This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 380 Fellow villagers, how are you!

Chapter 380 Fellow villagers, how are you!

Lin Cheng didn't expect that he was knocking on Kuro's door, but Kuro didn't wake up, and all the other teammates were lying.

Although he feels that he occupies the moral high ground, people who are not awake will not talk morally to him at all.

"Hey! Since you all made such friendly requests, Brother Cheng will show mercy and let you sleep for a while."

Afraid of being beaten up by his teammates who were angry with getting up, Lin Cheng muttered something in a low voice, took out his phone and dialed Kuro's number.

Soon, the magical chicken march came faintly from inside the Kuro gate.

There was finally movement from inside.

The door was opened, and Kuro looked at Lin Cheng in pajamas with a dark face, while bending down and rubbing his knees, hissing non-stop, as if there had just been a minor accident.

"Why are you calling so early? You almost scared me to death."

Looking at Kuro's black face, Lin Cheng happily said, "Why have you become so dark after not seeing you for a month? If you get darker, even makeup can't save you."

Kuro just woke up, and stared at Lin Cheng with lifeless fish eyes, "I have something to say."

Lin Cheng: "Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. I just want to ask if you're awake? If you don't, continue to sleep."


Kuro opened his mouth, feeling his anger build up rapidly.

After Lin Cheng finished playing cheap, he quickly turned around and ran back to his dormitory, not giving Kuro a chance to make a crit strike at all.

"Hahaha! Let you eat solo food! Eating solo food will rot your mouth!"

Lin Cheng, who had slipped away, avoided the limelight for a while in the dormitory, then got into the training room and started a solo row.

In the next two days, under the contact of Kang Dongxun, KT held training matches with several other LCK teams participating in MSC this time.

KT also tried more wild core play, but found helplessly that their team didn't seem to be very suitable for the wild core route, and the effect was not as good as the one they played in the spring split.

Even though Bono spent a whole vacation practicing hard on heroes like Leopard Girl, he was always almost boring to play.

To say that Bono's wild core heroes are best played by dead songs, but the opposite wild cores have leopard female and male guns, how can you play with dead songs?
No way, in the last training match before the MSC match, KT returned to its essence and no longer forced to change its style of play.

In this training match, KT easily swept the opponent.

The grouping of MSC has already been determined, but the specific arrangement of the competition is only announced near the start of the competition.

The eight participating teams are divided into two groups, the two teams ranked first and fourth in the two divisions and the second and third teams in the opposing division are divided into one group.

The four teams in the same group will play a single-round BO1 match, and the top two teams will advance to the knockout round.

KT and DRX are divided into Group A, TES and FPX are also in the same group, and the remaining four teams form Group B.

The schedule is very tight, and the entire MSC will take four days in total.

On the first day, the two promotion places in Group A will be determined, and the places in Group B will be determined on the second day, and the two BO5s in the semifinals and finals will be played in the next two days.

On May 5th, the long-awaited MSC opening day arrived.

At [-]:[-] p.m. Korean time, the entire KT team boarded a bus and headed to LOL Park in Jongno-gu.

Although this competition is an online competition, the players of the two divisions need to compete in the offline venues of the two places. The LCK will naturally be held in LOL PARK.

The only LCK teams that played today are KT and DRX in Group A. The players from both sides happened to meet each other when they arrived at the venue, and they greeted each other friendly before entering the waiting room.

In the first game, KT will play against the No.3 FPX in the LPL Spring Split.

Staring at the live broadcast screen in the lounge, Lin Cheng was full of anticipation, "Hey! Finally there is another game to play, I'm almost rusty."

Kuro: "Will you be nervous when you play against a team from another division for the first time?"

Lin Cheng: "No! I'm not nervous at all, I beat Jin Donghe every day in RANK, I'm very familiar with it!"

Kuro: "..."

No wonder Jin Donghe instigates me to speak some very connotative Chinese to you every day. It???s not without reason.

While everyone was chatting and laughing, the time was approaching four o'clock, and the players of the two teams were getting ready in the exit channel, and the opening ceremony was about to begin.

Seeing Keria standing at the end of the DRX team like a doormat, Lin Cheng said cheerfully: "Minxi! Play hard today, remember to treat me to dinner after the game."

Keria agreed, but Mr. Dai took a look at Lin Cheng: "You are older than Minxi, shouldn't you be the one to treat?"

Keria quickly waved her hands, "Ah~~~ I said before that I would treat my brother to dinner, but I never had the chance."

"Fight hard! Try not to be eliminated."

Lin Cheng put his hand on Keria's shoulder, and he also sent blessings to Mr. Dai, "Don't die suddenly again today, remember to play Jess without teleportation."

Deft: "..."

You know, the original EDG Teleportation Brothers were not only remembered by LPL audiences, even LCK audiences still mention his "Golden Legend" Jess from time to time.

Others in DRX were not familiar with Lin Cheng, and watching this scene, he felt like a rogue bully who came to provoke him.

Keria is only 17 years old, and she is not tall. With Lin Cheng on her shoulders, she looks like a child, and Lin Cheng is draping the child while exposing Mr. Dai's scars. Isn't this a typical villain?
Mr. Dai was about to speak harshly, but Kuro ran over and pulled Lin Cheng away first. He felt that if this little brother was so arrogant, he would be beaten to death outside sooner or later.

After waving at Mr. Dai and Keria, Lin Cheng returned to the team and stared honestly at the broadcast screen next to him.

Just in time, the figure of the host appeared on the stage of LOL PARK.

The on-site host is Li Xianjing, the female host who once hosted the SKY college e-sports competition.

The opening ceremony of MSC this time was kept simple, just the offline hosts from both sides introduced their teams and that was it.

"Hey! She seems very nervous."

Seeing that the card in Li Xianjing's hand seemed to be trembling a little, Lin Cheng found it inconceivable.

Kuro hesitated: "She has been hosting for several years, so she shouldn't be so nervous."

Coincidentally, the DRX players came on stage, walked around the competition seats and stood in front of the stage to make a stand. After the host introduced them one by one, they exited from the other side of the stage.

Such a short process made Lin Cheng call it sloppy in the background.

But sloppy is sloppy, and then it's time for KT to debut.

Lin Cheng took the lead and stood in front of the stage. When Li Xianjing introduced his ID, Lin Cheng waved to the camera.

If it wasn't for the absence of a microphone, Lin Cheng even wanted to say something to the domestic LPL audience:
Folks, how are you!

In the Chinese live broadcast room, many viewers who usually do not pay attention to LCK games also left the ID of Cheng, and had an impression of Lin Cheng himself for the first time.

"This is the legendary LCK Chinese foreign aid?"

"Fuck! It's really handsome,"

"I've only watched his operation highlights, but I didn't expect the real person to be so handsome."

"Brother Cheng, don't play professionally, come and fencing with me."

???MSI has started, let's go to watch the game
(End of this chapter)

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