Chapter 372 On the Road
The next morning, the four of them took the little girl into a rented caravan.

The RV is not big, with a length of 590 centimeters, just in line with the standard of a small car, so that everyone does not have to worry about the issue of the driver's license.

There are all the facilities in the car. The first half is the seating area, the middle part is equipped with kitchen and bathroom facilities, and the second half of the car is completely used as a resting place, with a separate hammock on it.

Generally, RVs seldom design the entire rear box as a resting space in this way. The body with a width of more than 240cm allows people to lie on it and rest horizontally, and it is not a problem to sleep three or four people at the same time.

Of course, even if he could sleep with Lin Cheng, he wouldn't be able to enjoy the treatment of being squeezed together with Han Shuyan. The tent was already prepared for him.

Sitting in the cab, Lin Cheng took the initiative to take up the hard work of being a driver.

This time their destination was in Jeonbuk. The driving time of more than three hours is common for drivers who are used to long-distance domestic driving, but it is really not easy for Koreans.

Han Shuyan took the initiative to sit in the passenger cab, Zheng Shiyan and Xiao Tong took the little girl to the back seat.

"Are you all seated yet? Get ready to come out."

The little girl obediently sat by the window, waving her short hands and shouting excitedly: "Let's go!"

The car started slowly, and the little girl leaned against the window, looking excitedly at the street scene outside, as if she was curious about everything.

But after a long time, the little girl's excitement passed, and with the sunshine coming in from the window, Enxi soon drew the curtains and leaned against her mother, looking dazed.

However, Lin Cheng, an idle driver, wanted to tease the little girl on purpose.

"Enxi, why don't you talk? Are you tired?"

The little girl muffledly responded.

"Can you talk to uncle? Uncle is so boring."


Enxi responded, but still remained silent.

Lin Cheng suddenly said excitedly: "Look, look! There is a big Baolulu outside."

"Where is it?"

The little girl regained her energy after a while, stretched her neck and opened the curtain to look out again and again.

"I lied to you, hahahaha!"

Lin Cheng laughed out loud, causing Han Shuyan to pinch him angrily.

The little girl who was struggling to find Baolulu just now was extremely wronged, she tilted her head, her hands were lying weakly on her sides, her short legs were spread apart, and she looked like Ge You paralyzed.

"Enxi ignores uncle."

The little girl's appearance made Zheng Shiyan and Xiao Tong laugh non-stop beside her.

These two people are usually too good to be good, even if Enxi is really pissed off by Lin Cheng, within 10 minutes she will be coaxed by Lin Cheng again, and continue to follow Lin Cheng's ass around.

Xiao Tong turned around and took out an ice cream from the refrigerator and handed it to the little girl, "Enxi, don't be angry, I'll give you ice cream."

The little girl regained her spirits and smiled sweetly holding the ice cream.

Xiao Tong brought ice cream to the other two, and Lin Cheng, who was the driver, naturally didn't have a share.

The cold and sweet taste revived the little girl who was originally babbling, and happily licked the ice cream.

"Enxi, can you give uncle a bite?"

Lin Cheng's words came from the front.

The little girl didn't think too much, and tried her best to stretch her little hand to hand the ice cream to Lin Cheng's ear.

"Uncle, I'll give you a bite."

She completely forgot that she just said to ignore Lin Cheng.


Lin Cheng turned his head and quickly bit down, directly biting off more than half of the ice cream in the little girl's hand.

The little girl stared blankly at the half of the ice cream butt left in her hand, and she couldn't turn her head around.

"Hmm~~~ It's so cold! But it's really delicious."

"Why did uncle eat so much in one bite?"

The little girl shrunk back to her seat with her mouth pursed and aggrieved, and gnawed on the rest of the ice cream. The smell of the ice cream quickly dissipated all the grievances on Enxi's face.

Zheng Shiyan glanced at her worthless daughter helplessly, and couldn't help but smile again when she saw her contented eating ice cream.

In front, Lin Cheng ate more than half of Enxi's ice cream, and then had the cheek to rub Han Shuyan's ice cream.

Han Shuyan fed the ice cream to Lin Cheng's mouth, and seeing him open his bloody mouth again, couldn't help but blame: "You stutter, I won't snatch it from you."

Only then did Lin Cheng chuckle, and after driving for a while, he turned his head to let Han Shuyan feed him a mouthful of ice cream, it was so beautiful.

Xiao Tong couldn't see Lin Cheng always acting like a gentleman, "Driver! Play some songs and listen."

Lin Cheng really wanted to say something to her: Are you teaching me how to do things?

But after thinking about it, it is not a wise move for him to turn his back on Xiaotong while driving and start a war easily.

Wake up the voice assistant casually, let me play some dynamic songs.

The music sounded, it was the song No. 9 that Miss Translator sang in the live broadcast room yesterday.

Originally, Lin Cheng's mobile phone didn't have these songs, but after he became familiar with Park Zhiyan, he listened to them twice from time to time.

Although it was a song several years ago, I have to say that the rhythm of their song is really brainwashing.

Bright music filled the carriage, and the little girl couldn't help but shout after listening to it for a while: "Uncle, this sister sang wrongly, that's not how my translator sang yesterday, this sister sang too fast."

Lin Cheng was silent for two seconds: "Well~~~ Indeed, I don't know why the original singer always rushes to shoot? Uncle is also very disappointed."

It is necessary to criticize Park Ji Yeon and her friends.

It is recommended to study hard according to Miss Baozi's version.

The rest of the people were confused, but couldn't help but laugh after Lin Cheng patiently explained.

Laughing and laughing all the way, everyone got out of the car and had a meal when passing Daejeon, and finally approached the destination after driving for an hour.

Arriving in Jinan County, Jeollabuk-do, everyone left the main road and entered a road covered in branches.

The road is not wide, and the tall trees on both sides are neatly arranged in a guarding manner. The upper branches of the trees are luxuriant and interlaced, making the whole path covered in shade, with only mottled sunlight pouring down through the gaps between the branches and leaves.

"Wow! It's really beautiful!"

Everyone couldn't help taking out their mobile phones and snapping pictures outside the window.

Passing through this tree-lined road, the vision suddenly opens up, and there is a berth next to the clear lake in front.

Entering the berth, you can see the surrounding green forests, green grass and clear lake water. The winding Longtan Lake shimmers in the sun, and the many small islands on the opposite bank are overwhelming.

Opening the car door, Xiao Tong couldn't help feeling: "This is really like the scene in Lord of the Rings."

Several people looked at the surrounding landscape and were all amazed by this beautiful picture scroll.

In fact, the country's natural beauty is more, more spectacular and more magnificent.

However, there are more domestic people.

It is often not so easy to immerse yourself in this natural beauty, and more often it is crowded with people.

(End of this chapter)

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