This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 370 Do you know who you are fighting against?

Chapter 370 Do You Know Who You Are Against? (seeking a monthly ticket)
After a wave of three kills, he ate another layer of tapestry. Lin Cheng, who was originally behind in the economic matchup, completely recovered.

In fact, Lin Cheng's two small long swords were originally intended to be combined with the warhammer, but after this wave, he knew that he no longer had to worry about line control, so he decisively combined the long swords into Tiamat, and the extra gold coins combined for attack speed shoe.

A hero like the barbarian king is a waste if he breaks in the early stage, but once he has an advantage, he is still very powerful.

Although Lin Cheng's CS is still a bit ugly, it undoubtedly has a considerable advantage.

After returning, seeing that Kalista dared to push the line, Lin Cheng went directly to the pawn pile and hit Tiamat with a knife.

Although there was no critical strike, Calista's blood volume still dropped by [-]% all at once.

Aiming hurriedly used the clump blade to slide back frantically.

Don't look at the opponent's flamboyant rubbing left and right, the barbarian king slowed down with a chicken head, and hit Calista's blood volume to less than half with two strikes, scaring Aiming to pull out his spear and run away in advance.

Originally, a hero like Calista had to be suppressed when he was on the top road. Being solo killed basically declared that he had lost his strategic significance.

As a result, Calista was killed by the barbarian king alone with the three middle and wild brothers, and Aiming could no longer suppress Lin Cheng's barbarian king on the sideline.

On the contrary, just like the current scene, he has to be careful of Lin Cheng's attack at all times. The barbarian king can easily kill Kalista solo if he finds an opportunity.

It was a pity for Lin Cheng to give his opponent a blow, "Oh! I didn't get a critical hit with three swords, so bad luck."

If this was the case before, he would think it was normal, after all, E didn't have much anger in the past.

But after experiencing the pinnacle of life just now, his appetite has already picked up.

Brother Cheng is also a powerful figure who once attacked six times in a row while naked.

Looking at the little girl next to him who was staring eagerly, Lin Cheng simply put his right hand around the mouse and let the little girl lean into his arms to watch him play games.

"Enxi, can you share your European energy with Uncle?"


The little girl leaned against Lin Cheng's arms and responded with a sticky voice, even though she didn't know what Lin Cheng's words meant.

The corner of Lin Cheng's mouth raised, "Jin Shengdi, why are you still fighting with me now?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room naturally exploded again, and the fans scolded Lin Cheng for his shameless behavior while playing games.

Lin Cheng got better, and the anchors also found their place below.

Before the card's ultimate move was completed, Olaf caught the opportunity of Kled and the robot to finally push the line to go around.

When Morgana's first Q skill was empty, Olaf used his big move to keep people away, and cooperated with the policewoman's output to kill the robot first.

Although the remaining Kled got off his horse and pulled into the tower with a pistol, Olaf's last ax also slowed down Kled.

At this time, Xerath just rushed to the river and began to fire the cannon. After three shots, Kled's head was successfully taken away.

Xerath himself has the right to push the line against cards in the early stage of the line, and he can't support his teammates at all without Kuro's ultimate move, so he can only watch the bot lane duo get caught to death.

The teammates below were severely injured, and the prince wanted to come up and catch the barbarian king to stop the loss.

When Lin Cheng's barbarian saw the prince's E skill, he directly touched Calista's face, jumping up and slashing down with a knife.

what!Crit hit.

Lin Cheng was overjoyed, Enxi little girl is indeed an invincible lucky star.

The moment Calista slipped, the Barbarian King made another strike.

Another crit.

Calista herself was not satisfied with her blood volume, and she was almost crippled after being slapped twice by Lin Cheng.

Bono's prince decisively made the first move.

Calista slid out of the terrain created by the prince, and threw spears wildly outside.

The prince poked the barbarian king twice, but Lin Cheng made another critical blow with two backhands, directly knocking out more than one-third of the prince's blood.

Bono hurriedly EQ out of the range of his ult.

Lin Cheng didn't even need to flash, and when he was beaten by Calista inside, he even showed a mocking expression.

Master Ka, how about scraping here?
Calista's damage is of course not scraping, but it is impossible to directly kill the barbarian king by inserting spears during the time of the prince's ultimate move, even if Lin Cheng's blood volume was not enough at the beginning.

The prince's ult disappeared, and Lin Cheng took two steps forward.

At the moment Calista slid and turned around, W contemptuously shot.

The chicken head just slowed down the two of them.

Kalista hastened to draw her spear.


The barbarian king still has about one-fifth of his blood left.

Originally, Kalista's spear-drawing damage was difficult to estimate, and the opponent had a chance to complete the kill before the barbarian king opened his ult, so pulling out the spear in advance declared the GANK failure.

At the same time as the opponent pulled out the spear, Lin Cheng stepped up and received a critical blow.

Aiming flashed decisively with residual blood.

But because of too many critical strikes, the Barbarian King's E skill got better again, so Lin Cheng launched a whirlwind, turning Kalista to death directly.

Triumphantly recovering blood, the barbarian king rushed towards the prince dragging his sword.

Bono hadn't recovered from the deceleration of the chicken head before he was hit by the barbarian king twice.

The prince ran away with his head in his arms, but because of the advantage of the second-speed shoes, Lin Cheng insisted on chasing him and hacking him to death with his E skill.

"Haha! Enxi, you are really amazing."

Lin Cheng couldn't help rubbing Enxi's little head vigorously. Just now, he only had two swords without critical strikes, which was really exaggerated for a barbarian king who didn't have a critical strike outfit.

Being praised for no reason, the little girl grinned innocently, making all the water friends in the live broadcast very sad.

Such a cute and European girl, who wouldn't want to rub her little head?
After this wave of double kills, Lin Cheng's barbarian king took off completely, eating a tower on the road alone, and went home in more than 11 minutes and directly touched the blue sword.

Lin Cheng's equipment is really too luxurious. When he saw the fight in the lower half, he went out and rushed down. He happened to join the battlefield at the endgame stage.

You must know that sprinting is already done, Lin Cheng sprinted like a mad dog, he would slash at anyone he saw, and under frequent critical strikes, he easily got three kills.

Lin Cheng's pain mask at the beginning has been thrown to Aiming.

When the barbarian king met him, he cut it up. At 16 minutes, Calista was not only solo-killed twice by Lin Cheng, but also lost the second tower on the road.

The middle and lower roads of both sides did not drop a single tower, Lin Cheng had already cleared the level on the top road, and he took out Endless directly when he went back.

Probably because they couldn't see Lin Cheng being too arrogant, when Lin Cheng ran to touch the highland tower on the road, the five people from the red side gathered to arrest him.

As a result, Lin Cheng once again showed the true colors of the European emperor. He was forced to take away the card with the E-face three-sword crit when he was the first player, and then flashed the face-to-face three-sword crit and hacked Kalista to death.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Cheng's big move was forced out, but his teammates had already come to support him.

Ke Lie had no time to get on his horse after being knocked off his horse. Lin Cheng jumped up and stabbed him to death twice, and got three kills.

The teammates have already started to kill people, giving Lin Cheng a chance to kill five.

As a result, after Lin Cheng hacked the robot to death, the prince lit up the stopwatch to delay the time.

Then, the opposite surrender takes effect.

Just before Lin Cheng was about to take the pentakill, the opponent's base exploded.

"Wow~~~ My pentakill! It's too much."

Lin Cheng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, he didn't expect the opponent to be so disgusting with himself.

But seeing Enxi staring at the computer screen seriously, Lin Cheng suddenly became happy again.

"That's all you have to offer, forget it, as the winners, I don't care about you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng touched Enxi's little head with a smile on his face, and said in a tone of magic stick:

" you guys know who you are fighting against? Lady Luck is in my arms, how do you fight with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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