already wearing a dilapidated and black-cut two-piece suit at this time, and he didn't need any technical skills to beat his father's vest and cloth armor shoes.

"Laughing to death! It's the sixth time to be killed by Daomei, and it hurts to see."

"I thought I was going to mix it up with him, but the screen went black again in an instant."

"It's too much to kill even if it's worthless."

"Is this the Chengzi brother who is serious? It's too heavy!"

"This person has a low EQ. Why do you say that an exhibition match is so heavy? 23333."

"Bizhila has basically never been hit, this is the script of the knife girl."

"I won once, but it's still too outrageous. Emperor C is like a fool in front of Brother Chengzi."

After killing Nuoshou, Lin Cheng took advantage of the fact that there was still a pawn line and started to push up to the second tower on the road.

The two-piece sword sister demolished the tower very quickly, and after waiting for another wave of soldiers, Lin Cheng directly flattened the second tower on the road.

Nuo Shou was beaten into a handicap, which was basically equivalent to the red side playing four against five. Lin Cheng searched the wild area and then switched lanes to team up with his teammates to do things.

Although I also have two orphans in the bottom lane, after all, Lulu and Karma are support, and they still have the role they should have.

In the 17th minute, the five members of KT formed a group in the middle, and the Douyu anchors rationally chose to let go of the first tower in the middle.

Bono's Lee Sin went into the jungle to fight against the opponent's red, and his teammates were about to disperse.

But at this time, Lin Cheng tentatively pulled Xeras and the policewoman outside the second tower of the red square middle road with a pair of wings.

Kuro's men backhanded Lin Cheng with a black shield.

"Lin Cheng, go! Bite him!"

Lin Cheng: "..."

I suspect that you are deliberately retaliating, and there is evidence.

Of course, Lin Cheng pressed the Q skill even though his mind was full of activities.

The azure light and shadow flickered, and the sharp blade of Daomei rushed straight to the policewoman under the tower.

Although he knew that there were many passers-by in the opponent, Lin Cheng felt that he could fight with a black shield on.

I want to hit ten!
(End of this chapter)

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